
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Veulent-ils tous la même chose ?
by Barbora Misakova

Les démocrates continuent toujours maintenir la pression sur des républicains. Les règlements financiers sont en jeu. Pour obtenir la législation dans la discussion de Parlement les démocrates doivent obtenir au moins 60 voix. Dans ce cas-là ces derniers, n'importe qui êtes vous, tout d'abord vous êtes démocrate et vous devez agir ainsi. Malheureusement, l'un des démocrates, sénateur Ben Nelson du Nébraska a décidé de s'opposer à ses collegues. Avec sa défection de lundi, quand il a voté pour des républicains, il a rendu l'effort des démocrates encore plus compliqué, au moins! pour l'instant. Nelson, un démocrate conservateur du Nébraska, dit dans un rapport que sa voix n'a que reflété des soucis concernant la facture augmentée par des hommes d'affaires du Nébraska. Comme il a parlé au Président Christopher Dodd du Comité d'opérations bancaires de sénat, son intérêt est dirigé vers un homme d'affaires particulier - l'investisseur milliardaire Warren Buffett. Comme Nelson a dit : « Personne ne devraient considérer ma voix d'aujourd'hui comme indication que je ne soutiendrai pas la facture actuellement négociée par le Comité d'opérations bancaires. » Mais c'était non seulement Nelson, qui a décidé de changer d'avis. Finalement, c'était également le Chef de la majorité au sénat Harry Reid qui a commuté aussi bien sa voix à « NON ». Cette manoeuvre lui évitera de réclamer un nouveau! contrôle avant le mardi. Si cela échoue, il envisag! e un aut re vote mercredi. Les Démocrates emploient les mêmes mathématiques. Ils ressayeront mardi mais encore le jour ensuite si cela va être nécessaire. Ils comptent également avec la pression publique et le relent d'un scandale de Wall Street. Naturellement, les républicains croient que la facture sera passé aussi bien ; la seule différence entre eux et les démocrates se situe au niveau de la qualité. Comme le Chef républicain de sénat de Kentucky Mitch McConnell a exprimé : « Nous tous veulons fournir une réforme qui retreindra les vues sur le Wall Street, mais nous n'allons pas précipiter une autre facture massive basée sur les assurances de nos amis de l'autre côté. » Les républicains comme d'habitude veulent la même chose que les démocrates, mais sous une forme plus substantive.

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by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

They all want the same!?
by Barbora Misakova

Democrats still continue with keeping up the pressure on Republicans. Financial regulations are at stake. To get the legislation to a floor debate Democrats need to get at least 60 votes. In cases like these, no matter who you are, first of all you are Democrat and you must act like that. Unfortunately, one of Democrats, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska decided to go against his fellows. By his Monday defection, when he voted with Republicans, he has made Democrats’ task more complicated, at least for now. Nelson, a conservative Nebraska Democrat, said in a statement his vote just reflected concerns about the bill raised by Nebraska businessmen. As he talked to Senate Bank! ing Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, his interest is directed to particular businessman - billionaire investor Warren Buffett. As Nelson said: “No one should view my vote today as an indication that I won’t support the bill currently being negotiated by the Banking Committee.” But it was not only Nelson, who decided to change his mind. At the end, it was also Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who switched his vote to “no” as well. This maneuver will enable him to call for a new tally as early as Tuesday. If this fails, he envisions another vote on Wednesday. The same mathematics is used by Democrats. They will try again Tuesday and yet again the day after if it is going to be necessary. They also count with public pressure and the scent of a Wall Street scandal. Of course, Republicans believe the bill will pass as well; the only difference between them and Democrats lies in quality. As expressed Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of K! entucky: “All of us want to deliver a reform that will t! ighten t he screws on Wall Street, but we are not going to rushed on another massive bill based on the assurances of our friends on the other side.” Republicans as usual wants the same what Democrats, but in more substantive form.

