
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

US-China talks
by Claudia Sonea

Some people strive for survival and others strive for more money. In China there are many a lot of people who don’t have a job, who live in misery, who emigrate hopping for a better life. There are poor people in USA too, but the living and the chances to a better life are much higher than in China. So why would then USA strive so hard to rip of the Chinese entrepreneurs? It is only natural for a country to support its local manufactures rather than the foreign ones, thus China should be hailed for keeping its currency at such a low value. In fact, the only way for a country to develop is to support its local bus! iness, agriculture and everything that comes from inside. There should be forbidden for another country to try to interfere with Chinese policies just to gain an upper hand. Yet, USA is doing exactly just that under the false pretense of a more balanced global economy. On Monday at the second Strategic and Economic Dialogue, US representatives meet with the Chinese delegates to discuss a series of measures that would help to sort out the differences between the two countries that burst out at the beginning of the year due to the Chinese policy regarding its currency. Besides the fact that US wishes for a better exchange for the yuan, the country also advises to stop giving so lightly Chinese companies a larger share of new cutting-edge technologies. However, Chinese President is not so easily to voluntarily give up the country’s rapid development and share it with foreign investors, more specifically with the Am! ericans. Being a diplomat he promised that the reform of the c! urrency is taking place but at a steady pace and the domestic demand will be in return increased. Moreover, China is well aware that US has defied them not once by criticizing its censorship policies regarding the Internet or by meeting with the Dalai Lama. There is also the North Korea issue that must be put aside by US delegation if they want to get anywhere with China.

related story (sgx17367):
by Claudia Sonea
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