
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chinese Independence Stressing American Politicians.
by Milota Sidorova

The situation with low Chinese yuan has many angles and perspectives.China that has been keeping its currency in extremely low level just to boost its exporters is a spike in the eye of American businessmen. Chinese economy, currently the third largest in the world assures growing GDP while others keep falling or on the point of zero. According some experts if it boosted in this pace by the end of the year it could become the second largest economy, kicking out Japan.And there will be only one to catch. The one who has already been Chinese borrower. Political and economical atmosphere in United States in under pressure – increasing Chinese exports are limiting America! n producers and their profit is decreasing.The pressure is so strong that U.S. politicians don't hesitate to alarm International Monetary Fund to rethink sanctions against China. Senators even want president Obama to sign China a “currency manipulator”.Well, too much shouting to cover the mistakes. There's one thing to realize that United States, although being on the top today is a dog in this relationship. China has already had a power to destroy American automobile industry, clothing, furniture and electronic industry. If American politicians keep on the pressure and shouting strategy it only makes them looking panic-struck. There's been another tactics of making business in Chine. The relationship with weaker partner looks like China makes business, it is not dealing anything. United States may soon face this attitude. Once China decides to push up the currency, it will be because of good of its own business, not because of the obligation of anyone else. Not! United States, not IMF, not EU... Some analysts say, if yuan ! equalled dollar in the same moment, it could ruin American economy. But that is not going to happen now – Chinese representatives hide their intentions beneath complaints of theirs exporters. As for exporters – it is essential to keep Chinese people working for small money, produce things for the outer world in extreme pace with the smallest investments of foreign companies. Cheap labor is the target no. 1 of business companies. So far, China can't stop this mass production, because it could ruin its economy. So right now, there may be a cry for “fair”business, but it could be of a little use, if China maintains the position of stronger player in the game.

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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

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