
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Uncomfortable comfort.
by Barbie Kunkelova

Oil price reached a new record since the year 1981 & per barrel you'll pay only $89, how ridiculous! In 1981, the oil exports were cut by Iran and so the price of oil hit an unbelievable dollar amount back in those days. This news will also translate into higher prices of gasoline, which also upsets me as a driver living in a capital city. Even though I only drive a Skoda Fabia which "eats" around six liters per kilometer. Therefore I bite my lip every time I get stuck in a traffic jam & which happens every morning. More precisely & twice every morning, for I live in a tiny town behind Raca. I remember my astonishment at the price of gas after the summer season ended & thanks to declined demand typical for the end of summer driving season. But this is very likely to change in upcoming days due to higher oil costs. Also the recently growing negative relationship between Turkey and Iraq are not helping us drivers. Turkey would love to invade northern Iraq & the part famous by its inhabitants & Kurds & and its biggest treasure & oil. Turkish excuse is, however, the desire to get rid of Kurds. But people are capable of worse things than lying when it comes to owning more oil. I wonder if also the low value of the US dollar (business world hates uncertainty) or the violence in Nigeria (another producer of oil) are another reasons that cause us this oil trouble. But no matter what happens in future, there still will be a large demand for oil and gas. Because one of them means power and the second one the comfort of driving. And we love both, don't we?

related story:;_ylt=AhLIF5g9PJVICOrClHpVMKes0NUE

by Barbie Kunkelova
for PocketNews (

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Edited by Iveta Nagyova

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