
Monday, March 29, 2010

Euro zone being a good mother to debt-ridden children. Even against its own will.
by Milota Sidorova

Tired and nervous seemed Eurogroup President and Luxemburg Prime Minister Jean Claude Juncker during the interview on France 24, speaking of Greek issue. Earlier last week, euro zone leaders finally agreed on plan of international aid to debt-ridden Greece. Juncker called Greece a superwinner, because it was able to gain “a guarantee of solidarity” of its European partners.Or let's speak with more focus – Greece administration should be thankful to German and French people backing the debt from their pockets. Although Greek Prime Minister said he hoped the aid wasn't necessary, because of tough cut-package, German public was anything, but sympathetic.Accor! ding each relevant poll, German people were against any support to another states. German industry has been falling down for decade, loosing its diversity and main lines. Chancellor Merkel did all the decisions against her own people, risking unpredictable May election result. But she was not the only one – many of the countries all over Europe will face the elections this year and many of them will be (possibly) supporting Greece with the sum of 22 billion euro.Juncker refused and angrily responded to the option of Greece or Germany getting out the eurozone.He called it a speculation, not the real option, because one didn't get into euro zone and out whenever he wants. He went even further and compared union of states with the common currency to the Europe itself. It is, or it is not. It can't change every day.Let's split low minded debate of basis and philosophy of euro zone, Juncker suggested it right away.The decision within euro zone to create help inside should ! have good influence on euro that reached its 10-month low earl! ier last week. Juncker said he would like the markets to note the decision.Yes, the response came along the way – with euro rebounding $1.33 against the dollar.

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by Milota Sidorova
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