
Monday, June 28, 2010

G20 talks and plans
by Milota Sidorova

Weekend was marked by G20 meeting in Toronto. While streets were fully occupied by ten thousands of people demanding their voice, twenty representatives of the world's biggest economies handled steps leading into economy easement inside. The ideas, however were of a different kind. Generally, the proposal of financial and bank levy came to the program, but three European countries (Germany, France and England) didn't find any support from the group. Imposing a bank tax will be probably strictly national manner. Britain, however fears this step would inhibit their banks, because three quarters of financial services are cumulated in British Isles.German Chancellour Angela Mer! kel accepted the proposal neither meet any favorable environment nor the back-up from any other country.Earlier that week U.S. Secretary Timothy Geithner “warned” world countries to be less independent on U.S. spending and help in case of crisis. Countries should be stable and create their own strategy not built on U.S. economy, however, one doesn't know what think in case of China that is the biggest, yet unchangeable exporter not only for U.S., but for the rest of the world. One doesn't speak of one-sided dependency, but China becoming the world's manufacturer attracts most, if not all the countries in collateral dependency. And to be precise, one doesn't talk about people or living standard of the country, but investors and economy markers.G20 also focused on European euro crisis and the plans to overcome it. More representatives called for cutting national budgets in a way that wouldn't hurt economy growth. That was the major tune of whole summit – to ! do anything, but to keep economies growing. For how long and w! hat way, that became a questionable mystery...

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by Milota Sidorova
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