
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Economy crisis is still in U. S.
by Nina Gotzmannova

The dream of millions of people in the world is not that real as in their dreams. For thousands of future green card holders or other immigrants may United States symbolize their paradise. They save money, starve and hope behind the ocean they will find good work, success, love or happyness. But the ‘American Dream' in not there anymore. Economy crisis is still in the country and worry analytiscs, managers and shareholders. After the housing market crisis in the beginning in 2007 is the economy constatnly unstabile. The problem is causing several factors. One of them is that dollad is crushing. For example, in Czech Republic is on its historically lowest rate & Czechs pay 18.99 Czech koruna for $ 1. In comparison in October 2006 $ 1 was for 22.23 Czech koruna. Dollar also fell to a new low against the euro. Another factor is that the prices for oil are higher and bank sector is reportin some problems too. That all is reflecting the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Only in 9 October rose to record high 14,164.53 points, the record high in its history, but this positive situation didn't take long. On Thursday the Dow fell 3.58 to 13,888.96. between the two dates is only ten days gap. People who wants to move into U. S. should rather reconsider their decision. Maybe it is better to leave United States for some time alone. They have to battle with the crisis, set new rules for the subprime mortgages and housing loans and deal with all the problems by themselves. Then the situation would be favourable for all those dreaming their ‘American Dream'.

related story:;_ylt=AunMc0Pn0_38fCOm.Kz9Phis0NUE
by Nina Gotzmannova
for PocketNews (

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