
Friday, November 23, 2007

Shaking on the Wall Street
by Ludmila Martinicka

No victims of nature disaster, no crashed houses, no attacks. There is no earthquake shaking with one of the most famous streets in Manhattan, in New York city. There is something else shaking with the market. Stocks are falling down, reaching their lowest levels. People are afraid of their investments, market became little bit emotional. One of the reasons could be the coming Thanksgiving holiday. S&P and Dow went 1,5 percent down and The Dow gave up more than 210 points. US marked a positive sign, jobless claims fell down by 11,000 last week. First permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange was the Wall Street. When Wall Street gained on its importance, the same name was given to its geographical surrounding. Now this place represents one of the main parts of the financial industry together with Long Island, Westchester and Fairfield County, Connecticut and New Jersey. The origin of the New York Stock Exchange comes from the Buttonwood Agreement made by traders and speculators in 18th century. Named according to the street, The Wall Street Journal brings daily news from the business area since 1889. The second newspaper with widest circulation is owned by The Dow Jones & Company. There are many points in the history that shook with the Wall Street. Including the material ones. Wall Street bombing in 1920 (FBI never found out the perpetrator), "Great Crash" of the stock market in 1929, attacks in September 2001. This little shaking seems not to be next in the list stated above.
by Ludmila Martinicka
for PocketNews (

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