
Sunday, October 14, 2007

China has 106 billionaires, the wealthiest is a female
by Nina Gotzmannova

Everyone knows China has some population issues and it's facing problems what to do with so many people. But the growth of new Chinese babies is not the only growth in the country. The number of wealthiest people has increased up to seven times this year. Hurun Report, a Shanghai magazine, has published the list of wealthiest people on Wednesday. When it was first published nine years ago, there were only 50 people; each of them had at least six million dollars. This year there is 800 people ant the "poorest" one has 105 million dollars. China has 106 billionaires, compared to 15 last year. The net worth of the richest one 130 billion yuan, what makes $ 17.3 billion. And the richest one is a female. Yuan Huiyan is 26-year old female, graduate of Ohio State University and a property developer. Yuan is a daughter of Yeung Kwok Keung, the co-founder of a well known property development firm Country Garden Holdings. Her father transferred his shareholdings to Yuan in 2005. But her life and even her face was a secret for a long time. For the first time when her face was revealed to the public was in April 2007, on her wedding day, when the wedding pictures of her and her new husband spread over the internet. Two days before the Hurun magazine published its list, US magazine Forbes published similar list and also put Huiyan to the first place. Forbes estimated her wealth to only $16 billion.

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by Nina Gotzmannova
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