
Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stocks moving up and down
by Natalia Holvova

In the world of finance there were ups and downs this year. Sometimes it is not easy to find a balance and some years are more events rich than the others so even predictions can vary in different ways. Mortgage crisis brought some troubles on Wall Street and it certainly wasn't easy to find a way how to get out of unpleasant situation. It seems that everything is getting more stabilized although this is not the end. Important men are talking about the stock rising and better oil prices and eventually appear optimistic but this is a situation that is happening "in highs". Common people do not know and do not care what is going in the macroeconomic sphere. The only thing that matters is our small personal life we have to live everyday. We are interested in food and gas prices, we do care about how much we need to pay for our rent and how we pay all the other bills we have. There is no one else who is going to pay our stuff for us and these are the worries no one from the important well-paid men has. Of course it is important to have these "big" people on the Wall Street but we need them to make our lives easier and the quality of our living higher more than listen to the global financial factors we do not really understand. I do care if my future kids will have enough food to eat, if I am going to be able to give them as good education and life opportunities as possible, not about how much is an oil barrel. I just need someone who is more human being than finance stockbroker and someone who is able to speak my language so I do know what is needed in my small world according to big financial "highs".

related story:;_ylt=AtPzoftkg8im3rfIvUMlubqs0NUE
by Natalia Holvova
for PocketNews (

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