
Friday, July 23, 2010

Moody's sur l'Irland
by Barbora Misakova

Parler de la crise n'est rien de nouveau. Tout le monde- à partir les analystes et politiciens économiques autour du monde avaient parlé à plusieurs reprises à ce sujet, de ce qu'elle a causé, où elle a mené et qu'est-ce qu'il nous attend encore. Beaucoup d'agences financières analysaient la situation de tout le monde, non seulement les pays européens, et quel effet la crise a eu sur lui. Moody's Corporate, la société de portefeuille pour les Services d'investissement de Moody's, fait une telle estimation de situation économique de l'Irlande. Ce tigre celtique, comme on appelle l'Irlande, était l'un des p! ays les plus riches à l'OCDE et a eu la meilleure qualité de la vie dans le monde. De nos jours, quand la crise économique du monde s'en allait, la richesse de ce pays parlant anglais est partie avec elle. En tant que l'agence de Moody's a informé, l'économie de l'Irlande s'est considérablement affaiblie par tentative radicale de combattre la dette et de sauver les banques. Cependant elle peut se stabiliser peu à peu. Cette agence top rangée a valorisé l'estimation de dette irlandaise à Aa2 d'Aa1 lundi ce qui devrait signifier que l'économie irlandaise se démêle de la situation négative à l'optimum. Moody's blâme le niveau élevé de dette, faibles perspectives de croissance économique et le coût énorme de sauvetage des banques. Ce sont les facteurs principaux qui ont causé la déclivité de la dette irlandaise. La perte progressive de force financière du! gouvernement est l'un des premiers facteurs clefs et des cond! ucteurs principaux de la descente. Le deuxième facteur sont des perspectives affaiblies de croissance et enfin et surtout pas le dernier est la cristallisation des obligations éventuelles du système bancaire. L'Irlande, laquelle a pompé des sommes d'argent énormes dans des banques frappées par la crise, a dépensé presque 25 milliards d'euros jusqu'ici.

related story (sgx17881):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with teleco! mmunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Air traffic controllers strike is inappropriate
by Zivka Deleva

No one wants to get into a middle of a trouble. No living been would not like to avoid a natural disaster, catastrophe, some personal experience etc. And more of this, when you travel, you don’t want to hang around on some airport waiting for hours for your plan to come. Airports are by definition pretty boring and tiring places to be, but when you have to and knowing that it is the most efficient way of travelling, you are definitely stuck there. But, one could stand up a lot of hours waiting on the airport if previously the travel agency informs you that you’ll have to wait, but when something bigger happens that delays airlines, than you simply want to kill someone. This thing happened to passengers that had chosen the French airspace, the airports of Charles De Gaulle and Orly yesterday. They had to sleep over the benches, go through nervous breakdown all because the air traffic controllers were mad of the idea of creating an unified European airspace! They ! were afraid of their future, and that’s why, they want to safe their independence. The idea is for France to join Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg and all together to create one common authority. Hundreds of air flights were cancelled, and as media say, only 30 percent of the controllers participated in the strike. This decision made travelers angrier if knowing that we are in the middle of the summer holidays and everybody is anxious to leave the hot cities and enjoy the beach and the sea. French government concerns this strike as "inappropriate". I find it the same!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people ! to easily control, view, upload and share digital content thro! ugh prop rietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Historical financial bill signed in US
by Zivka Deleva

