
Monday, January 28, 2008

Treasury Secretary Paulson believes in increase of US economy
by Sandra Stoklaskova

Economy of United States is one of the biggest and still fastest growing economy of the world. Now the major representatives face the dilemma of accepting or rejecting the stimulus package. The global economy was last weeks in a recession, which was caused by the sharp decline in US housing sector. This fact affected the whole world and, for sure, mainly the US monetary economy and financial institutions. Major representatives believe, that the economy of Us will be going on with its increasing trend, but they also know, that this is the time to implement emergency stimulus package. "I believe that the economy is going to continue to grow," said US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Even though, he added: "We all acknowledge the risks to the downside, and the cost of doing nothing is too great. That is why it is so important that the Senate move very quickly to pass this bipartisan agreement." On Thursday, The White House and the leaders of the House of Representatives, come to agreement on a plan worth approximately $150 billion, that should be a stimulus to regenerate the US economy from the sharp decrease from the last weeks. The package is now being discussed in the Senate, where talks continue on whether to set the bill on or make some improvements. The representatives of Senate hope, that until February 15, the bill would be set forward for the president's signature to the White House.

related story:;_ylt=AuT7ubJpuf88Ru46gtr0b5as0NUE
by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

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