
Monday, September 6, 2010

Unemployment still eats the US economy
by Zivka Deleva

Status Quo might be the right word for us to use on the subject of the US actual economical situation. OK, the unemployment seems already controlled, but not decreased. Some industries note improvement, but that still is not very enough for the country to get back on the terra firma. Now, the most important state institution concerned about the financial policy making is in trouble, doesn’t knowing what is the best pattern that the country should have? The Federal Reserve is the one that decides whether the state should help the bank system, which is one of the most important backbones in the economy in each country, especially the United States of America. As far as ! the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is concerned, he would give hand to any institution that needs a hand, having packages prepared. He has been the one that felt the most on his back, being responsible for the financial packages that helped the banks to return to life again. But, what will that mean but new debts for the Government, which already is enough debt-ridden. New numbers say that the employment is already improved, especially in the private hiring system, which according to my modest knowledge in economics, should be a good thing, because those are the people that create, produce, and not the once employed in the governmental administration. The analysts are the most worried about the fact that the unemployment diminishes very slowly and that is not enough for the country to completely come out of the terrible recession. The highest level of the unemployment happened last October, with the 10.1 percent. This August it noted a downturn for 0.5 percent. One of the measu! res that the State is planning to do is going to be the bigger! provoca tion of the employers to hire people, by tax cuts, of course. Good luck, America!
by Zivka Deleva
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