
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tax breaks in the USA

by Natalia Holvova

Financial crisis in the USA obviously needs more attention and effort than it was presented before. No one wants to admit recession tendency of American economy but it is true. President can see problems within his country and take special measures to make it as painless as possible in cooperation with both Congress parties. The main measure is providing financial aid to food stamp recipients and unemployed people and giving tax breaks to poor and middle class mostly as well as for businesses.Government plans to put huge amount of money back into circulation and get more money from goods people spend money for. It is just faster money circulation and faster way how to get money to state hands without people feeling betrayed. From psychological view everyone will be satisfy. People get more money from state and better tax rebates and government will get money much faster back under its control trough the sell. In the conditions United States have to live this step is completely understandable. Real question is if there is still time to stop or at least to slow down the process of falling economy. Good thing about such a serious situation is that the government wants to cooperate and decide together about next strategy. Sometimes process of decision making is more important than the results. The fact of alternating recession and growth is known for long time now and there is no possibility to avoid this fact. Important thing is to save enough money during the time of prosperity to cover all debts during recession.

related story:;_ylt=AuhvTE3UfPXGci0ZWapUn3qs0NUE

by Natalia Holvova
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Posted by: Maria Vidlickova

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