related story (sgx17101):;_ylt=Amgzre...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunicati! ons, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Iceland to take a loan from IMF and investigating the causes of the crisis
by Milota Sidorova

For some time we haven't heard of Iceland. Late fall 2008 three major banks collapsed and grabbed the whole country underwater. But the bankruptcy exceeded Island borders and caused huge losses among its foreign, especially British and Dutch customers.The country was forced to accept the loan from IMF. Compared to the rest of the world, Icelandic situation was specific because it didn't get any national support. Nothing like U.S. bailout, multibillion loans covered by the taxes. Here the whole financial system crashed. Later on it decided on 2.2 billion dollar IMF loan provided in three installments. So far, two of them were taken, but the complication came when British and! Dutch vote in IMF commission board refused to provide any other support. The last amount topped 159 million dollar. But compensative steps towards Britain and Nederlands from Icelandic part were overwhelmingly rejected in national referendum. Icelandic people refused to pay back 3.9 billion euros.There have been a lot of tension among politicians themselves last days. There's old saying that everyone is a general after the battle or chasing the wrong tail in the wrong time. It seems like the chase on “sinners” who let the country down has began. Seven politicians including former prime minister Geir Haarde have been accused of “gross negligence” and failed to prevent the collapse back in 2008. According Special Investigation Commission Haarde, former central bank chief David Oddsson, his co-governors Eirikur Gundason and Ingimundur Fridriksson, former finance minister Arni Mathiessen, former banking minister Bjorgvin Sigurdsson and Jonas Jonsson, ex! -director of Iceland's financial services watchdog had had all! the nec essary information to prevent increasing debt ridden policy and inform institution in charge. Commission chairman Pall Hreinsson also said they had more than 2,000 page in-depth report of the crisis examination.Now it is up to current government to decide whether the legal action is taken against individuals.Although, it is hardly to believe it was the only group, knowing the problems and not acting.

related story (sgx16980):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

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Greece: To take 30 billion euros or not?
by Zivka Deleva

So, the Greeks have made it! They finally persuaded the finance ministers of the European Union to approve them extraordinary 30-billion euro aid mechanism. Greece is expecting 10 billion euro from the International Monetary Fund, and summed up, that would definitely be the biggest financial help for a country that has ever been done. So, let’s get straight, this is not a gift for the wastrel Greece, it is just a very acceptable loan at significantly low rates. The ministers didn’t even meet face to face, but brought the decision on a telephone conference. But, Greece still hasn’t accepted the aid. In few days, George Papandreou’ s cabinet is goin! g to decide whether the country is going to use those money for raising the country from the mud. "With today's decision, Europe sends a very clear message that no one, any longer, can play with our common currency, no one can play with our common fate" – said Greeks Prime Minister. It is expected for the interest rate to be about 5%, which is 2.3% lower than the actual market rates, at least that’s what European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn stated. According to him, all the euro zone countries are going to participate in the loan proportionally. The German people are still the most generous, and they are followed by Frenchmen and Italians. "It should contribute to a calming of the markets so that Greece can take care of its homework in peace and quiet" – this is Germany’s government statement. The world now is waiting to see how will Greece officials manage to distribute this money and recover the country. Analysts doubt ! that Greece is capable of doing it. But, we should wait and se! e. One t hing is for sure – Greeks politicians must provide around 11.5 billion euros by May, and total 54 billion euros, so it can cover debt repayment and budget needs.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Situation in Greece puts pressure on markets
by Magdalena Rosova

