
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Scared of EURO?
by Barbora Misakova

Be or not to be (living in European Union)? That's the question. The most asked question for last few years is the question of EURO. Euro reminds me sometimes scarecrow. Honestly I trying not to think about it in this way. But many people can't. They are just afraid of it, and they are still asking the same questions: How will we live? Will we have enough money? How much will bread and others groceries cost? etc. Instead of make their peace with it they will be constantly talking about it in negative way. Not only "common" citizens are asking, but there is still more and more questions about adopting Euro in Slovakia from politicians themselves. Many of them think it could have a negative impact on Slovak economy if we start with Euro too soon. On the other hand Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico insists that country will meet the criteria for adopting this new currency in early 2009 as was planned, because it is ready to do so. Fico's government wants Slovakia to be the first country in central Europe which will adopt Euro and Minister thinks the only thing we should be afraid of is not Euro itself but only spread atmosphere about the it. He says says the biggest problem is that medias are writing about Euro and its adopting as about some negative event and that's why everyone is scared of it even there is no serious reason. These who are still not sure about Euro are showing at statistics which show that most of Slovakia's inhabitants is insecure because of economic situation after adopting Euro. Although it is natural to be afraid of everything new we must realize that new currency doesn't mean entire change of the world. It is not a disaster, its is only necessary modification which every society should go through if wants to go ahead. If Slovakia will be able to accept new currency and its economy will work with it without problems only time will show. All we have to do is not to panic and live as we are used to until this change will come.

related story:;_ylt=Ag9ZfyaMYtazid1MvIe4vSSs0NUE
by Barbora Misakova
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