
Friday, November 2, 2007

Everything is about numbers
by Nina Gotzmannova

Numbers, numbers, numbers. The most important thing in mathematics or economy. Numbers don't lie, numbers are exact and accurate, and numbers are almost holy perfection. And if the numbers are wrong, there is no doubt something rotten in the state of Denmark. State of Denmark of these days is United States. And thanks to the economy crisis is there more rotten than expected. The biggest new number is 362.14. Exactly that is how much points Dow Jones industrial Average slumped down on Thursday. The new point rate of Dow Jones is 13.567,87, meaning the decreasing was exactly 2.60 percent. Another interesting number is 96. In dollars that is the new price for barrel of crude oil, the highest price in history of oil market. Later the price settled down on $ 93.49. Bigger numbers are marked in the job market. 85,000 to 110,000. The gap is 25,000. Of what? Free job position, of course. The first number is for October and the second for September. Positive? Maybe. But most probably it means not that companies filled 25,000 job positions with people, but they close them down and even fired their employees. Positive is, that this month filled for unemployment benefits only 327,000, less than expected. Several companies also reported dropping shares. Exxon Mobil Corp shares dropped 3.8 percent, Bank of America shares dropped 5.3 percent and Citi dropped 6.9 percent. Citi is on its lowest level in four years. So, what is rotten in THIS state of Denmark? When the economy crisis will be over?

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by Nina Gotzmannova
for PocketNews (

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