
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Here I Am. Entertain Me!
by Kamila Moravcikova

Aunt Nightmare (aka Ms Dreadful, Ms If I Were In Your Shoes, Aunt Single-Men, Keep Out!, Aunt I Know Everything Better, Aunt Sorrow And Pain etc.) is about to visit us. You know that day will happen, but once it's not the nearest future, you don't pay attention, just enjoy the life without her annoying presence. And then you realize that THAT day is definitely coming soon. The warning signals keep coming. She made a phone call. She sent a postcard saying how lonesome and sad she is. She still recalls the last visit with joy and love. All you can remember are crying children, two break downs, one depression, one almost ruined marriage, house looking like battlefield. You tried to avoid her invasion, but she is not that kind who gives up easily. Sometimes it seems like the time between her two visits is just to heal, to cure the injuries she caused. And she usually comes without invitation. Here I am. Entertain me. She's about to visit us. And we can't expect anything positive. Actually, all that "Aunt Nightmare visiting" fairytale is just a stupid metaphor. Maybe your nasty relative isn't arriving, but there's something much more painful going to happen. The economic recession. Here it is. Governments all over the world can do their best but they can only moderate its consequences, but nobody can stop it. Whatever people say, you'd better prepare yourselves. You should count with being broke sometimes etc. But it won't last forever. One day it will be gone and you will be able to cure the injuries before it will come once again. Here I am. Entertain me.

related story:;_ylt=Am7Zsou5qZQCMrWNEydiTiWs0NUE
by Kamila Moravcikova
for PocketNews (

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