
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Taking advantage
by Milota Sidorova

EU. The idea of creating multinational superpower was an utopia from the very beginning. Let's take about thirty of different independent states, each one with its own currency, political system, system of not working (what I call buraucracy, corruption), tax system, language and society development and temerament. If seen from economic point of view, soon you realize creating such superpower dominating economic world is not possible. At first, so called criteria limiting countries to enter the EU were not fully and precisely examined. That way happened large and developed countries like France and Germany stood next to Romania or Latvia. Their shares on decision making was! not equall. They made different profits, so they got different rights to say yes or no. How could one compare their economies? This inbalance, disproportion was more than predictible. Problems caused by different (not only ) economic pace were just the case of time.But what was the purpose of EU? Most of peope I ask when speaking of EU benefits suggest it is only crossing the borders and kind of “free job market”. Nothing less. Nothing more.And it seems the consequences of common union are extending. They are deepening our wallets, they are sucking our minds, cultures and taxes. Without even asking for that. Let's just take Lisbon treaty denied referendums, forced Nederlands, France and Ireland. Lisbon treaty wasn't accepted liberally. EU created enormous pressure on the bill and it was just a matter of time, the treaty would be passed. EU is now “fighting” for not loosing the project of common European currency. Euro zone countries have to pump deb! t ridden Greece billion of euros, but no one is really expecti! ng any h appy end. Analysts say Greece bankruptcy is only a matter of time. But soon there will be more debt ridden countries. Spain, Portugal, Sweeden, Slovakia...Euro zone countries are becoming debt ridden countries. Next generations will have to deal with “our" debts. And they are increasing. Euro zone is about to accept “generous” loan from IMF to get save from the debt. But what logic is in borrowing money to pay debt? It's exactly robbing Peter to pay Paul.So what is the next step from shareholders of EU project? These days we are facing a proposal that would make EU countries to submit their natinal budgets before passing them on national level. They also want common policy over hedge funds.This all will lead into one tax and financial, soon political system over all European Union.This is exactly the moment to pass such proposals and bills. This is the time of having no time to think of consequences. This is the time you just can't say no, because of early! ruin on financial markets. But think from the beginning. What was the purpose of EU?Was it a bridge between cultures? Perhaps. Could it unite dozens of different economic systems without serious problems first? No. Could it make sustainable policy? Could it assure national independency and free will? No. The power (represented by all aspects of political and economical system) is being taken away from EU citizens. The power is being cumulated higher and higher, centrialized in Brussels and groups operating behind that.Greece is not going to win this battle. Neither European citizens are going to win.

related story (sgx17338):
by Milota Sidorova
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