
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Expensive euro bailout
by Milota Sidorova

We will save euro, whatever it takes and costs. This is the clear message from EU leaders and IMF. These leaders have just agreed massive bailout for Greece and other European countries. These “leaders”have just pushed another two generation of European citizen into the slavery. Greece had had the problems. So because of that, we all euro zone citizens had to donate generous and wastefull policy of the country that has no intention, not real intention to lower its standards. At first, do you know a country with retire age of 53? Each normal and responsible system has this age around 60 or 65. Greek businessmen were happy not to pay taxes for their goods on marke! ts and their social benefits were so famous and popular that even people from Middle Europe were dreaming of being a Greek citizen. Not to mention corruption that rode the country structures. This dream is definitely over, at the top of that it has turned into a nightmare.People from every corner of so called euro zone said no to donate such system. Instead of thinking of bankcrupty or leaving the euro-zone, Greece is now awaiting to get massive involunatarily tax payer support. First it was 10, 20 then 30 billion loan. Then the amount summed on 70 billion euro, then they had decided on 110 billion euro. It was more than bloody and unpopular decision. German people showed their disagreement and kicked out Merkel from governmental majority of upper Parliament. Now, these leaders have decided they were going to bailout euro. Just like they did in the U.S. They bailouted favorites. So now, each government would receive billions and billions that would be paid next years. Just ! to keep the common currency alive. But 750 billion is not 110 ! billion. It is pretty much different. What kind of work is going to pay this loan? How many taxpayers are going to pay this? And how long are they going to pay this? Are my children going to pay this loan made of money controlled by IMF and organizations that control the amount of money flow? The amount of bailout money has surprised many financial analytists. Euro rose for a moment. But for how long? We have realized this was going to be expensive. But now it is the mud and we are the ones sinking.

related story (sgx17251):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

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