
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Evrozonata e dobra majka za decata što tonat vo dolgovi. Duri i protiv svojata volja
by Milota Sidorova

Umoren i nervozen izgleda pretsedatelot na Evrogrupata i luksemburški premier Žan-Klod Junker za vreme na intervjuto za „Frans 24“, zboruvajkji na tema Grcija. Vo početokot na poslednata nedela, liderite od evrozonata konečno se soglasija za plan za megjunarodna pomoš za Grcija koja toni vo dolgovi. Junker ja nareče Grcija superpobednik, zatoa što taa beše sposobna da dobie garancija za solidarnost od svoite evropski partneri. Ili da zboruvam so povekje fokus – grčkata administracija treba da bide blagodarna na germanskiot i na francuskiot narod što go poddržaa nivniot dolg od svoite dzebovi. Iako gr&#! 269;kiot premier reče deka se nadeval deka pomošta nema da bide neophodna, poradi teškiot paket za kratenje, germanskata javnost ne beše voopšto so simpatii. Spored sekoja relevantna anketa, germanskiot narod beše protiv kakva bilo poddrška na drugi državi. Germanskata industrija opagja edna decenija, gubejkji ja svojata raznovidnost i glavnite linii. Kancelarkata Merkel gi donese site odluki protiv svojot sopstven narod, rizikuvajkji gi rezultatite od izborite vo maj. No, taa ne beše edinstvenata – mnogu od državite niz cela Evropa kje se soočat so izbori ovaa godina i mnogumina od niv (verojatno) ja poddržuvaat Grcija so suma od 22 milijardi evra. Junker odbi i luto odgovori na opcijata na Grcija ili Germanija da izlezat nadvor od evrozonata. Toj go nareče toa špekulacija, ne vistinska opcija, zatoa što ne se vleguva vo evrozona i ne se izleguva od nea koga i da sakaš. Toj otide duri i p! odaleku i ja sporedi unijata so državi so aktuelnata valu! ta vo Ev ropa. Taa ili e ili ne e. Ne može da se menuva sekoj den. Da gi izdvoime bezobraznite debati za osnovata i filozofijata na evrozonata, Junker vednaš sugeriraše. Odlukata vo evrozonata da se sozdade pomoš vnatre treba da ima golemo vlijanie na evroto koe go dostigna svoeto 10-mesečno nisko nivo, vo početokot na prethodnata nedela. Junker reče deka toj bi sakal da ja zabeležat odlukata. Da, odgovorot dojde popat – so evroto koe dostigna do vrednosta od 1.33 dolari.

related story (sgx16896):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell! .tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Euro zone being a good mother to debt-ridden children. Even against its own will.
by Milota Sidorova

Tired and nervous seemed Eurogroup President and Luxemburg Prime Minister Jean Claude Juncker during the interview on France 24, speaking of Greek issue. Earlier last week, euro zone leaders finally agreed on plan of international aid to debt-ridden Greece. Juncker called Greece a superwinner, because it was able to gain “a guarantee of solidarity” of its European partners.Or let's speak with more focus – Greece administration should be thankful to German and French people backing the debt from their pockets. Although Greek Prime Minister said he hoped the aid wasn't necessary, because of tough cut-package, German public was anything, but sympathetic.Accor! ding each relevant poll, German people were against any support to another states. German industry has been falling down for decade, loosing its diversity and main lines. Chancellor Merkel did all the decisions against her own people, risking unpredictable May election result. But she was not the only one – many of the countries all over Europe will face the elections this year and many of them will be (possibly) supporting Greece with the sum of 22 billion euro.Juncker refused and angrily responded to the option of Greece or Germany getting out the eurozone.He called it a speculation, not the real option, because one didn't get into euro zone and out whenever he wants. He went even further and compared union of states with the common currency to the Europe itself. It is, or it is not. It can't change every day.Let's split low minded debate of basis and philosophy of euro zone, Juncker suggested it right away.The decision within euro zone to create help inside should ! have good influence on euro that reached its 10-month low earl! ier last week. Juncker said he would like the markets to note the decision.Yes, the response came along the way – with euro rebounding $1.33 against the dollar.

related story (sgx16873):
by Milota Sidorova
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Euro zóna poskytne pomoc, aj keby mala ísť proti vôli svojich obyvateľov.
by Milota Sidorova

