
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Economy crisis is a jackstraw
by Barbora Misakova

This whole situation in economy is a bit funny. I don’t want this blog to sounds like an irony of today’s crisis, all I want is to look at the situation from different point of view. Everyone is watching situation in economy with wrinkles and gloomy view. And even thought I understand it, I still think that it is not the only way of looking at it. I can’t clearly remember how this all started, but all of us know that it looks (from the beginning to the end) like dominoes. One thing falls and then lot of others after it. Everyone is trying to stop this disaster, but it’s a pity that unsuccessfully. Everyone would like to be a hero, who would improve the situation in the U.S. or European markets. But economy crisis is a jackstraw and people are more afraid of that word more than of its after-effects. The truth is, that economy crisis is a global jackstraw standing on the world’s field with corn. It doesn’t matter where you live, in which bank you have hidden your money – it can catch you anywhere. Of course Europe is scared as well, but I can hardly say if European politicians worry about money of their voters or about their own overcrowded bank accounts! Probably the Sunday’s event should have given us an answer, but to be honest I don’t know if it brought any.

European Union united this Sunday representatives of all nations in single-currency zone. The aim of this financial crisis summit was to temporarily guarantee future bank debt. Of course, as it usually goes, the aim is one thing, the reality another. The final solution was that it’s up to individual governments how will they proceed. So why did they met at the Elysee Palace in Paris, why all this parade? To be honest, they can sit behind their computers, chat together about two hours, and their solution would be the same. What is more, they could save money and use them for helping national banks! I know, I know, this is crazy and stupid idea and politicians are state representatives who have to make everything publicly. But anyway, coming with a great plan of helping banks by buying preferred shares and vowing to rescue important failing banks which turns into something like: “So we finally agreed that…it’s up to individual government!” is just incredible! I don’t know how about you, but all these meetings and political summits remind me just a game “Let’s look that we are not afraid and we know exactly what to do!”

related story:;_ylt=At4wUCYfBBCz8dUd_ogTPfSs0NUE

by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

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