
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

U.S. economic stimulus package
by Sandra Stoklaskova

For the last few weeks there was a sharp fall on global economic market, what caused big pressure on local markets of economy. US financial system, as one of the biggest all over the world, was affected, too. And this is the reason, why there is a need to hurry in accepting economic stimulus package. President George W. Bush in collaboration with top lawyers of the America made an agreement, that in next few weeks they should, unconditionally, authorize new economic package. "Our definition of 'soon,' obviously, is in the next few weeks," said Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. He also assigned the date to be the week of February 18. The need of accepting economic stimulus package confirmed Bush by the words: "All of us understand that we need to work together. All of us understand that we need to do something that'll be effective. And all of us understand that now's the time to work together to get a package done." The purpose of this document is not to achieve a recession or increase in the economic indicators, as there was a little slowdown, but anyway it was a slowdown. "This is a flexible, this is a resilient, this is a dynamic economy, and the entrepreneurial spirit is high. But there is some uncertainty that we're going to have to deal with," said Bush. All the parties believe that they will reach the agreement on this stimulus package, soon.

related story:;_ylt=An1jGl3Q0dpcvbEYP9nNeTys0NUE
by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

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