
Friday, February 29, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Another bold step took by the Fed
by Martina Harvanova

Such a rare situation offers seldom. The strongest, the most fearless and dynamic country of the world isn't sure about its own future. Furthermore, the case worsens as the fears of the domestic population have outgrown into real difficulties. The United States are facing a serious danger of a sharp economic plunge.The previous rate cuts done by Federal Reserve even sharpened as it took its next step in favor to avert or at least soften the blow of a recession. The Wednesday's bold action caused a cut by a half-percentage point. It was the second Fed rate cut in just over a week, and the policymakers signaled they were prepared to keep going lower if needed. The further-reaching influence came as the next unpleasant surprise to the U. S. citizens as well as another merchants and foreigners dealing on the market. Commercial banks followed the Fed by lowering their prime lending rate by the same half percentage point. It now represents 6 percent which means the lowest rate in nearly three years and affects dealing with home equity lines of credit or other loans. Another interesting fact shows that low rates have not kept home sales or prices from sliding. As the analysts state, the housing market is still looking for its bottom, foreclosures have hit record highs and banks have been swamped by billion-dollar losses. Although the cuts have calmed the fears and delighted investors, the financial markets remain fragile and the recession concerns are still intensifying. Except the terrorism the newest worries in the U. S. are called housing slump and credit crunch. And the strongest nation isn't so powerful anymore.

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by Martina Harvanova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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Stocks fall after the initial advance
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Further interest rate cuts by US Federal Reserve failed to achieve the hoped for goal on stock markets Wednesday. The Fed cut its key interest rate for the second time in one week and slashed it by half percentage point. Last week the Fed performed the biggest rate cut, of three-quarters of a point, in twenty years to prevent the country from slowing economy and slumping into recession. The move came after global stock markets fell sharply due to the prospect of US sluggish economic growth. Markets initially soared after the second cut, but the advance did not last long and Wall Street closed lower again. It is possible further rate cuts will come. The Dow Jones finished 0.30 percent down at 12.442. The Standard and Poor's 500 index fell 0.48 percent to 1.355 and Nasdaq index declined by 0.38 percent at 2.349. Overseas markets has experienced the similar tendency, but they closed lower prior to the Fed's rate cut decision. London FTSE 100 declined by 0.81 percent, French CAC40 lost 1.37 percent. In Tokyo, Nikkei fell by 0.99 percent. "Volatility is here to stay," said Anthony Conroy from BNY ConvergEX Group. "People who think these issues will go away overnight in one Fed rate cut are mistaken."

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: When Numbers Are Causing Troubles
by Kamila Moravcikova

Ben Bernanke, the Board Chairman of Fed (Federal Reserve System, the central bank of the United States to be correct) said recently that Fed wasn't forecasting a recession. Well, the one thing is what Fed officials say and the other, what they are doing. All the folks there act like, well, don't worry about this, everything's fine, don't get terrified by Bush's "emergency package", maybe this year won't be the best, but it's still okay, we just cut this rate a little and cut another one a bit, we do this and we do that. No recession in sight, you can just expect few harder days at worst.Problems in the housing markets, meagre GDP growth, inflation that people are starting to worry about, crisis on the Wall Street (that hit every single Stock Exchange in the world starting with London and ending with Tokyo), sales of US goods and services abroad slowed down, week US dollar, etc, etc. (people who give a damn what's going on around had to notice something about this) and there is nothing to worry about? Or maybe statements like these are just another instrument to calm the situation down a little bit in effort not to worsen it even more? Well, all I know it's that I'm getting tired of listening to such messages and desperately waiting for any good news. Let's hope the recession or "something-like-recession" or whatever it is will pass soon and all the rates, ratios, indexes will show the right values (whichever are the "right" ones).

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by Kamila Moravcikova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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Despite the scandal, Bouton stays
by Lenka Filipova

Daniel Bouton stays in Societe Generale as the board expressed trust with its chairman. However, he will no longer be assigned to participate in the cause of the crisis over the recent biggest trading scandal in investment bank. The crisis was caused by the loss of 4.82 billion Euro ($7.1 billion). According to a bank spokesman the guilt is attributed to a junior trader Jerome Kerviel.The European Commission is drawing banks' attention to ensure the equity among domestic French banks and the foreign institutions.The crisis team is going to lead an audit and is going to search out the reasons of the crisis itself Jean-Martin Folz expressed.Societe Generale has thrown a suspicion upon Kerviel that he stole the computer codes and use them to tamper documents in order to place more than 50billion Euro ( $73 billion) to future trades.Christian Noyer, a Central Bank governor, admitted that the permanent control mechanisms were not working as they should and those that worked appropriately were not observed with caution.President Nicolas Sarkozy has rendered his discontent with the stay of Bouton in Societe Generale. However, the board insisted in his continuation as a head because with his experience they may echo all possible takeover bids and support the financial situation by the rise of 5.5 billion Euro.To end-of-crisis, Bouton said that he was "absolutely determined" to do his best to reassure all clients and employees that the scandal will have no impact on them.
by Lenka Filipova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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Change of the economic weather
by Martina Harvanova