Yesterday was a big day for the United States of America financial system. The long awaited reforms in the system that in the past few years was melted by its own defeats, now has a new legislative on which US banks and people are going to rely on. President Barack Obama signed the reform into law and from now on, the banks on the Wall Street are not going to be so superior over taxpayers and the Americans are going to have bigger rights when it comes to the bank accounts and possibilities. This is considered to be the biggest financial reform in the States since 1930s when the Great Depression has happened. Bigger protection for the consumers, control of the banks from higher bodies that will have them in sight all the time and well managing of the credit card firms are the biggest acquisition that this law is going to give to the taxpayers. "Because of this law, the American people will never again be asked to foot the bill for Wall Street’s mistakes. There will b! e no more tax-funded bailouts. It was a crisis born of a failure of responsibility from certain corners of Wall Street to the halls of power in Washington" - said Obama. According to the father’s nation, this bill is going to help for faster recovery from the recession and decreasing the number of the unemployment. Finally, the country is based on the functioning of the banking system, because you are not an American if you don’t have at least three or four credits to pay for. Or maybe better, their lives are on credit. Let’s see how will Obama’s administration handle the new bill, because now is the time for the real work to be done.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital ! broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people ! to easil y control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Moody's za Irska
by Barbora Misakova

Da se zboruva za krizata ne e ništo nov. Site - site ekonomski analtičari i političari okolu svetot mnogu zboruvaa za toa, što činela, kade vodela i što drugo treba da očekuvame. Mnogu finansiski agencii gi analiziraa situaciite na site, ne samo na evopskite zemji i kakvi efekti taa imaše na niv. "Moody’s Corporation", holding-kompanija za "Moody’s Investors Service, napravi takvo rangiranje za irskata ekonomska situacija. Ovoj Keltski Tigar, kako što e narečena Irska, beše edna od najbogatite državi vo OECD (Organizacija za ekonomska sorabotka i razvoj) i go imaše najdobriot kvalitet na život! vo svetot. Denes, koga svetskata ekonomska kriza pominata, bogatstvoto na ovaa zemja od anglisko govorno podračje go nema zasekogaš. Kako što informiraše agencijata "Moody", irskata ekonomija e osobeno oslabena od radikalnata akcija da se bori so bankite što se vo dolgovi. Kako i da e, možebi poleka se stabilizira. Ovaa renomirana agencija za rangiranje go degradiraše irskoto rangiranje na Aa2 na Aa1 vo ponedelnikot što bi značelo deka irskata ekonomija se dviži od negativna situacija kon stabilna. Moody's gi obvinuva visokite nivoa na dolgovi, slabite ekonomski perspektivi i golemite trošoci za bankite za spasuvanje. Ovie se glavnite faktori što predizvikaa opagjanje na Irska. Vladinata postepena zaguba na finansiskata sila e prviot klučen faktor i eden od glavnite za degradiranjeto. Vtoriot faktor e oslabenata perspektiva i na kraj, ama ne i najmalku važno, e kristalizacijata na kontingentnite dolgovi! na bankarskiot sistem. Irska, koja potroši golemi sumi p! ari za b ankite pogodeni od kriza, potroši rečisi 25 milijardi evra dosega.

related story (sgx17876):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moody's about Ireland
by Barbora Misakova

Talking about the crisis is nothing new. Everyone – all economic analysts and politicians around the world have been talking over and over about it, what it caused, where did it lead and what else should we expect. Many financial agencies were analyzing situation of all, not only European, countries and what effect the crisis had on them. Moody’s Corporation, the holding company for Moody’s Investors Service, made such a rating of Ireland economic situation. This Celtic Tiger, as the Ireland is called, was one of the wealthiest countries in the OECD and had the best quality of life in the world. These days, when the world economic crisis is gone, the wealt! h of this English-speaking country is gone as well. As Moody’s agency informed, Ireland’s economy is greatly weakened by radical action to fight debt and rescue banks. However it may be stabilizing slowly. This top rating agency downgraded Irish debt rating to Aa2 from Aa1 on Monday what should mean that Irish economy gets from negative situation to stable. Moody’s blames high debt levels, weak economic growth prospects and the huge cost of rescuing banks. These are the main factors that caused Irish debt’s downgrade. The government’s gradual loss of financial strength is the first key factor and one of the main drivers for the downgrade. The second one is weakened growth prospects and last but not least it is crystallization of contingent liabilities from the banking system. Ireland, which pumped huge sums of money into crisis-hit banks, has spent almost 25 billion Euros so far.

