
Thursday, October 21, 2010

U.S asks for G20 friends help
by Zivka Deleva

I am fed up with the United States wishes! Have you ever heard of some other country looking for something so much than the U.S.? I know I am being weight too ironalical, but it is always the world policemen to ask others to do something in their favor. This time, U.S official has provoked the Group of 20 countries, or globally popular G20, of the economically most powerfull countries in the world, to allow the currencies to rise more freely. This comes not by hazard at the moment, G20 finance ministers are going to gather in Gyeongju, South Korea exactly this weekend. The currencies must be discussed more, think Treasury Department officials. This provokation came after c! hineas yuan has frightened U.S.dollar. The financial game that China is so well playing has made the States angry few months ago and though politicians have tried to find themselves partners in mind, they didn't succeed to do a lot in that. The global currency tension rose. I am not saying that Americans are doing something wrong at the moment, but how come, it is always their concern about everything? U.S. financial policy is the most afraid of the "competitive nonappreciation". I kind of understand the fear, because China is knock-down-drag-out! The idea would be to agree to a pre-set limit on the size a country's current account surplus or deficit should reach, expressing it in terms of a percentage of national output, in economical terms. The dollar has noted one of the big fall. That's why a lot of investors have searched for another markets to put their money on, like Brazil, for example. As far as the G20 is concerned, the United States swear by this organization. T! hey have big expectations that what they can not solve on thei! r own, t he "friends of the band" would be able to do. A destructive world-wide trade war would be the new kind of warfare for the new world. And, where the money lye, there must be war, no matter if without arms. I am fed up with the United States wishes! Have you ever heard of some other country looking for something so much than the U.S.? I know I am being weight too ironical, but it is always the world policemen to ask others to do something in their favor. This time, U.S. official has provoked the Group of 20 countries, or globally popular G20, of the economically most powerfully countries in the world, to allow the currencies to rise more freely. This comes not by hazard at the moment, G20 finance ministers are going to gather in Gyeongju, South Korea exactly this weekend. The currencies must be discussed more, think Treasury Department officials. This provocation came after Chinas yuan has frightened U.S.dollar. The financial game that China is so well playing has made t! he States angry few months ago and though politicians have tried to find themselves partners in mind, they didn't succeed to do a lot in that. The global currency tension rose. I am not saying that Americans are doing something wrong at the moment, but how come, it is always their concern about everything? U.S. financial policy is the most afraid of the "competitive unappreciation". I kind of understand the fear, because China is knock-down-drag-out! The idea would be to agree to a pre-set limit on the size a country's current account surplus or deficit should reach, expressing it in terms of a percentage of national output, in economical terms. The dollar has noted one of the big fall. That's why a lot of investors have searched for another markets to put their money on, like Brazil, for example. As far as the G20 is concerned, the United States swear by this organization. They have big expectations that what they can not solve on their own, the "friends of the band" wo! uld be able to do. A destructive world-wide trade war would b! e the ne w kind of warfare for the new world. And, where the money lye, there must be war, no matter if without arms.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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