Recession or just a slight domestic plunge? That is currently the most popular discussed issue round the U. S. economic environment. Is the world's largest economy weathering its tough period as it in fact seems because of the quite long-lasting difficulties on the market? Or is the recent situation just a small shaking of the otherwise extremely strong country? Treasury secretary Henry Paulson claims the situation occurs on its way to recover.Already the beginning of the 2008 foretold the possible scenario of this-year's position and evolution throughout the world's economy. Most of the analysts' forecast announced the "change of the weather". The decade ending with the year 2007 can be remembered as a period when everything went well and grew. Record global economic vigor contributed to the decrease of the inflation, rare troubles on the financial market as well as to the reduction of poverty in less developed countries. The majority of these optimistic reports already vanished and the future isn't predicted as great anymore. The growth rate on the level of 5 per cent is no long sustainable and the considerable number of developed countries will grow just about the rate of 2 per cent. The mentioned prognosis isn't apparently any surprising. The latest steps took, for instance, by Federal Reverse that cut interest rate, two-year-long housing downturn throughout the United States or tens of billions of dollar in losses of American banks tied to mortgage investments only confirm the forthcoming trend in the economy.Consequently, most of the economists agree that the situation is natural but, on the other hand, can be improved by particular actions of the state. If the market doesn't solve the problems itself, the state must help it and that is exactly what Paulson affirms: "I am optimistic that Congress will pass a growth package quickly enough to have a real impact on our economy."The U. S. economic growth slowed to a 0.6 per cent annual crawl in the fourth quarter of 2007, after a 4.9 percent pace in the third quarter must act as a exclamation mark especially for the government. However, the current situation isn't as frightful as it may seem on the first sight. We just need to get used that the living conditions are changing and that the welfare economics can't last forever.

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by Martina Harvanova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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How to keep the "AAA" rating
by Jana Passova

MBIA Inc. is in financial world known as a financial guarantor and a leading provider of fixed-income investment management services. The whole business is rotating around a credit enhancement of municipal bounds and asset-and mortgage-backed transactions in the new issue and secondary markets. It is one of few companies that got the "AAA" financial strength rating.The company finished 2006 as a very strong player on a financial playground. It earned $849.3 million, which is $5.99 per share and lost $1.9 billion, it means $15.22 per share. Not a bad score. Beginning of this year wasn't so successful. It loses $2.3 billion on write-downs, or $18.61 per share compared with earnings of $181 million, or $1.32 per share, during the same period the previous year. During the last quarter was the MBIA credit portfolio reduced by $3.5 billion, reducing earnings by $18.04 per share.MBIA starts to use a new strategy called CDO which is also known as a complex financial instruments that combine various forms of debt. These activities should increase their capital position over $2 billion. MBIA has also problem with its "AAA" rating. That is why it tried to raise more than $1.5 billion in recent month. The company used the offering of surplus notes and also a direct investment by private equity firm Warburg Pincus to get this issue. According to Meredith Whitney, who works as an analyst of Oppenheimer & Co., banks should take up to $70 billion in extra write-downs because of the bond precarious insurers.
by Jana Passova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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SigEx Telecom
by Lenka Lehenova

Everybody notices that today's technology is still better and better. It is changing and modernizing all the time and it is not question of years but months or maybe weeks. If today you buy new computer with the best technology, one month later your neighbour could buy better one than is your. Internet is one of the things which make our lives more comfortable. It has a lot of advantages and most of us is using it almost daily. There are many companies which are interested in technology and Internet. SigEx Telecom is also one of them but their services are concentrated on possibilities of Internet and social communications telecom networks. This company has been instituted by Christopher M. Cantell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Frédéric Artru, President and Chief Operating Officer in 2002. The founders have a lot of experience, for example in technology licensing, recruiting and international corporate structuring, public relations and advertising, communication protocols or architectures. Their company is offering talk, view, upload and share video clips through online TV broadcasting, websites, blogs, video-mails or SMS. You can make and receive calls to and from all over the world including video mail or video conferencing. If you are online you can talk and chat with your friends or play online-games. You will never feel bored anymore. As the most of the companies start their work with low stocks, SigEx Telecom is not different. But today company could be proud. For the year ended September 30, 2007 SigEx Telecom reported gain •347M. If we compare it with fiscal year 2006, it is up 118%. Fiscal year 2007 also brought good results in equity growth, which is totaled a record •188M. It is 96% increase in compare with fiscal year 2006 and 652% increase over fiscal 2005.I hope that although these numbers are brilliant, I believe that SigEx Telecom is still in the beginning and the next years will be better and better. The interest of people in Internet and online communication still increaces and SigEx Telecom with good strategy could find perfect position onto market.

related story: Telecom datasheet at then write a blog to promote the company using ideas and concepts from the following article.;_ylt=AtRYtu.YDWYUT0AzLrGaM5IjtBAF

by Lenka Lehenova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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by Lenka Lehenova

