
Friday, November 23, 2007

Good news for the Thanksgiving holiday drivers
by Ludmila Martinicka

If you are the one, who takes a car out from the garage and travel around the country to meet all the relatives during the thanksgiving holiday, you might be really delighted. Gas prices fell 0.1 cent. National average is $3.089 a gallon, as information services say nowadays. Week ago the price was about 2.3 cents higher and now it is almost 14 cents below the record price, which was reached in May this year and it was $3.227 a gallon. Thanksgiving is not only feast coming soon. Christmas time is getting closer. So what you spare on the gasoline, you can put in the gifts for your family relatives, friends or invest the money into something just for your own pleasure. The decline of the price could be explained by the import of the crude supplies. Import of the gasoline rose to 11 percent. The demand for gasoline seems to decrease, or at least stagnate. Might be caused by the increasing prices or new lifestyle of ecologically based people pursuing world on natural base. Hopefully, the price of the gas won't reach the $100 a barrel. Otherwise the prices of heating would grow as well. Specialists forecast 22 percent increase of the costs for heating oil costumers this winter. After hitting a new record of $2.7154 a gallon, heating oil features fell 0.27 cent and now the price is $2.6874 a gallon. Our society should maybe prepare for using alternative energy springs. Next Thanksgiving holiday you may drive a car with solar panels on the roof.
by Ludmila Martinicka
for PocketNews (

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