
Sunday, July 29, 2007

SigEx Ventures : Apple Reports Third Quarter Results
by Delia Cruceru

Apple announced on July 25, the release of their financial result on the fiscal year of 2007, third quarter that ended on June 30 2007. The company posted revenues of $5.41 billion and net quarterly profit of $818 million, or $.92 per diluted share, showing that the company had very important increases compared with the results from last year when Apple had $4.37 billion and net quarterly profit of $472 million, or $.54 per diluted share. 1,764,000 Macintosh computers, were shipped worldwide, representing a 33% increse and also 9,815,000 iPods were sold this quater representing 21% growth from last year. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple said that they are thrilled to report the highest June quarter revenue and profit in Apple's history, and they hope that iPhone would reach the one million sales number. Wednesday July 25, Apple provided via QuickTime a conference call regarding the financial results of its third quarter, and the webcast it is available for replay. In 1970 Apple launched their revolutionary personal computers with Apple II and again in 1980 with Macintosh computers. They continue to be leaders in industry, with their performant OS X operating systems, computers and iLife applications. With iPods and and now iPhone, Apple aims to be a world leader in digital media and to be a permanent presence on the mobile market.

related story:
by Delia Cruceru
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

SigEx Ventures :"You may say I'm a dreamer"
by Ana Maria Ciobanu

Sony announced it's quarterly profit more than trebled after spectacular sales on digital cameras. Nintendo outsold Sony's PS3 but the Cyber-shot digital cameras sold like hot bread. We all know Sony has entered a long battle with Nintendo and Microsoft. This month they cut the price of PS3 by $100 but the console is still way more expensive than the Wii . All the lately talk about video game addiction made me wondered how many PS3 game addicts exist. Online games are the worst king in this terrible domain- the experts say. A strange thing that kept my attention was an article with a big flashy title on the website which said : "Addiction experts say video games NOT an addiction". The article begins by saying : "Gamers need not worry about their favorite video games becoming crime and misbehavior scapegoats". Isn't it a bit strange PS3 needs to put out these clarifications? Personally I didn't think PS3 in particular can get addictive, but after reading this disclaimer article I started to wonder. It sounds like "Keep buying PS3 boys and girls, it won't hurt you". Several doctors and scientists make assumptions that are cut out of the context and placed in the article. Game addiction is something very serious though, it killed and it will continue to kill if we don't look at things rationally. "Working with this problem is no different than working with alcoholic patients. The same denial, the same rationalization, the same inability to give it up," Dr. Thomas Allen of the Osler Medical Center said. I'm sure all the game creators know how bad the games are for children and not only. I'm sure they all know the violence in the games is a very important cause of aggressive behavior in children and they've all heard about recent studies that show gaming can provoke epileptic seizures. But are they doing something to stop this? I get the feeling Sony's PlayStation doesn't really care at the moment about these problems but about how to out stand Nintendo again. On the other hand Nintendo seems to care about gamers and anticipate all the upcoming problems by launching different types of games and consoles, games that enable you to exercise, jump, dance, hula hoop. What parent would worry about his kid becoming addicted to aerobics or yoga? I'll remain optimistic and say it's just a matter of time till the big game producers will realize how much harm their causing and put the money beside a little and our health one step forward.
by Ana Maria Ciobanu
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

SigEx Ventures : Google profits high, but not high enough
by Corina Ciubotaru

AdWords, AdSense, Blogger, Custom Search Engine...sound familiar, don’t they? They brought Google a whole lot of money and the Internet giant isn’t going to stop here. Profits increased to $925 million this year, so it stock value has also gone up to a level of $506, in spite of investors selling some of the stock after financial reports for the second quarter came out. Earnings of $3.87 billion for the second quarter are below analysts expectations, but can be explained by recent purchases such as YouTube. These are investments that will likely pay off in the future, by adding to Google’s already varied area of interest. Officials in Google have stated time and again that their main focus will still be search, but online advertising deals have always brought them huge profits. And this is no surprise, considering that they have big customers like eBay. The number of Google employees also rose lately from 12,238 to 13,786 in this last quarter and this has also increased expenses, but officials say they will keep a closer eye on these numbers in the future. As every conqueror, they must be aware of the number of subordinates and keep them under control. Growth rate deceleration is somewhat normal under these circumstances but Google is still one of the biggest firms on the Web. There is no problem, in other words, with Google’s finances, but investors were accustomed to sky-high profits which the Internet giant couldn’t provide for now, settling for a mere 58% growth from the first quarter.

related story:
by Corina Ciubotaru
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

Yahoo's profits finally on the rise
by Corina Ciubotaru

Internet giant Yahoo seems to be in a bit of financial trouble. Following the recent changes in management, which included appointing Jerry Yang as CEO and the departure of former Chief Sales Officer Wenda Millard, and Chief Technology Officer Farzad Nazem, Yahoo’s profits have continued to fall for six quarters in a row. Compared to last year’s second quarter, revenue rose by 8%, reaching $1.24 billion, as income remained nearly stable at 11 cents a share or $161 billion. Projected revenue for 2007, excluding payments to advertising partners, is somewhere between $4.9 billion and $5.19 billion and Mr. Yang seems determined to make changes wherever they are required. Yahoo stock has fallen by 30% since the end of 2005. Yahoo’s biggest challenge is to catch up with Google in the race for top spot in the United States online advertising market. So far, Google has been steadily increasing its share and is expected to control 27.4 percent of it this year, while Yahoo is struggling to reach 16.3 percent after the 17.8 it had last year. The US online ad market is expected to grow by 29 percent this year. Yahoo’s new Panama platform is reportedly doing very well, increasing the company’s income as expected, and it is thought to have more impact in the second quarter when it will be more widely implemented. Things may be looking up for Yahoo, but in the end it will all come down to the changes Jerry Yang has promised shareholders, who may otherwise decide to consider purchase offers from interested third parties like Microsoft.

related story:
by Corina Ciubotaru
for SigEx Telecom (

SigEx Telecom is quickly becoming the leading telebroadcasting communications provider allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share video clips through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS. SigEx Telecom captures many add-on services for its clients generating royalties and fees in a broad spectrum of marketing services including public relations and promotions.