
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Carlos Slim - the man who buys when everybody's selling
by Zivka Deleva

Bill Gates slipped from the Forbes billionaires first place yesterday. After 13 years, there’s a new hero on the top of the business world. His rival on the list is Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim Helu who bitted Gates for “only” half a billion! Coming from the third place.70-year old owner of Latin America’s biggest mobile phone operator “America Movil” is known as fearless to economic crises. When everyone is afraid to make big steps, he just grabs the chances and makes more money. That way, he had reached amazing 53.5 billion dollars! In only one year, Slim’s fortune increased 18.5 billion dollars. For the first time in 16 years, a n! on American is on the top of the list. Last month he merged three of his telecommunications companies to form a regional giant and now covers 250 million customers in 18 countries. He studied to be a civil engineer. He learned the business skills from his father, who was a Lebanese immigrant, but tough his children to save money since early age. Slowly he passes his business to his children. Not as Gates, but still he has donated 10 billion dollars in health, education, justice and sports projects in Latin America. For two years, Slim’s biggest rival was American investor Warren Buffett. That’s why today, he’s known as “Warren Buffett of Latin America”. "When you live for others' opinions, you are dead. I don't want to live thinking about how I'll be remembered" – sais Helu. On the question who Carlos Slim Helu is someone has written a very precise definition: “he is the man who’s buying up stakes in valuble companies shile ! there is blood in the streets”! He learned that lesson f! rom his father, who on the other side, learned during the early 20th century revolution in Mexico. This man definitely is an inspiring person for everyone who wants to learn business skills and lifestyle. The billionaire number this year has increased since last, for 18, and it is 1011, worldwide!
by Zivka Deleva
for SigEx Ventures (

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