
Monday, February 18, 2008

Cycle of money
by Lenka Lehenova

Money is very important part of our lives. It influences us and there is and always will be facts that people wish to have a lot of it and that it is also a reason of many conflicts. So I can say again that money is the king of the world. Money is active and its process is still working. Maybe we don't see it because we are not interested in it but economists are and there is also theory about it. There is typical cycle: people work because they want to earn money, then they buy food, clothes and all needs. Money gets into repository, then to state's budget and cycle starts again. It is quite difficult. We can own money in different forms: cash & change or paper money, securities, stocks, money on accounts, funds or money in wealth, etc. Today we more and more use money only in electronic form. We can pay by credit or debit cards and we don't need cash. There are a lot of companies which are interested in business with money. I might say that they earn money from money. The fact that money is active makes it profitable. Costumers put their money into some assets or funds. Their values are still moving because there are a lot of factors which influence it. By this way people want to sock money away for example for their retirement savings. They have to trust these companies but there is a big risk as well. Canadian fund-management companies are not in good situation now. The independent companies that create and sell mutual funds have been poor performers in early 2008. It could be quite difficult to dig themselves out of the hole they are in right now. It is nobody's fault, it is just that they had a moderating outlook. Analysts and managers of financial companies (IGM, CI, AGF!) try to analyse and predict situations. I think that investors have to properly think about their next steps in this situation and patience is important principle each of them.

related story:;_ylt=Ap4kmR_ztdbMnIfL3WdXOdayBhIF
by Lenka Lehenova
for PocketNews (

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