
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why so much attention?
by Barbora Misakova

I’ve just had a déjà vu. I have seen a picture of post-crisis era, when everything is getting back into the groove and people are slowly calming down. But suddenly some terrible and falling numbers have appeared and swept it all away. Is this situation familiar to you? I would bet it is. We have been hearing about optimistic numbers and healing economy for two years now, but nothing has actually happened yet. It is like we were in some kind of whirl which lets us to see potential recovery, but it never lets us to touch it. As Reuters informed, U.S. consumers’ confidence fell to its lowest level in seven months. Unemployment rate is at 9.6 percent and t! ogether with tight access to credit it keeps concerns about a double-dip recession alive. According to Kathy Lien, director of currency research at GFT in New York, “decline in sentiment will give the Fed a stronger reason to increase stimulus in November.” If that wouldn’t be enough – U.S. Business Roundtable survey found that there is even less CEOs who expect their companies’ sales to rise. This CEO Economic Outlook Index declined from 94.6 to 86. But it is not only Fed who is prepared to put more money into the economy to stimulate its recovery. Also President Barack Obama tries to help. He signed a $30 billion small business lending bill into law on Monday and tries to persuade voters to be more enthusiastic, as November U.S. congressional elections are coming. Maybe less attention and not that many surveys could help confidence to rise again…

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by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

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