related story (sgx17856):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Moody o Írsku
by Barbora Misakova

Skutočnosť, že sa stále hovorí o kríze, nie je nijak nová. Ekonomickí analytici či politici pôsobiaci vo svete o tom neustále diskutujú a snažia sa prísť na to, čo kríza spôsobila, kam viedla a čo všetko ešte od nej môžeme očakávať. Množstvo finančných agentúr neustále monitoruje a analyzuje ekonomické aktivity a situáciu jednotlivých (nielen) európskych vlád a krajín, ale aj najrôznejších spoločností. Jednou z takýchto agent! 50;r je aj spoločnosť Moody, holdingová spoločnosť pre Moodyho investorský servis, ktorá vyhodnotila aj ekonomickú situáciu Írska. Tento Keltský Tiger, ako sa Írsko niekedy nazýva, bola jedna z najbohatších krajín OECD, ktorá sa mohla pýšiť najvyššou kvalitatívnou úrovňou života zo všetkých krajín na svete. V súčasnosti, kedy finančná kríza pomaly utícha, sa stratené bohatstvo tejto anglicky hovoriacej krajiny snažia prinavrátiť viacerí. Ako informovala Moodyho agentúra, Írska ekonomika je značne oslabená radikálnymi akciami, ktorými sa vláda snažila bojovať proti zadlžovaniu a najmä za záchranu bánk. Táto špičková ratingová agentúra v pondelok oznámila, že zn! ižuje svoje hodnotenie Írskeho dlhu zo stupňa&#! 160;Aa1 na Aa2, čo by malo znamenať, že situácia sa z negatívnej mení na stabilnú. Napriek tomu však Írsko ani zďaleka nie je, ako sa hovorí, za vodou. Moodyho agentúra viní najmä vysoký dlh, slabé vyhliadky pre ekonomický rast a obrovské sumy, ktoré boli vynaložené na záchranu bánk. To sú hlavné faktory, ktoré spôsobili pokrízový úpadok Írska. Postupná strata finančnej sily Írskej vlády je pritom jedným z kľúčových faktorov. Navyše, oslabené vyhliadky rastu a v neposlednom rade vyhranené podmienené finančné záväzky bankového systému sú ďalšie faktory, ktoré situáciu v Írsku nezlepšujú. Írsko, ktoré pumpuje obrovské sumy peňazí najmä do kr! ízou zasiahnutých bánk, už spotrebovalo takmer 25 miliárd Eur.

related story (sgx17857):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pourquoi protéger l'information personnelle si je peux mourir demain ?
by Barbora Misakova

Quelle est la plus grande « menace » du 21ème siècle ? L'abus d'information personnelle - c'est la réponse. Partout où vous êtes, vous êtes obsédé par l'idée que quelqu'un sait toute information « sensible » sur vous. Mais ce que cela signifie réellement ? Nous protégeons notre vie privée et c'est très bien. Mais nous ne devrions pas agir tandis qu'une information privée ou super secrète, particulièrement quand en réalité l'information telle que notre nom, adresse ou numéro de notre compte bancaire soit facilement accessible ? Où devrait-il être alors! la frontière de la protection de vie privée et quand devrions-nous commencer à penser aux problèmes beaucoup plus sérieux qu'au numéro de notre carte de crédit ? Après des semaines des négociations entre Washington et l'UE, le Parlement européen a approuvé un accord d'octroi pour les investigateurs du terrorisme d’US pour accéder aux informations sensibles. Les informations sur des virements bancaires européens pourraient aider à combattre le terrorisme et ainsi la vie « de tous les citoyens soit plus sûre » a indiqué le président des États-Unis Barack Obama dans son rapport. Pour ceux qui ont toute de suite commencé à paniquer - ne vous inquiétez pas - ça sert pour une bonne chose ! En outre, l'UE a obtenu des assurances des Etats-Unis que les représentants de l'UE pourront surveiller comment les informations de banque seront employées pa! r les investigateurs anti-terroristes. Ils pourront égale! ment con trôler des demandes d'informations de banque s'ils pensent que c'est nécessaire. L'accord de cinq ans qui entrera en vigueur en août fournira des informations sur les transferts d'argent comptant qui pourraient être utiles pour dépister des suspects de terrorisme responsables également pour les attaques en Europe telle que le bombardement à Madrid en 2004 et de ceux à Londres en 2005.

