
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Apple on the wave
by Claudia Sonea

If Apple’s “Rock and Roll” event from last month failed to impress, then the quarterly earnings sure managed to do it. Wall Street was taken aback by the amazing rise of 17 percent that topped all expectations and brought Apple on the peaks of the best growth on the market. Yet, the numbers might be a little bit strange if not questionable, from the point of view that on US market Apple still has only 9.4 percent, while in Europe it has even less. According to the report released by Apple, its revenue was boosted by the sales of Mac computers, which went above 3 millions units for last month. Moreover! , there was an increasing demand for the latest model of iPhone that outnumbered the supply and succeeded in surprising because the new products presented at the event failed to rise to expectations. In fact, Apple showed that in spite of the crisis people continue to spend as much as $400 on a cell phone and forget about bills, mortgage, things that they actually needed. Are the numbers real? Or is it just the company’s way of ruining the launch planned by Microsoft? These are questions without an answer and the reality is that Windows continue to be more used than Mac, at least in Europe, and Apple’s laptops are not catching that well either. The 9.4 percent is not that much to justify the commotion stirred by the quarterly report, nor the jump of the share price on the stock market. Maybe there is something after all in Apple’s modest forecasts for the next quarter. Stay connected and find out more.

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by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

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