
Monday, August 13, 2007

The global stock market is getting stronger again
by Ana Maria Ciobanu

It looks like good news for global stock markets this week. Compared to last week's evolution, US markets opened up on Monday, echoing European gains after the Fed put an extra $2bn (1.5bn euros) in the banking system. The Dow Jones index was up 0.5% to 13,307.5, while the NASDAQ added 0.8% to 2,564.2 points. The sub-prime mortgage sector in USA triggered the recent financial market volatility. Trying to ease fears over available credit, many central banks have intervened by injecting money into the banking sector. It is the third time since last Thursday when the European Central Bank has injected money in the European banking system. Monday, the ECB injected 48 billion euros, after last week it had injected 156 billion euros. Japan's central bank injected one trillion yen ($8.5bn) into the financial system last week and 600bn yen on Monday. Some analysts have said all these supplementary fund injections make sense. Others fear it only made markets more nervous and it did not solve the weakness in the US mortgage sector.
by Ana Maria Ciobanu
for PocketNews (

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