
Monday, January 7, 2008

What can we expect from the year 2008 for U.S. economy?
by Daniela Simkova

Is the U.S. heading to the economic recession? Will the year of 2008 bring positive changes to the economics or can we really expect the recession? The U.S. banking analysts have already predicted that U.S. economy awaits a mild recession in the year of 2008. They have also predicted that the rate of unemployment increases to 6 percent by the end of the year of 2008. In the first three trading days of the year of 2008 the industrial average has fallen rapidly. The NASDAQ index has already lost 5.57 percent and the Dow Jones industrial average dropped 3.50 percent. The better and clearer view of where the situation of U.S. economy is headed provides several Fed officials. Their comments on economy causes a greater concern to the central banks. Market analysts are still waiting whether the year of 2008 will bring the growth or the recession of U.S. economy. The central banks plan to meet January 29-30 to decide what to do next. They will talk about the possibility of cutting the interest rates for the fourth time in a row. Economists and market analysts still hope that there is still a chance how to save the U.S. economy from the recession. There is possibility that the lowered interest rates can do well as well as the progressive increase overseas. According the Michael Sheldon of Spencer Clarke LLC, these factors can be just helpful in saving the U.S. economy. All the U.S. companies are still trying to find new ways how to make money and save the economy from the recession.
by Daniela Simkova
for PocketNews (

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