
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Analysts Expect Volatile Markets This Week
by Milota Sidorova

Declining Dow Jones and the broad major indexes ended up in red zone numbers on Friday. After an extremely volatile market week, there’s been nothing much to except than the continuing volatility package.
Friday’s panic over Wall Street cost $800 billion subliming in the air, however, the loss wasn’t that huge as in Oct, 10, considered as one of the worst days in the history of trading.
Surely, one would like to say the worst is over, but even the most courageous can’t predict whether the crisis has reached its bottom.
Following indexes, let’s just review the 50 percent drop of S&P 500 between 2000 and 2002. Nevertheless, it has lost it 44 percent past 12 months.
Experts suggest defensive markets this week as well. In fact, they expect several 3Q reports strongly indicating consumers’ spending, good orders and demands.
Visa Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., Colgate Palmolive Co., Kraft Foods and many others are about to predict their yields in upcoming three months.
The big drops are expected. Sony and French carmaker Peugeot Citroen have declared lowering demand and ‘massive’ production cuts. Also Amazon, on-line seller announced this Christmas won’t hit the records.
As for investors, the fuel engine of markets, they remain in low risk and debt limiting position. Due the safety they mostly move to hedge funds or withdraw their cash.

The only one who seems to be doing well these days are the companies with ideal ratings. Anyone else is getting punished.
U.S. economy is inevitably attached to other world’s economies. Among European and Asian traders it’s Russia moving its black horses over capitalistic states.
However due the declining oil prices, Russia gets less and lowers or abandons numbers of sales, drying out the global economy. That is the interesting fact, since the days American consumers had been driving the global growth.

Wall Street passes its fire test these days. One of four job claims comes of this economical universe and drives the talent out of the mainstream. According analysts due experienced financial advisers moving into smaller companies, the stability in this sector reinforces which is a good sign for the economy. Due the skills the harmony finally balances in a positive direction. This may be a good news for the outsiders however former advisers, managers and strategists have to accept almost half salaries outside NYC that is the best paid state for anyone, but the financial people.

related story:;_ylt=ApiK260p.KSIgr3c_JNbLjCs0NUE

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

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edited by Beata Biskova

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