
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money
by Zivka Deleva

Is it possible that Greece, one of the poorest European countries is going to worsen the stable euro currency? Yes, but only if others allow her, or to be more precise, if the dominant Germany nods assent. The biggest fiscal sinner in the euro zone, who’s drowning in debt, might change the whole economical climate in Europe. Huge debates are made during these few months due to the need to bring the decision how could European Union help its member. It opens the questions like what’s the purpose of the fray if it doesn’t help it’s members – which of course, was a pathetic point of view and if the Council gives money to Greece now, what proves th! at Greeks officials will use it properly and not allow for the same thing to happen again. It is true that the economic crises hit everybody, but Greeks and Italians proved to be worst household people. It seems like Greeks in the last almost 30 years as much as they are EU members, haven’t learned a lot from its friends from the euro zone, like the economical giant Germany. Maybe that is why German politicians are the biggest objectors for unconditional support of Greece. When in 1990, Germans accepted the euro, they did it under three very important conditions – the new currency to be strong as the deutsche mark, with low inflation, strict budget discipline and no bailout for the weak. That’s why Ulrike Guerot of the European Council is completely right when he says that “lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money”. Ancient Greeks would be mad to Modern ones if it is known that the second trace roots from the first, and t! he ancient Greece is considered as a cradle of western civiliz! ation. L et’s wait and see what will happen to Europe!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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