
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

National Adoption Day
by Romana Schlesingerova

Every year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, hundreds of judges, attorneys, adoptions agencies, adoption professionals and child advocates volunteer their time to finalize adoptions of children from foster care and celebrate all families who adopt. This day has been given a name- National Adoption Day. Coalition co founded by Freddie Mac Foundation gathered communities from all 50 states of USA and finalized more than 3,330 adoptions of children from the foster care. This November, it was another successful year- the 8th in the row. National Adoption Day began with the Alliance for Children's Rights and support from the Freddie Mac Foundation, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, and others in the year 2000. Presently, there are about 513,000 children in the foster care system; approximately 114,000 of them are waiting to be adopted. "Year after year, the National Adoption Day Coalition is inspired by the families who open up their homes and hearts to children in need of adoption and the dedicated individuals who devote years to promising a better future to children in foster care," said Ralph F. Boyd, Jr., Chairman and CEO of the Freddie Mac Foundation. This year, president George W. Bush personally joined the celebration. As much as Freddie Mac Foundation succeeded on the charity field, his personal business as the nation n.2 buyer and guarantor of home loans experiences a major crisis. Freddie Mac lost $2 billion in the third-quarter of this year, overrunning all realistic expectations of Wall Street analysts. The future of his company will depend on strict cuts and changes, connected with the raising prices of properties. His career is endangered, but looking back to the National Adoption Day and its benefits, the words of president Bush suit the best: "Few missions in life are more rewarding than uniting loving children with moms and dads for the very first time,"
by Romana Schlesingerova
for PocketNews (

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