
Thursday, January 24, 2008

by Kamila Moravcikova

Everyone who watches TV, reads newspapers, listens to the radio or just talks to other people and is not blind or absolutely separated from the world all around had to notice that the US economy was having extremely hard time (and the other economics all around the world as well as we live in "connected" world, being influenced by every significant market swing) with people being not able to pay their mortgages, weak dollar and stock market performing inefficiently. You may know what's happening, though you may not know the reason why it is happening (and unless you are an economist it's really difficult to understand the mysterious system that's being called economy). Maybe you have heard about president Bush's "rescue package" including emergency tax cuts and rebates, unemployment benefits or food stamps. How could be those actions helpful? Who knows? Not me. All I know is that we all have to trust they will work and help to get out of this unfavorable situation and it won't last ages. Well, everyone who watches TV, rads newspapers, listens to the radio or just talks to other people and is not blind or absolutely separated from the world all around had to notice that something really unusual happened. Reps and Democrats are cooperating, trying to find the best solutions together as they both want to rescue American people from suffering. So considerate. Is that just dream coming true? Wonder? Magic? Miracle? Election Day coming soon?

related story:;_ylt=Ai1aLSwhzNsN_flo16YiKums0NUE
by Kamila Moravcikova
for PocketNews (

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