
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Postojana zakana?
by Barbora Misakova

Znam deka štom ednaš ke se pojavat ekonomski problemi tie može da ostanat podolgo otkolku što se očekuva. I ako ednaš zboruvame za svetska ekonomska kriza, nema što poveke da se kaže. Visi nad nas kako senkata na smrtta. Ne možeme da napravime ništo za da se otarasime od nea i site naši napori ne nosat vo sé podlaboki i podlaboki finansiski problemi. Koga Vladata se zaglavi vo ovie problemi so pogolema želba da pomogne, toa izgledaše kako dobar čekor ili najmalku mala pomoš.No posle nekolku denovi site optimistični pogledi bea isčeznati. Vladata kako primer naredi kratkoročni zaemi vo gotovina i isto taka otkupi ogromna suma od kratkoročni dolgovi koristeni za sekojdnevnite trošoci na kompaniite kako za platnite listovi ili nabavkata, no kako što toa se pokaža deneska, ovie čekori ne bea tolku srekni. I denes sme tamu kade što bevme prethodno. - vo istata nevolja.

Vladinite rezervi gi namalija kamatnite stapki do 1% što znači deka ostro ja namalile svojata proekcija za ekonomska aktivnost ovaa godina i slednata. Pretstavnicite na Vldinata rezerva veruvaat deka bruto domašniot proizvod (što e edna od merkite za nacionalniot prihod i odhod za ekonomijata na edna država) verojatno ke bide ramen ili keporase, što ke bide samo 0.3% za razlika od minatata godina. Isto taka ima ušte edna opcija: slednata godina BDP može ili da se namali za 0.2% ili da se proširi za 1.1%, no poentata e, deka ovie brojki koi vladata gi izloži pred Kongresot vo juli. Kako što prognozite na Vladata bea pogrešni, može da očekuvame deka namesto tonenjeto na ekonomijata za 0.3% toa ke bide okolu 1% slednata godina. Može isto taka da očekuvame deka nevrabotenosta ke porasne - stapkata na nacionalna nevrabotenost treba da porasne od 6.5-6.7% ovaa godina, a sledanta godina treba da bide duri pogolema pomegu 7.1 i 7.6%. Duri i ovie prognozi ne se mnogu optimistični, ima najmalku eden dobar signal - inflacijata treba da bide moderirana slednata godina.

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by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Current situation on stock markets
by Martina Janeckova

Wall Street seems to get a break from the huge sell-off of the past two days following a report that Citigroup Inc. might put itself up for sale. The stock of the company lost 26 percent on Thursday alone and Citigroup hasn’t made a profit in the past four quarters, unlike JPMorgan Chase & Co. or Bank of America Corp. On Thursday, the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 6.7 percent to its lowest close since April 1997, while the Dow Jones industrial average dropped 445 points, or 5.6 percent, to its lowest close since March 2003. On early Friday, Dow futures contracts rose 270, or 3.61 percent, to 7,757, Standard & Poor's 500 index futures ascended 25.70, or 3.43 percent, to 774.00, and the Nasdaq 100 index futures advanced 36.50, or 3.51 percent, to 1,076.00. This rise wasn’t necessarily a surprise because sharp market declines, such as the one over the past two days, attract some bargain hunters. Also better-than-expected results from Dell Inc. offered some reassurance, because even though it reported a 5 percent fall in its third-quarter profit and a 3 percent drop in revenue, the earnings were still higher than expected by Wall Street. Bond prices fell, the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note rose to 3.14 percent from 3.00 percent late Thursday and the yield on the three-month Treasury bill increased to 0.52 percent from 0.01 percent. The dollar was mixed against other major currencies, while gold prices fell. Overseas, stocks rose on Friday, Japan’s Nikkei stock average rose 2.70 percent, Britain’s FTSE 100 advanced 0.74 percent, Germany’s DAX index rose 0.39 percent and France’s CAC-40 increased by 0.82 percent.
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Constant threat?
by Barbora Misakova

I know that when there are some economic problems once, they can stay here longer than ever expect. And if we are talking about global economic crisis, then there is nothing more to say. It hangs on us like grim death. We cannot do anything to get rid of it and all our efforts are even getting us deeper and deeper into these financial troubles. When FED tangled into these problems with a big resolution to help, it looked like a good step or at least a little help. But after few days all that optimistic views were gone. FED has for exampled offered short-term cash loans and also has bought up mounds of short-term debt used for day-by-day expenses of companies such as payrolls or supplies, but as it is showing today, these steps were not so lucky. And today we are where we used to be before – in the same trouble.

The Federal Reserve ratcheted down rates to 1 percent what means they have to sharply lower its projections for economic activity this year and the next one. The Federal Reserve’s officials believe that gross domestic product (what is one of the measures of national income and output for a given country’s economy) will be probably flat or if it grows, it will be just 0.3 percent this year. There is also another option: next year GDP could either shrink by 0.2 percent or expand by 1.1 percent, but the point is, that these numbers were not the same as Fed delivered to Congress in July. As Fed forecasts were wrong, we can now expect that instead of 0.3 percent economy dip it will represent about 1 percent next year. We can also expect that unemployment will grow – national unemployment rate should rise to 6.3 – 6.5 percent this year, next year it should be even higher – between 7.1 a 7.6 percent. Even this prognosis is not very optimistic, there is at least one good signal – inflation should moderate next year.

related story:;_ylt=AiBC9Mu764E2OkoSDfm8HTas0NUE

by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

How we head towards foreclosures!
by Silvia Szarkova

Tuesday was a very busy day for Treasury and some Congress members. They had a breaking debate on how to use best the money of 700 billion dollars and how to do it the way it stops the current financial crisis and in addition will stimulate economy.
The financial package of above-mentioned 700 billion dollars was originated to buy bad loans from banks, so they could provide fresh loans, but later was scrapped by Treasury and went to buy equities in biggest banks in United States. Some lawmakers were, of course, upset by this step.
But Henry Paulson, Secretary of Treasure, explains: "The rescue package was not intended to be an economic stimulus or an economic recovery package. It was intended to shore up the foundation of our economy by stabilizing the financial system," the Treasury chief insisted.
Barney Frank, Rep., opposes him: "The fundamental policy issue is our disappointment that funds are not being used out of the $700 billion to supplement mortgage foreclosure reduction," Barney Frank said. "There, I believe, is an overwhelmingly ... powerful set of reasons why some of the ... money must be used for mortgage foreclosure."
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Sheila Bair at the same hearing told lawmakers that it should be essential Treasury offer loan guarantees and credit foreclosures, in other way, in upcoming two years, 4 million to 5 million mortgages will end up with foreclosures. So that is why something must be done.
Paulson then added that this financial crisis is very unpredictable, even banking industry is confused in basics. President of American Bankers Association Edward Yingling told how confusing is this situation for bankers, mainly because customers do not know how to react.
It seems like nobody really knows what to do, but continuing this trend, we really heads to foreclosures and as everybody says that would mean a long and deep depression for U.S. Nobody consider the fact: what if we are already in it, because everything is like we would.

related story:;_ylt=AoLU4Cfk1x__R5Jbs286aq2s0NUE

by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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