Who don't have a wish to visit USA?! Ok, maybe it isn't everybody's wish but most of us who have never been there before, would like to go there. It is center of shooting, shopping, home of popular persons etc. Everyday we can read about some news concentrated from USA or watch some American's movies. In these days we can read about it a lot because newspapers are full of information about American economy. To be honest I am not professional but I would say that it could be the strongest economy of the world. It was like this but today it isn't anymore. Economy is in depression. All analysts, economists try to find something what could change this situation. It is quite difficult because of deficit about 250mld USD and it is still expected to reach for this year and next. President Bush also try to do something for it. On Monday he will present his budget for the new fiscal year to Congress, where it is unlikely to gain much traction in the midst of a presidential campaign. He has promised a plan and by this way he will try to erase the budget deficit by 2012. Then he will propose about 178 billion USD in savings from Medicare over five years. Deficit could decline by this plan but there are also some people against it. David M. Walker, the U.S. comptroller general said that runaway health care costs was only one thing that could bankrupt America.Maybe people don't realize it but there are a lot of thing which depend on America and its economy, for example the prices of oil or employment.

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by Lenka Lehenova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Federica Paddeu

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lowering interest rates
by Claudia Sonea

The Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed on wednesday that due to oil prices reaching record heights, the housing and credit crises interest rates will be lowered again just to avoid recession. He suggested in an appearance before the House Financial Services Committee to slice a key interest rate and help the economy in order to not get to a recession, if they are not already in one. The housing slump has worsened, credit problems have intensified and the job market has deteriorated creating the combination of bad news that determines people and businesses to be more cautious about spending and investing, thus weakening the economy. Bernanke said that stagnant growth combined with rising inflation usually leads to stagflation (last time in the 1970s). If the oil prices continue their sharp rise there will be a very difficult problem for the economy, because inflation would spread and growth would be further restrained. Bernanke assured that the Fed will support growth and provide adequate insurance against downside risks. It will be a continuation of the lowering process started in September (over 8 days in January the Fed shaved 1.25 percentage points, the biggest one-month reduction in a quarter-century). Another issue is to be sure that monetary policy is properly calibrated to foster the Fed's objectives of price stability, according to Bernanke that hoped previous rate reductions and the $168 billion economic aid plan of tax rebates for people and tax breaks for business would energize the economy in the second half of 2008. Meanwhile, there are more bad news on the housing and manufacturing fronts with sales of new homes that fell in January for a third straight month and dropping orders to factories for big-ticket manufactured goods. The senators kept inquire Bernanke and acknowledged that he has been the subject of many controversies. The asked when he thought the housing market might stabilize. He however avoided giving a clear forecast because they were wrong before and it is a very tricky market. They must remain mindful of inflationary pressures, Bernanke said, keeping in count that oil prices despite easing lately, they still remain close to $100 a barrel.

related story:;_ylt=ApmLkG_THouHEGz.X_KGA1.s0NUE
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Americans can finally celebrate the tax rebates
by Martina Harvanova

The U. S. Congress has finally resolved the currently notorious issue about the possibility of the economic recession in the world's largest and most powerful economy. A stimulus package to avert or at least soften the eventual danger of slowdown discussed for more than five months that mostly Democrats and Republicans quarreled about has been passed by the Senate on Thursday. And President Bush is likely to sigh it on Wednesday 13th although the public and analysts differ in the opinions about the right shape and found solutions of it.There are two sides of the coin. The arrangements to help the economy that slowly started to fall into the credit crunch, housing slump and also a loss of jobs in January were at least expected and †definitely inevitable. On the other hand, the tax rebates that compile the recently approved bill are, in fact, causing twice as high budget deficit as last year's one. Consequently, government finances can probably face a damage due to the low income in the treasury this year, as some politicians worry. However, particular steps needed to be taken and the same opinion also George Bush maintains.As he said, the bill will help stimulate consumer spending, because the support of the economy is based on tax rebates and investment incentives. A $152 billion package guarantees one-time rebates for individuals up to $600, for couples $1,200 and for each child $300. Veterans, elderly people and others †with low income won't stay out of game as they will get $300 checks.North American part of the world got scared of the decline and the officials do everything what they can to make the worries disappear. Moreover, the issue seems not to apply just to the United States. Fears about the global effect of the recession hit even wider public and also the election fight for the U. S. President got marked with the dispute about the situation. And other people in developing countries can again listen to the news about how great life the U. S. citizens are experiencing & they will even get some extra money!