Prezident Euro-spoločenstva, zároveň luxemburský premiér Jean Claude Juncker v poslednom interview v televízii France 24 pôsobil unavene a mierne podráždene. Reč bola samozrejme o pomoci Grécku – minulý týždeň sa totiž lídri euro zóny zhodli na spoločnom pláne pomoci, zadĺženým Grékom. Juncker to nazval “aktom solidarity”, pretože grécka vláda si môže vydýchnuť v prípade, že by zlyhal balíček prísnych, šetriacich opatrení, ktoré v krajine presadila minulý mesi! ac. Hoci sa grécky premiér nechal počuť, že peniaze pravdepodobne nebudú potrebovať, rozhodnutie “solidárnych” euro politikov sa nestretlo so solidárnym pochopením euro občanov. Pôžička vo výške 22 miliárd euro, by mala byť z väčšej časti krytá daňovými odvodmi Nemcov a Francúzov. Nemecko sa nachádza v ťažkej situácii – hoci je stále najsilnejšou ekonomikou Európy, priemysel sa ochudobňuje, strácajú sa tradičné odvetvia, pozornosť sa upriamuje na niekoľko trendov, čo ako vieme, je rizikové nielen v čase krízy. Mnoho Nemcov počas posledných rokov prišlo o prácu a verejné povedomie nie je príliš naklonené pomoci za hranicami.Nemecká kancelárka však prevzala zodpovednosť na svoje plec! ia a okrem toho, že poskytla Grécku záchranne l! ano, jeh o druhá strana sa môže zmeniť na slučku – Nemecko, tak ako veľa európskych krajín čakájú v tomto roku voľby. Nemci budú voliť v máji a kancelárka týmto rozhodnutím riskuje nepredvídaný volebný výsledok. Každý relevantnejší prieskum verejnej mienky pomoc Grékom odmietal.Juncker v interviu reagoval podráždene na možnosť opustenia euro zóny, predčasom sa o tejto možnosti debatovalo v súvislosti s Gre'kmi, dnes by to chceli Nemci. Juncker zdôraznil, že to nie je žiadne riešenie, predovšetkým, z euro zóny sa nevystupuje, kedy sa štátu zachce. Šiel dokonca ďalej a prirovnal euro zónu k existencii Európy ako takej.Nevznikla a nezanikla zo dňa na den.Juncker v interview vyhlásil, že by bol rád, ak by si rozhodnutie euro z! óny všimli aj finančné trhy. Koniec koncov, oni rozhodujú, či sa potopí štát, zóna, únia...

related story (sgx16876):
by Milota Sidorova
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Greece influenced on the decline of the euro
by Zivka Deleva

It seems like Greece has still succeeded in decreasing the value of the euro currency, like analysts doubt for months. Greeks bad fiscal policy and the bad capability of convincing Europe for help, brought the stable currency in danger. After ten months domination over the dollar, today the difference is smaller to the U.S rival, the dollar. The euro has tough times against Swiss franc as well, for the first time in the euro 15-year old history. Other opinions say that maybe the fear about the euro is a little bit overreacted. U.S stocks climbed, but bigger global shares slipped as traders didn’t want to take risks and invest in European business. Tomorrow the Union! is going to hold a summit on that issue. There is no more time to prolong the crucial problem that Greece has. According to Olli Rehn, EU Monetary affairs commissioner, “the union must decide on a way to help debt-laden Greece this week, or run the risk of causing a ‘serious disruption’ for the euro.” Sixteen of the 27 EU members use the euro as official currency. Germany was the first country that turned on the alarm on the question of the euro and the dangerous consequences that each euro zone country might feel, just because of bad economy. Merkel underlined that Greece must ask for International Monetary Fund help, too and the euro zone partners must involve some discipline measures. German people didn’t want to give Greeks money loans, and it seems like that was very obvious and logical. German people work hard for to give away their money so easily, especially for someone spendthrifts like Greeks. On the other hand, analysts say that ! EU is in big trouble even if it finds solution for Greece. "T! he uncer tainty over an aid package for Greece is clouding judgment toward the euro. Even if the IMF comes in, it shows the EU is not able to help itself," said Antje Praefcke, currency strategist at Commerzbank.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Greek problems lower Euro
by Milota Sidorova

Greece has been sore of EU's eye for weeks. While politicians couldn't decide whether to help the member state, Greek people sent their country into the sleeping mode. For several times this month there has been general strike, paralysing the country. It was the answer to tight mode prepared by Greek government. So far, the government refused to take the loan (by whomever) such as it refused “generous”offer from German lady Merkel to sell some of their islands to cover the money-flow. The government that prepared tough restrictions to people, such as rising tax, freezing retirements, rising the retirement age and block out bonuses aimed to lower national deficit! by several percent by the end of this year. But it seems to be too much on public and labor unions. And it may not be enough.Taken from the wider perspective, no surprise these turbulences would have affected the image and the power of euro and eurozone itself. Some member states suggested Greece should exit the eurozone. The consequences of such action would be disaster for the country – to return to previous currency, the bureaucracy, failure system. By the way, Greece wouldn't be the only adept to leave the zone – so it would be Spain, Portugal, maybe Sweeden and this would be the end of eurozone and its meaning. For now on, the worries sent down the common currency to its 10-month low against the dollar and to its lifetime low against the Swiss franc. Germany that reported it could aid in very specific conditions, required also IMF to set new, more tougher rules on member states. What is Greek and European answer, we don't know.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money
by Zivka Deleva

