
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Think some problems up!
by Barbora Misakova

Sometimes, when it looks like there are no serious problems, we just have to come out with some other one. Actually we love talking about our troubles. We can complain for hours, we can talk about our difficulties, but when there are none, we are feeling awkward somehow. When the shock from crisis is slowly fading we have nothing serious to solve. Even though there are still some problems, we are not taking it as serious as at its beginning. So what to do now? Maybe we could look for something new, what will occupy our mind. What do you think? What about such a Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner? There is information about increased attention he pays to a select group of ! powerful Wall Street bankers: executives of Citigroup Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. These can supposedly reach the nation’s most powerful economic official on the phone, sometimes even several times a day. Critics are afraid that too frequent contact with these bankers can influence Treasury Secretary’s opinion and so transform it to bankers’ self-interested worldview. Andrew Williams, Treasury spokesman said, there is nothing wrong or inappropriate for Treasury official to be in touch with those who work in the markets every day, especially when the U. S. government invested in all of them quite big amount of money to keep the industry afloat. As monitoring Geithner’s calendar wasn’t enough, critics assailed government’s quick help to these banks and considered it to be the bad step which made it easier for them when the crisis began. As I already said, when there are no problems, we should think them up.
related story (sgx15576):
by Barbora Misakova
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