
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lets say truth...
by Barbora Misakova

For those who are uninitiated into the market matters (just as I am) must all those information about fears of sinking stocks seem trite and tiring. Every single day there is at least one article about economic situation. That is normal. But while on Monday is everything all right and we are getting out of economic crisis, on Wednesday is everything downhill for us. How should we then read the newspapers and watch TV when they all just confuse us? Why can’t we say “it is ok” only when it really is? Is it some kind of stimulation and cheer technique? If it is so, we should think hard what we will say to cover up the fact that world stocks sink on bank fundi! ng fears. Global stock exchanges sank sharply Tuesday and investors worry whether banks would be able to repay some 442 billion Euros they borrowed a year ago. Money borrowed from European Central Bank must be repaid on Thursday what leaves a potential liquidity shortfall in the financial system of more than 100 billion Euros. The European Central Bank holds a three-month tender and expectations are that 210 billion Euros will be allotted at the offer. But first of all, the banks will be tested. Reuters was told that more than 100 banks in Europe will be examined in a second round of stress tests to gauge how well they can handle shocks to the financial system. But investors worry: the fragile banking sector may weigh on global growth.

related story (sgx17734):! di...
by Barbora Misakova
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