
Monday, December 6, 2010

China must slow down
by Zivka Deleva

The consumer price index is almost 5.0 percent year-over-year growth rate in November in China. Economists estimate that the fastest growing country in the world must slow down its inflation. While the numbers for the 2011 year in the reach countries say that they will improve their economies for 2.2 percent, it is expected that China will go ahead for 9.6 percent. This month it is expected that the import growth has overrated the exports in November. But, unlike these numbers, the total volume of goods that are exporting is still overcoming those that are imported. According to the economists, China’s policy is to hold down its currency just to get a trade adva! ntage. And it is not like Chinese politicians aren’t aware what they should do something with the situation and the yuan. “Prudent” monetary policy and “proactive” fiscal policy are the basic orientation for the financial government to be faced to. It is also expected that China will raise its interest rates but no one can talk about numbers. The inflation has already covered more fields in the China people living. "Nonetheless, the government exit from the stimulus cycle is expected to be quite calculated and smooth as the policymakers try to avoid a hard landing" – said Xianfang Ren, an economist with HIS Global Insight in Beijing. The European Union has a big benefit from the trade collaboration with China. The difference between the import and export is huge. Nearly 215 billion euros counter 80 billion euros – goes for the import and export and that is almost three to one. The United States of America notified huge deficit d! ue to the China economical improvement.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Worries about Portuguese debt increasing send US stocks down
by Zuzana Zelenakova

As the European stocks declined at the end of the last week Wall Street followed them Tuesday. Behind the downfall there are concerns about some EU member states not being able to repay their debt. Also, the fact that North and South Korea got involved in a military incident contributed. “After Ireland, Portugal is a likely candidate for aid with Spain close behind,” John Plassard, head of European equities at Louis Capital Markets LP, said. “Amid these problems, the geopolitical problem between the two Koreas is the cherry on the cake in a bad week.” There is also the case of the irish bailout where many fear that $117 billion financial aid package! might not be enough to prevent eurozone from completely crumbling down. "The concern really now is who is next and what does the bailout mean for European monetary policy," said Paul Nolte, managing director at Dearborn Partners. "This has been an ongoing theme all year. We started out with Greece and we've moved to Ireland and now the focus is shifting to some of the other 'weak sisters' and Portugal is next up on everybody's radar." The euro fell below $1.30 mainly due to uncertainties over possible financial aid from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund as far as Portugal is concerned. US markets closed Tuesday with The Dow Jones Industrial Average down 39.51 points, or 0.36 percent. The worst was the case for technology companies such as Hewlett-Packard that fell 1.4 percent or IBM down 0.7 percent. The Nasdaq Composite fell 9.32 points, or 0.37 percent, to 2525.22 while Standard and Poor slipped 1.64 points, or 0.14 percent, to 1187.76. At the end of! the day financial and energy sectors were among those who man! aged to rebound.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.