
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why to protect privacy if I can die tomorrow?
by Barbora Misakova

What is the biggest “threat” of 21st century? Abuse of personal information – is the answer. Wherever you are, you are haunting by idea that someone knows your “sensitive” information. But what does that actually mean? We are protecting our privacy and that is all right. But we shouldn’t act as it was something intimate and super secret, especially when in reality are information such as our name, address or number of our bank account easily accessible. Where should be then the border of privacy protection and when should we start thinking about much serious problems rather than number of our credit card? After weeks of negotiations betwe! en Washington and the EU, the European Parliament approved a deal granting US terrorism investigators access to sensitive information. Information about European bank transfers could help combat terrorism and so the life “all of our citizens will be safer” said U.S. President Barack Obama in his statement. For those of you who automatically started to panic – do not worry – is it for a good thing! Besides that the EU won assurances from the United States that EU representatives will be able to oversee how the bank information is used by counter-terrorism investigators. They will also be able to vet requests for bank information if they think it is necessary. The five-year agreement which will go into effect in August will give information about cash transfers that could be helpful to track terrorism suspects responsible also for attacks in Europe such as the 2004 bombing in Madrid and those in London in 2005.

related story (sgx17813):
by Barbora Misakova
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