
Thursday, January 17, 2008

by Kamila Moravcikova

I used to worry a lot about all the bad financial news coming out. The American economy was slow. The dollar kept on depreciating. And as we all know, weak dollar means extremely expensive oil. Moreover, expensive oil means world-wide economy depression. I started trembling with fear whenever I heard forecasts. I couldn't sleep. Seemed like we were punished for something. I could not focus. All the time I was thinking about stagnation, poor nation's output and industrial decline. I couldn't believe it and thought it was just a bad dream. But bad news did not stop coming. Intel was doing extremely bad, making just absurd profit. Dow Jones industrial average was falling continually. Neither other indexes were increasing. I was disappointed. I felt like sun was gone and would never shine again. Situation in mortgage market wasn't good. Bond prices fell. When I heard a news involving word NYSE I got frightened immediately. And the Fed's reports were just nightmares making me unable to live normal life. Though, could there be a "normal" life when a rate cut was ready to go? World without good economic news was not a place where I could live any longer. Some time ago I got rid out of anything I have ever possessed. I gave all my belongings to charity. I became an eremite and I am doing pretty fine now. Rapidly growing inflation rate? That can't scare me anymore.

related story:;_ylt=Apow.YQUVh6LH5GjPJ0nKF.s0NUE
by Kamila Moravcikova
for PocketNews (

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