
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Before elections
by Milota Sidorova

Six weeks before elections make significant differences in politician speeches. This period finds them vulnerable and test their ability to move the masses. What may be kind of negative perspective is that the whole policy of a party may be embodied by one person. In the U.S. in this time it is clearly President Barack Obama who has become a mascot for Democratic party. And since the mood before elections is tight and Democrats are the ruling party, much is at the stake. Rushing and willing for money and supporters Obama set out on a journey through several states to improve positions for Democratic candidates. But basically Democrats are in tough situation – while ! they have to defend their promises and deeds and keep talking about improving economy, Republicans who wow to do better seem to take a better piece of a cake. They have to just opose and criticize past actions. And they keep doing that. On Thursday they were going to release 20-point program considering the most important topics – jobs, spending, health care. Economy and unemploymet however, play leading roles in campaign talks and president Obama acknowledged that. Talking anything but these topics would make him look out of touch with people. So he uses all his rhetory that has been a key factor of his success during presidential campaign. Democrats are fighting for recent majority in both Congress levels and easier passage for their proposals. One is sure, they rise or fall will be joined and perhaps caused by president himself.

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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

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