
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stockbrokers around the world - always prepared
by Barbora Misakova

First of all I have to admit I am not very good in numbers and economy is probably one of the most complicated topics for me. I am trying to read newspapers a lot and watch TV just to get into it, just to know this sector better and understand it more, but all my efforts are probably useless. Every time I read something about all those shares and indexes I am just not able to imagine clearly what exactly all this means and what are those stockbrokers doing with it. I am always wondering how they can understand to all these numbers and diagrams and I admire them a bit. Fortunately there is still one or two good-hearted people who write about the situation in the way I I am able to understand, at least a little bit. According to my information after dramatic problems on American Wall Street it looks on brighter times. Situation on European stocks calm down a little bit and stocks in the rest of the world started to raise again. Although losses in Europe were massive, the main stock markets were higher anyway & London's FTSE 100 index jumped 4.75 percent, Paris's CAC 40 index rose 6.04 percent and Frankfurt DAX is higher 5.93 percent. Situation on Asian stocks looks a bit different. The elementary growth of indexes changed and they started to decrease again. While situation on Tokyo's stocks looks fine - Nikkei-225 had its index higher 2.06 percent, then it fell under the key level again. This growth of indexes probably stopped the note of Angelo Mozilo, the chef of American Coutrywide Financial Corp., who said that decrease of housing construction in USA can lead to economic recession. Situation on Wall Street is improving very slow but little development we can already see there too. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.04 percent, the tech-rich Nasdaq rose 0.76 percent and Standard & Poor gained 0.14 percent. Although the situation is better than it was few days ago talking that problems are over is too soon. The US markets has positive affect on Asian markets, but there is no reason to talk about the stabilization. All stocks around the world are carefully monitoring situation and expecting other fluctuation.

related story:;_ylt=AqILFCTJjDiyqlM_IyWRKRCs0NUE
by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

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