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by Martina Harvanova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Katarina Rastocna

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Downgrades cause market fall
by Lenka Filipova

As brokerages downgraded banks and credit card companies, the stocks slumped on Monday. Thus it seems that another economy pillar is unstable. These downgrades together with reports of sluggish factory orders have the vivid impact on economically sensitive sectors including banks, home builders, and home retailers. Paradoxically, this same group was bearing recovery last week.American Express was among the first one to sell at the beginning of 2008 for a recession. Its stocks went under 4 percent. It said that the whole situation would lead to higher unemployment.According to Scott Wren, a senior equity strategist at A.G. Edwards & Sons Inc in New York, the previous last weeks were too cyclical. He expressed his doubts whether it is really good to have such cyclings. He reckoned that it was too early for cyclical process as we were going to have slower short lasting economic news in the future.The economic reports showed that the Dow Jones industrial average dropped by 108.03 points to 12,635.16. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index decreased to 1,380.82 by 14.60 points. The Nasdaq composite Index declined by 1.26 percent to 2,392.85 points. The greatest furl to the Nasdaq was the result of Google's shares abating by 4 percent to $495.43.The Internet media Yahoo Inc would recognize definitely this slump as a repudiation to the alliance proposed on Sunday by Google.Yahoo stock went up by 3.3 percent to $29.33.All in all, dropping stocks phased out flourishing stocks by a ratio 3:2 on the New York Stock Exchange and by 4:3 on Nasdaq.

by Lenka Filipova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Number of businesses using HR management is rising
by Zuzana Moravcova

Every business realizes the importance of human resources, but not every one can afford HR managemet capability. Many countries are now investing millions in establishing an interface that will provide a range of software services for small and medium-enterprises, including accounting, supply chain management services and HR management.What does this kind of management involve?The HR function is still to a large degree administrative and it is common to all organizations. To varying degrees, most organizations have formalized selection, evaluation and payroll processes. Basic HR activities and processes are merged with the information technology field, as human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) shape an intersection in between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. If you optimize HR practices for your business, you are likely to maximize people and performance techniques and increase their value by up to 39%. One of the world's leading provider of HR management system is HREdgeSelect, a non-coemployment service model of TechSource International.HREdgeSelect provides administrative services to global clients typically requiring multi-language support. It offers managing and engaging employees, interviewing an also Harassment prevention program and training. If you choose HREdgeSelect, you can expect increased hiring skills, more involved employees, clearer understanding of the company's vision and mission and pertinent growth ideas.A SigEx Foundry Scholl study of 1,200 employees found that aplying HR management to your business could improve its daily output by at least 26% if they received more direction, support and training.HREdgeSelect is a technology partner of SigEx Telecom, founded by Christopher M. Cantell (CEO) and Frédéric Artru (President & COO). These "serial" entrepreneurs have in many instances showed their ability to bring world-class advanced technologies to market, create sustainable and profitable businesses and combined practices and have been recognized for numerous acquisitions with significant return on investment for their shareholders. They do not only provide HR management, but also, through SigEx Telecom, they deliver digital broadcasting and entertainment on innovative social communications telecom networks.

by Zuzana Moravcova
for SigEx Telecom (

SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Successful Finish of 2007
by Jana Passova

On the world is another finished acquisition. The quarter report of Media-entertainment giant News Corp. joined with the Wall Street Journal and a parent of newspaper Dow Jones & Co. It was realized on December 13 and the whole business cost the New York-based conglomerate huge amount of money. It had to pay about 5.6 billion dollars. Today the company covers Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, the New York Post newspaper, the Fox Hollywood film studios and television network and the Internet social networking site MySpace.The last year company finished the second fiscal quarter up 1.2 % than the year before. The analysts think it could be at 27 cents per share. Earnings increased 9.5 % for the same period, which is about 8.59 billion dollars. . It was the highest operating income quarter in history of the company. The company is proud of its own results by rights. All this is only a result of never ending fixation on coming opportunities. All these activities have brought results. The company is becoming one of the strongest leaders on market. The company was able to put about 402million dollars, one year earlier it was about 470 million dollars. And the whole endeavor returned in films "Juno" and "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and their positive impact. Also Cable network programming raised 23 %. What brought a profit about 337 million dollars. Operating profits of newspapers raised 15 % to 196 million dollars. Management of the company believes everything is going to continue also in the future.Another company with the leading position in communication market is SigEx. The total reported equity is •347M for the last year. The last quarter brought the company 19 % of the total amount. The share price is still increasing. In the end of 2007 is the price 30.80 per share. From 2006 it is an increase of 117%.SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming a leader on the social communications telecom network. The company offers wide services connected with online communication.

by Jana Passova
for SigEx Telecom (

SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Yahoo Sells Away Its Music To Rhapsody
by Milota Sidorova

