
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Greece still cries for European help
by Zivka Deleva

Stuck in deep problems, Greece is fed up with promises and undefined answers by it’s European queen. The country is in big debts and has no clue how to handle it. It started implementing some austere reforms, but the truth is, you need money to succeed that. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou yesterday bagged for help on the last meeting with the European Parliament’s special committee on the economic, financial and social crisis (CRIS). "We are not looking for a scapegoat nor asking for help to live from the wealth of others but what we do need is strong political support to make all these reforms and to make sure we will not have to pay more than is necess! ary. We need more Europe rather than less Europe" - Papandreou said. The whole truth is that Greece still needs money! Not some moral support! The thing is Greeks politicians want to be able “to borrow at rates which are normal". Greece was one of the worst hit European countries in the huge global recession. Drown in strikes, protests and all kinds of social mergence, Greece is a danger for the whole world, meaning whether it is possible for this state to provoke another economic crisis. Europe first wants to see the results from Greeks reforms, than to help more. Greece is trying to save the common European currency. But, that same Europe must be patient and must wait for the results. Papandreou also thinks that EU should do more revision on Greeks work, not only to punish the country. Greek even tried to put an ultimatum to the Organization and warned her that it is planning to get closer to the International Monetary Fund if the Union doesn’t show some real! compassion. This kinds of problems show how the European Uni! on doesn ’t really do much for its members. At least what Europe could do is put in place a “system of conditional assistance”, said one professor concerning the topics.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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