related story (sgx17844):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital br! oadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why to protect privacy if I can die tomorrow?
by Barbora Misakova

What is the biggest “threat” of 21st century? Abuse of personal information – is the answer. Wherever you are, you are haunting by idea that someone knows your “sensitive” information. But what does that actually mean? We are protecting our privacy and that is all right. But we shouldn’t act as it was something intimate and super secret, especially when in reality are information such as our name, address or number of our bank account easily accessible. Where should be then the border of privacy protection and when should we start thinking about much serious problems rather than number of our credit card? After weeks of negotiations betwe! en Washington and the EU, the European Parliament approved a deal granting US terrorism investigators access to sensitive information. Information about European bank transfers could help combat terrorism and so the life “all of our citizens will be safer” said U.S. President Barack Obama in his statement. For those of you who automatically started to panic – do not worry – is it for a good thing! Besides that the EU won assurances from the United States that EU representatives will be able to oversee how the bank information is used by counter-terrorism investigators. They will also be able to vet requests for bank information if they think it is necessary. The five-year agreement which will go into effect in August will give information about cash transfers that could be helpful to track terrorism suspects responsible also for attacks in Europe such as the 2004 bombing in Madrid and those in London in 2005.

related story (sgx17813):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Discutions et projets de G20
by Milota Sidorova

Le week-end a été marqué par la réunion G20 à Toronto. Tandis que des rues étaient entièrement occupées par des dix mille personnes exigeant leur manifestation, vingt représentants des plus grandes économies du monde ont disserté les démarches menant la libération de l'économie intérieure. Les idées, étaient cependant d'une sorte différente. Généralement, la proposition du prélèvement financier et bancaire a été discutée, mais trois pays européens (Allemagne, France et Angleterre) n'ont trouvé aucun soutien dans le groupe. Imposer un imp! 44;t de banque sera probablement strictement la matière nationale. La Grande-Bretagne, toutefois redoute que cette démarche inhibe leurs banques, parce que trois quarts de services financiers sont cumulés sur les Îles. Le chancelier allemande Angela Merkel n'a pas accepté la proposition en ne trouvant pas l'environnement favorable ni le soutien d'autre pays. Au début de cette semaine le Secrétaire des États-Unis Timothy Geithner « a averti » les pays du monde d'être moins indépendants des dépenses et de l'aide des États-Unis en cas de crise. Les pays devraient être stables et créer leur propre stratégie non-basée à l'économie des États-Unis, cependant, personne ne sait quoi penser au sujet de la Chine qui est la plus grande exportateur jusqu'à maintenant inchangeable non seulement pour les États-Unis, mais pour le reste du monde aussi. On ne parle pas de la d&#! 233;pendance à sens unique, mais la Chine devient le fabr! icant le plus attirant du monde qui attire la plupart, sinon tous les pays dans la dépendance collatérale. Et pour être précis, on ne parle pas des personnes ou du niveau de vie du pays, mais des investisseurs et des marqueurs d'économie. G20 s'est également concentré à la crise d'euro et les plans qui aideraient de la surmonter. Plusieurs représentants ont réclamé la coupure des budgets nationaux de façon que cela n’afflige pas la croissance d'économie. C'était l'accent principal de la conférence entière - de ne pas faire de grandes changement, seulement de garder la croissance d'économies. Combien de temps cela prendrait et de quelle manière, celle est devenue un mystère incertain…

related story (sgx17762):! 27-g20-summit-washington-ur...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.