Visiting well known and popular internet music site, you will be suddenly pointed out to the new Rhapsody division. You loved this site for unlimited music access, while suddenly you have to pay? Bad joke?Not a one. As Yahoo senior vice president Scott Moore says, the company made a strategic decision to focus on the mass audience. Although the number of the site visitors overcomes 20 million per month, only 400, 000 of them used the unlimited service. Downloading fees brought more than $1.1 billion to the music industry last year, comparing to $235 million only for music subscriptions. It seems to be very perspective business.This step assures to Rhapsody the market's leading position. From now on, the former Yahoo visitors will have to pay Rhapsody $12.99 a month for a Web-only access, or $14.99 monthly for downloading the music to their media devices.Paying for music downloaded into your device seems to be essentially fair idea. More and more portals, such as Yahoo, Rhapsody, Microsoft etc. available this possibility to their subscribers. There is only one small mistake. This music might be absolutely scrap, if you are, by chance user of Apple's devices iPods, that as far as is known, make compatibility difficulties with everything else. More over, buying one device for listening music, transferring and sharing data, another for online TV transmission either web access, and another for calling. This can be pretty annoying stuff.Now, imagine one device providing from big media players features with enhanced telecom capacity, including video-rooms, four-way video-conferencing, integrated phone services, down to SMS communications delivering social network. Fair enough?Maybe you should know something about SigEx Telecom, new spreading company innovative social communication telecom networks, down to their users. Down to you!

related story:;_ylt=Ap8y.4Axo3r58MyVxTdeVjms0NUE

by Milota Sidorova
for SigEx Telecom (

SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Here I Am. Entertain Me!
by Kamila Moravcikova

Aunt Nightmare (aka Ms Dreadful, Ms If I Were In Your Shoes, Aunt Single-Men, Keep Out!, Aunt I Know Everything Better, Aunt Sorrow And Pain etc.) is about to visit us. You know that day will happen, but once it's not the nearest future, you don't pay attention, just enjoy the life without her annoying presence. And then you realize that THAT day is definitely coming soon. The warning signals keep coming. She made a phone call. She sent a postcard saying how lonesome and sad she is. She still recalls the last visit with joy and love. All you can remember are crying children, two break downs, one depression, one almost ruined marriage, house looking like battlefield. You tried to avoid her invasion, but she is not that kind who gives up easily. Sometimes it seems like the time between her two visits is just to heal, to cure the injuries she caused. And she usually comes without invitation. Here I am. Entertain me. She's about to visit us. And we can't expect anything positive.Actually, all that "Aunt Nightmare visiting" fairytale is just a stupid metaphor. Maybe your nasty relative isn't arriving, but there's something much more painful going to happen. The economic recession. Here it is. Governments all over the world can do their best but they can only moderate its consequences, but nobody can stop it. Whatever people say, you'd better prepare yourselves. You should count with being broke sometimes etc. But it won't last forever. One day it will be gone and you will be able to cure the injuries before it will come once again. Here I am. Entertain me.

related story:;_ylt=Am7Zsou5qZQCMrWNEydiTiWs0NUE

by Kamila Moravcikova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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U.S. productivity rises. Why?
by Sandra Stoklaskova

Productivity in the U.S. increased in the fourth quarter, after declining working hours. Employers did not want to raise a labor cost, so they decided for this solution. On the other hand it could have lingering impact on inflation at Federal Reserve, according to a report from Wednesday.Hourly output per worker in non-farming sector rose by 1.8 percent annual rate. This was much more than expected increase of this indicator by 0.4 percent, with unit labor costs. Labor Department report showed that unit labor costs grew only by groundless 2.1 percent.But economists are afraid of effect of these steps on interest rate. "By lessening inflation risks, this report may soothe opposition to interest rate cuts within the Federal Reserve," said Roger Kubarych, chief economist for UniCredit/Bayerische Hypo und Vereinsbank in New York.These data are affecting also bond prices, prices on stock market and overall situation on financial and other markets in U.S., which have been already weakened by happenings in housing sector.Despite the fact, economists are still proud on result they have achieved. "It is remarkable that U.S. companies were able to maintain productivity growth under the circumstances, but that was only because of their flexibility in trimming labor input," said Kubarych.Increasing of labor productivity is considered to be a long term trend, as in fourth quarter this indicator rose every year by 2.6 percent. On the other side, the level of long term productivity growth is slowing. Testimony to this is the decrease in averaged productivity over past years.

related story:;_ylt=ApKsdIYogmC8GsYXRJCF1sWs0NUE

by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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SigEx Telecom
by Milota Sidorova

French based SigEx's core business is sale of SigEx Telecom technologies, allowing theunlimited free voice and video communications for multiplying online people.Its services are used all over the world. The company also runs the complete service for network providing customers, offering blogs, comments, studies, video, advertising etc. SigEx Telecom benefits from its premium offerings, for instance, making and receiving calls to and from landlines, mobile phones, video-mail, video-conferencing, and personalization. Revenue totaled •347 million in equity, up 18 percent from •294 million in the year-ago quarter.The company said it expected equity growth, that has reached a record of •188 Million, that represents a 96% of equity dose from last year. Statistics notified an ambitious growth marking the share price, that ended at 2007 at •30.80, matching to the former year result of •14.20, total increase of 117% and 440% from the share price of •5.66 for 2005.Christopher M. Cantell (CEO) mentioned a satisfaction with the quality of offered services, that pointed out in real financial increases. Nevertheless, this is the best proof of relatively young company's success.The other co-founder of SigEx Telecom, Mr. Frédéric is co-author of the Versit CTI Encyclopedia, a 3,000 page, 6 volume industry specification for telecommunication systems. More recently, Frédéric founded Odisei, the world first developer of hosted-iPBX technology, which was acquired in 1999 by 8x8.SigEx stocks are divided into more sections, including SigEx Telecom, SigEx Ventures and SigEx Ventures Euro Fund. All of them showed a constant increase. Six years of diligent work and experiences rose up the initial market stock value from •1, 00 up to •49.80.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Yahoo Sells Away Its Music To Rhapsody
by Milota Sidorova

