
Thursday, January 24, 2008

38th annual World Economic Forum in Davos welcomed delegates in Wednesday
by Ivana Bruderova

This Wednesday, the world's political and business elite began to talk about the most delicate problems on the 38th annual World Economic Forum in Davos, a Swiss ski resort. 27 heads of state and 113 cabinet ministers focused for instance to the question of influence of American economy to economic growth the rest of the world. A US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told to delegates at the opening ceremony she understands to worries of the states of Asia and Europe but "the US economy is resilient, its structure is sound and its long-term fundamentals are healthy." The program of the Economic Forum is rich and no important topic will be neglected. To the main pillars belongs also "Competing While Collaborating"- dealing with lasting globalization, "Exploring Nature's New Frontiers"- advances in science and technologies and how to solve problems such as climate change, aging society, disease eradication and many others. But the participants of the Forum are not only politicians and presidents. In these days you can meet there also Emma Thompson, the British actress, Irish rock singer and eternal anti-poverty campaigner Bono or global warming campaigner Al Gore. The World Economic Forum in Davos will last until January 27, 2008. The program of following days include prospect for peace in the Middle East, terrorism and nuclear proliferation. But the most important Davos question, addressed to everyone is: " What one thing do you think the countries, companies or individuals must do to make the World the better place in 2008?" Just try to think about it for one moment.
by Ivana Bruderova
for PocketNews (

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