Borrowing costs of Greek government unexpectedly rose on Thursday, economists are worried about the state of the economy of the country. However, European Central Bank insists that Greece did not need any immediate help. George Petalotis, a spokesman of Greek government said that there was no need for any initiative at that time. European Central Bank is also not worried and its head Jean-Claude Trichet finds no reason for doubting the deal that involves EU states and also the International Monetary Fund. However, Greece's borrowing costs soared to a record high and last week was the heaviest for the Athens stock market. For the first time ever since Greek adopted the! euro in 2001, the gain from Greek bonds topped 7.5 percent. Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said that Greece will continue borrowing the money even though the costs imposed by financial markets is record high. The government in Greece paid all payments for April and now have to deal with May. The government hopes that interest rates on its debt will fall as the number of new bonds decrease. But analysts do not think that decision of European Union was good or lucky. They think that the the situation in bond market is sign of a lack of confidence in assistance package from EU. Nicholas Kounis from Fortis Bank Nederland believes that only bigger package would restore marked confidence. One Greek banking source said that a bailout of 2.0 to 5.0 billion euros would be able to help and restore the economy in the country. The Chaos around Greece is not good for euro, which fell to 1.3299 dollars.

related story (sgx16963):
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Irskata vlada kje gi spasuva bankite
by Zivka Deleva

Irskata vlada kje kupi toksičen kapital za da go podobri svojot loš bankarski sistem. Ministerot za finansii Brajan Lenihan objavi deka Irskata vlada kje dade dopolnitelni 8.3 milijardi evra kako gotovinska injekcija vo „Anglo Ajriš Bank“. Irska e edna od evropskite zemji so najgolemiot dolg vo ovie nekolku godini. Irskata vlada imaše problemi so bankarite koi se odnesuvaa prilično nezainteresirano. Mnogu dobro e poznato deka državata kje gi prezeme mnozinstvoto od akciite vo „Alajd Ajriš Bank“, kade vekje poseduva 25 procenti, no ima malcinski 16 procenti vo „Bank of Ajrland“. Irskite banki ne odgovori! ja soodveno na globalnata finansiska kriza. „Nekoi institucii bea pološi od drugite. No, faktot deka našiot bankarski sistem, so pogolem ili pomal zamav, se vklučija vo bezobzirni zaemi. Vo premnogu slučaevi, isto taka imaše i evtini bankarski praktiki. Bankite igraa brzo i ne gi sledea ekonomskite insteresi na državata“ – reče ministerot za finansii Lenihan. Ova ne e prvata državna pomoš za irskite banki. Državata vekje pomogna so 11 milijardi evra za trite najgolemi irski banki. Sakajkji da gi naturalizira, vladata planira da pomogne so drugi 2.6 milijardi evra vo Irskoto društvo za gradenje. Sumata od 81 milijardi evra se kupeni od Nacionalnata agencija za menadziranje so kapital ili podobro poznatata „loša banka“. Taa sé ušte e vladina agencija koja postoi od minatata godina za gotovinata od danočnite obvrznici koi kupuvaat visokorizični toksični kapitali! .
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Irish Government is going to save the banks
by Zivka Deleva

Irish government is going to buy toxic assets to improve the it’s own bad banking system. The Finance Minister Brian Lenihan announced that Irish Government is going to give extra 8.3 billion euro as a cash injection into Anglo Irish Bank. Ireland is one of the European countries with the most debt in these two years. The Irish Government had problems with the bankers acted pretty much recklessly. It is very much known that the state is going to take the majority shares in Allied Irish Bank, where it already owns 25 percent, but it has minor 16 percents in the Bank of Ireland. The Irish banks didn’t answer adequate to the global finance crisis. "Some institut! ions were worse than others. But the fact is that our banking system, to a greater or lesser extent, engaged in reckless property development lending. In too many cases there were also shoddy banking practices. The banks played fast and loose with the economic interests of this country." – said Finance Minister Lenihan. This is not the first state help to the Irish banks, it has already given 11 billion euros to the three biggest Irish banks. Wanting to nationalize it, the government is planning to inject another 2.6 billion euros into the Irish Nationwide Building Society. The sum of 81 billion euros of the assets are bought by National Assets Management Agency, or the well known “bad bank”. It is still a governmental agency which exists since last year for the cash of the taxpayers who buy highly risky toxic assets.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.