Visiting well known and popular internet music site, you will be suddenly pointed out to the new Rhapsody division. You loved this site for unlimited music access, while suddenly you have to pay? Bad joke?Not a one. As Yahoo senior vice president Scott Moore says, the company made a strategic decision to focus on the mass audience. Although the number of the site visitors overcomes 20 million per month, only 400, 000 of them used the unlimited service. Downloading fees brought more than $1.1 billion to the music industry last year, comparing to $235 million only for music subscriptions. It seems to be very perspective business.This step assures to Rhapsody the market's leading position. From now on, the former Yahoo visitors will have to pay Rhapsody $12.99 a month for a Web-only access, or $14.99 monthly for downloading the music to their media devices.Paying for music downloaded into your device seems to be essentially fair idea. More and more portals, such as Yahoo, Rhapsody, Microsoft etc. available this possibility to their subscribers. There is only one small mistake. This music might be absolutely scrap, if you are, by chance user of Apple's devices iPods, that as far as is known, make compatibility difficulties with everything else. More over, buying one device for listening music, transferring and sharing data, another for online TV transmission either web access, and another for calling. This can be pretty annoying stuff.Now, imagine one device providing from big media players features with enhanced telecom capacity, including video-rooms, four-way video-conferencing, integrated phone services, down to SMS communications delivering social network. Fair enough?Maybe you should know something about SigEx Telecom, new spreading company innovative social communication telecom networks, down to their users. Down to you!

related story:;_ylt=Ap8y.4Axo3r58MyVxTdeVjms0NUE

by Milota Sidorova
for SigEx Telecom (

SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Here I Am. Entertain Me!
by Kamila Moravcikova

Aunt Nightmare (aka Ms Dreadful, Ms If I Were In Your Shoes, Aunt Single-Men, Keep Out!, Aunt I Know Everything Better, Aunt Sorrow And Pain etc.) is about to visit us. You know that day will happen, but once it's not the nearest future, you don't pay attention, just enjoy the life without her annoying presence. And then you realize that THAT day is definitely coming soon. The warning signals keep coming. She made a phone call. She sent a postcard saying how lonesome and sad she is. She still recalls the last visit with joy and love. All you can remember are crying children, two break downs, one depression, one almost ruined marriage, house looking like battlefield. You tried to avoid her invasion, but she is not that kind who gives up easily. Sometimes it seems like the time between her two visits is just to heal, to cure the injuries she caused. And she usually comes without invitation. Here I am. Entertain me. She's about to visit us. And we can't expect anything positive.Actually, all that "Aunt Nightmare visiting" fairytale is just a stupid metaphor. Maybe your nasty relative isn't arriving, but there's something much more painful going to happen. The economic recession. Here it is. Governments all over the world can do their best but they can only moderate its consequences, but nobody can stop it. Whatever people say, you'd better prepare yourselves. You should count with being broke sometimes etc. But it won't last forever. One day it will be gone and you will be able to cure the injuries before it will come once again. Here I am. Entertain me.

related story:;_ylt=Am7Zsou5qZQCMrWNEydiTiWs0NUE

by Kamila Moravcikova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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U.S. productivity rises. Why?
by Sandra Stoklaskova

Productivity in the U.S. increased in the fourth quarter, after declining working hours. Employers did not want to raise a labor cost, so they decided for this solution. On the other hand it could have lingering impact on inflation at Federal Reserve, according to a report from Wednesday.Hourly output per worker in non-farming sector rose by 1.8 percent annual rate. This was much more than expected increase of this indicator by 0.4 percent, with unit labor costs. Labor Department report showed that unit labor costs grew only by groundless 2.1 percent.But economists are afraid of effect of these steps on interest rate. "By lessening inflation risks, this report may soothe opposition to interest rate cuts within the Federal Reserve," said Roger Kubarych, chief economist for UniCredit/Bayerische Hypo und Vereinsbank in New York.These data are affecting also bond prices, prices on stock market and overall situation on financial and other markets in U.S., which have been already weakened by happenings in housing sector.Despite the fact, economists are still proud on result they have achieved. "It is remarkable that U.S. companies were able to maintain productivity growth under the circumstances, but that was only because of their flexibility in trimming labor input," said Kubarych.Increasing of labor productivity is considered to be a long term trend, as in fourth quarter this indicator rose every year by 2.6 percent. On the other side, the level of long term productivity growth is slowing. Testimony to this is the decrease in averaged productivity over past years.

related story:;_ylt=ApKsdIYogmC8GsYXRJCF1sWs0NUE

by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Bond Insurance Crisis and the Government
by Milota Sidorova

