
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Enchanted economic circle!
by Barbora Misakova

There is no doubt that Americans are one of the wealthiest nations of all. But I would say they are also one of the saddest ones. If you measure your happiness on the basis of your financial resources then the happiness must be just as omissible as these resources. Spring was in sing of sharp drop of American’s economic growth. As the measures of economy’s health have shown, gross domestic product is weak as well. Its 1.7 percent rate in the April-June quarter was in comparison with its rate from month ago (when it came up to 1.6 percent) just a bit stronger. But the future will not look any better. Although consumers’ spending moved up a bit, it is still ! not enough to have a major impact on the economy. What is worse, most economists and analysts expect growth to be similarly weak also in the July-September quarter. Estimates range between 1.5 and 2 percent, but I have courage to say, it is too courageous guess. Unemployment, which is still holding its 9.6 rate, is expected to stay high. Some analysts even expect it to rise in the coming months. And where are no jobs, there are no money. And where are no money, there is no consumers’ spending. As Americans are not spending enough, companies don’t have that kind of confidence in the economy they need to start hiring again. And this is like this enchanted circle looks like. As roughly 70 percent of economic activity is accounted by consumer spending, you can imagine how big are the troubles America (and we all as well) are in. Even though the numbers of saved disposable incomes are higher this year, in reality these are the only rising numbers that are not optimis! tic at all.

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by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

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