
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

House votes to aid struggling homeowners
by Notme dfsfs

Do you believe it when people say eating healthy food and leading an active lifestyle could actually make you live longer? It turns out it's true for many people in Japan, as the country nears its 30,000 mark when it comes to people over the age of 100. Their diet consisting mainly of rice and fish is said to be responsible for their exceptional health and long lifespan and it is also in this country that the world's oldest man lives. His name is Tomoji Tanabe and he has just turned 112 on Tuesday. He says he doesn't drink alcohol and doesn't smoke and has the habit of taking a walk daily around the neighborhood, to keep in shape. Mr. Tanabe also keeps his mind healthy by reading the newspaper every day and keeping a diary and he became the world's oldest man after his predecessor died at the age of 115. The world's oldest woman is Edna Parker, who lives in Indiana and is 114 years old. This ever-increasing elderly population is a problem around the world, due to young people's inability to support the elders while the small birthrate found in most countries isn't enough to ensure pensions for current workers. Japan's improvements in the health system have led to people living longer and it is estimated that by 2050, the number of Japanese over the age of 100 will reach 1 million. But there is no way of knowing how longer the pension system will be able to cope.

related story:;_ylt=AmApet8sdpNFZXwYKz_LlTKs0NUE

by Corina Ciubotaru
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edited by Barbora Matulova

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