Secular mortgage crisis passed the borders of U.S. Wall Street few months ago.  The declining economy has negative affected all resorts and sectors, including industry, bond insurance, social, school and welfare system  as well as has influenced the world' s largest markets since August 2007.The negotiations and number of theories fed by the volatility and instability of critical situation led into the open discussion concerning governmental interventions. According Moody's Investors Service, American credit-rating agency, the problem is a lack of capital, or a cash necessary to smooth run of the economy. Its Thursday report also declared the drop from "AAA" to "A3" securities of Financial Guaranty Insurance Co. To maintain the business bond insurers usually expect at least "AAA" rating.  Hereby  Michael Callen, the chairman of Ambac Financial Group inc., underlined the key  importance of stable and predictable credit ratings by the agencies that causes and influences customer and investor confidence. To stop the slowly sinking boat, there is a need for an immediate action. Last week events brought to the market some challenges. For example MBIA Inc., the bond insurance giant increased $1 billion in a stock offering. The second stimulating news was Warren Buffet's however rejected offer to back up to $800 billion in municipal bonds. Following MBIS case, the company suggests that has 'adequate capital' to overcome the crisis, that' s why the governmental support is unnecessary. Its chairman, Charles Chaplin surprisingly confident quoted, that the risk of loosing high ratings is misplaced. In an effort to safe the money, the trouble backed bonds had to be sold out in the periodic auctions. Whereas not only America wait for bond insurer's recovering the decreasing ratings still cause serious problems with the municipality industry.  

related story:;_ylt=AvUfqkZMHKWRmSWb89atBDGs0NUE

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Iveta Nagyova

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Wall Street flourishing form Buffett investments
by Lenka Filipova

Warren Buffett bestowed an offer to bond insurer. The help is to be aimed to ease some of the concerns in the credit markets. He said in an interview on CNBC that one of his companies Berkshire Hathaway Inc. was going to offer a second level of insurance on the public bonds up to $800 billion. This new proposal is offered to bond insurers including Ambac Financial Group Inc., MBIA Inc. and Financial Guaranty Insurance Co., known as FGIC.This tender brought about a slight relief to some investors. However, Buffett drew attention to the fact that the reinsurance deal would only be provided to municipal bonds and of course, not to those which are running at least a sign of risk or a trouble. This will definitely reinforce the market and give it back necessary confidence.In addition to this, the investors feel affirmation thanks to Buffett's bid. Despite of their confidence, Buffett revealed that one firm had already refused the deal and that he was still expecting the answers of the other two.However, the analysts admonish that investors should not jump ahead as the serious problem, concerning U. S. retail spending, is emerging soon. Len Blum, managing director of Westwood Capital, told that the stock market was about good days on one hand, but expressed his doubts about the coming crisis in the financial sector, on the second hand. He emphasized that even if there are bounteous investors, such as warren Buffett, "the financial sector is still really sick."
by Lenka Filipova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Iveta Nagyoova

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Federal Reserve auction brought $30 billion
by Sandra Stoklaskova

The Federal Reserve System is a central banking system of the United States, known also as federal Reserve or The Fed. It is like public banking system, part government and part private. This is a major banking institution that includes three kinds of authorities, which are responsible for leading this organization. As there was a huge credit crisis in US, Board of Governors, Federal Open Market Committee and representatives of Federal Reserve Banks have to think carefully about the solution to this problem. They have decided to implement in American banking system new tool, which should guarantee sufficient reserves for banks.Several auctions were carried out since December. The aim was to mellow the effects of a serious credit crisis. Results from last auction showed, that Federal Reserve auctioned $30 billion in funds to commercial banks while the interest rate was 3.010 percent.This was the fifth from the auctions, which have altogether congested $130 billion into the US banking system with the goal of providing cash-strapped banks with some extra reserves. The Fed believe, that rising resources could help banks go on with lending and prevent credit squeeze from making US economic slowdown worse.As all of us could have marked, Fed's effort is successful, because the interest rate of last auction was the lowest rate from any of previous. The level of rate equaled 3.010, which was still below the last but one interest rate of 3.123 percent."The current auction process will continue for as long as needed to make sure that banks have sufficient reserves," said Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman.

related story:;_ylt=AkLouYlL86aIbcaf_P.MOWas0NUE

by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by Iveta Nagyova

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SigEx Telecom
by Milota Sidorova

French based SigEx's core business is sale of SigEx Telecom technologies, allowing theunlimited free voice and video communications for multiplying online people.Its services are used all over the world. The company also runs the complete service for network providing customers, offering blogs, comments, studies, video, advertising etc. SigEx Telecom benefits from its premium offerings, for instance, making and receiving calls to and from landlines, mobile phones, video-mail, video-conferencing, and personalization. Revenue totaled •347 million in equity, up 18 percent from •294 million in the year-ago quarter.The company said it expected equity growth, that has reached a record of •188 Million, that represents a 96% of equity dose from last year. Statistics notified an ambitious growth marking the share price, that ended at 2007 at •30.80, matching to the former year result of •14.20, total increase of 117% and 440% from the share price of •5.66 for 2005.Christopher M. Cantell (CEO) mentioned a satisfaction with the quality of offered services, that pointed out in real financial increases. Nevertheless, this is the best proof of relatively young company's success.The other co-founder of SigEx Telecom, Mr. Frédéric is co-author of the Versit CTI Encyclopedia, a 3,000 page, 6 volume industry specification for telecommunication systems. More recently, Frédéric founded Odisei, the world first developer of hosted-iPBX technology, which was acquired in 1999 by 8x8.SigEx stocks are divided into more sections, including SigEx Telecom, SigEx Ventures and SigEx Ventures Euro Fund. All of them showed a constant increase. Six years of diligent work and experiences rose up the initial market stock value from •1, 00 up to •49.80.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Cycle of money
by Lenka Lehenova

Money is very important part of our lives. It influences us and there is and always will be facts that people wish to have a lot of it and that it is also a reason of many conflicts. So I can say again that money is the king of the world. Money is active and its process is still working. Maybe we don't see it because we are not interested in it but economists are and there is also theory about it. There is typical cycle: people work because they want to earn money, then they buy food, clothes and all needs. Money gets into repository, then to state's budget and cycle starts again. It is quite difficult. We can own money in different forms: cash & change or paper money, securities, stocks, money on accounts, funds or money in wealth, etc. Today we more and more use money only in electronic form. We can pay by credit or debit cards and we don't need cash. There are a lot of companies which are interested in business with money. I might say that they earn money from money. The fact that money is active makes it profitable. Costumers put their money into some assets or funds. Their values are still moving because there are a lot of factors which influence it.By this way people want to sock money away for example for their retirement savings. They have to trust these companies but there is a big risk as well. Canadian fund-management companies are not in good situation now. The independent companies that create and sell mutual funds have been poor performers in early 2008. It could be quite difficult to dig themselves out of the hole they are in right now. It is nobody's fault, it is just that they had a moderating outlook. Analysts and managers of financial companies (IGM, CI, AGF!) try to analyse and predict situations. I think that investors have to properly think about their next steps in this situation and patience is important principle each of them.

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by Lenka Lehenova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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The best tax reduction placement

by Lenka Filipova

The results of QuÈbec's venture capital for the last year have been shown. It has been noticed that deal activity in †QuÈbec's venture capital reached the peak in the first third in 2007. It has been its highest level since 2002. The total investment of dollars has accumulated together $648 million, that is 8% more than in the previous year.On one hand, the deal activity flourished brilliantly. On the second hand, the capital attributed to Canadian VC fund declined once again in 2007. Funds compiled throughout the country resulted in $1.2 billion at the end of the year. This actually meant reduction of 27% if it were to compare to previous year 2006. Honestly, this has been the most extreme lower level ever reached.The total fund raising was a result of a whole year decline, where new supply from 2006 †was only poor $1.1 billion, which is only 25% of year's total. The overall level of retail fund raising in †QuÈbec slumped by 21% ti $604 million in 2007. In 2006 it was $766 million.Thus, if you have decided to place your money, you may use the service provided by SigEx Telecom with its marvelous position in France by the means of the support of SigEx Ventures and SigEx Ventures Euro Fund. These guarantee the best growth placement. In addition to this, if you decide for this company, it will definitely bring you the most efficient tax reduction with the highest return on your investment.
by Lenka Filipova
for SigEx Telecom (

SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Posted by: Maria Vidlickova

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Only Serious Information

by Jana Passova

SigEx Telecom is becoming a leader of digital sream broadcasting very fast. It is demonstrated by the fact that its position is the best growth placement in France. This company has two important supporters behind itself. The first one is Sigex Ventures and and the second one SigEx Ventures Euro Fund. As a financial product, SigEx Telecom is also the most efficient tax reduction placement with the highest return on investment. It finished 2007 with the total eqity of 347 M Euro. It is an increase around 118 percent in comparison to 2006. SigEx Telecom is a provider of innovative social communications telecom networks. This fact allows all users of SigEx to talk, view, upload and share video clips or communicate for free. SigEx Telecom has its users in many countries from all over the world. There comes a new poossibility for them how to get serious fresh informations from overseas. †Global News Enterprise is a new online venture, which will be focused on international news only. It is going to be found in Boston. An initial capital, around 8 million dollars, comes from private investors.The founder is Philip Balboni, previous founder of New England Cable. This Web site should be able to cover a space on a journal market with a mix of articles about politics, economics and social issues. †This placement in contrast to nearly all newspapers will not bring any information about overseas sports or celebrities. This Web site will be available to paid cubscribers. Staff of online newspapers will come from 70 countries. In Boston will be 15 editors and some other emplyees who will work on headquarters.The group of founders contains also people as Amos Hostetter, Benjamin Taylor or Paul Sagan.
by Jana Passova
for SigEx Telecom (

SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Posted by: Maria Vidlickova

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