Is it possible that Greece, one of the poorest European countries is going to worsen the stable euro currency? Yes, but only if others allow her, or to be more precise, if the dominant Germany nods assent. The biggest fiscal sinner in the euro zone, who’s drowning in debt, might change the whole economical climate in Europe. Huge debates are made during these few months due to the need to bring the decision how could European Union help its member. It opens the questions like what’s the purpose of the fray if it doesn’t help it’s members – which of course, was a pathetic point of view and if the Council gives money to Greece now, what proves th! at Greeks officials will use it properly and not allow for the same thing to happen again. It is true that the economic crises hit everybody, but Greeks and Italians proved to be worst household people. It seems like Greeks in the last almost 30 years as much as they are EU members, haven’t learned a lot from its friends from the euro zone, like the economical giant Germany. Maybe that is why German politicians are the biggest objectors for unconditional support of Greece. When in 1990, Germans accepted the euro, they did it under three very important conditions – the new currency to be strong as the deutsche mark, with low inflation, strict budget discipline and no bailout for the weak. That’s why Ulrike Guerot of the European Council is completely right when he says that “lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money”. Ancient Greeks would be mad to Modern ones if it is known that the second trace roots from the first, and t! he ancient Greece is considered as a cradle of western civiliz! ation. L et’s wait and see what will happen to Europe!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money
by Zivka Deleva

Is it possible that Greece, one of the poorest European countries is going to worsen the stable euro currency? Yes, but only if others allow her, or to be more precise, if the dominant Germany nods assent. The biggest fiscal sinner in the euro zone, who’s drowning in debt, might change the whole economical climate in Europe. Huge debates are made during these few months due to the need to bring the decision how could European Union help its member. It opens the questions like what’s the purpose of the fray if it doesn’t help it’s members – which of course, was a pathetic point of view and if the Council gives money to Greece now, what proves th! at Greeks officials will use it properly and not allow for the same thing to happen again. It is true that the economic crises hit everybody, but Greeks and Italians proved to be worst household people. It seems like Greeks in the last almost 30 years as much as they are EU members, haven’t learned a lot from its friends from the euro zone, like the economical giant Germany. Maybe that is why German politicians are the biggest objectors for unconditional support of Greece. When in 1990, Germans accepted the euro, they did it under three very important conditions – the new currency to be strong as the deutsche mark, with low inflation, strict budget discipline and no bailout for the weak. That’s why Ulrike Guerot of the European Council is completely right when he says that “lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money”. Ancient Greeks would be mad to Modern ones if it is known that the second trace roots from the first, and t! he ancient Greece is considered as a cradle of western civiliz! ation. L et’s wait and see what will happen to Europe!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money
by Zivka Deleva

Is it possible that Greece, one of the poorest European countries is going to worsen the stable euro currency? Yes, but only if others allow her, or to be more precise, if the dominant Germany nods assent. The biggest fiscal sinner in the euro zone, who’s drowning in debt, might change the whole economical climate in Europe. Huge debates are made during these few months due to the need to bring the decision how could European Union help its member. It opens the questions like what’s the purpose of the fray if it doesn’t help it’s members – which of course, was a pathetic point of view and if the Council gives money to Greece now, what proves th! at Greeks officials will use it properly and not allow for the same thing to happen again. It is true that the economic crises hit everybody, but Greeks and Italians proved to be worst household people. It seems like Greeks in the last almost 30 years as much as they are EU members, haven’t learned a lot from its friends from the euro zone, like the economical giant Germany. Maybe that is why German politicians are the biggest objectors for unconditional support of Greece. When in 1990, Germans accepted the euro, they did it under three very important conditions – the new currency to be strong as the deutsche mark, with low inflation, strict budget discipline and no bailout for the weak. That’s why Ulrike Guerot of the European Council is completely right when he says that “lazy Greeks are endangering hard-working Germans’ money”. Ancient Greeks would be mad to Modern ones if it is known that the second trace roots from the first, and t! he ancient Greece is considered as a cradle of western civiliz! ation. L et’s wait and see what will happen to Europe!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Kinskata nezavisnost gi stresuva amerikanskite političari
by Milota Sidorova

Situacijata so niskiot kineski juan ima mnogu agli i perspektivi. Kina koja ja održuva svojata valuta na ekstremno nisko nivo samo za da gi pomogne svoite izvoznici, e trn vo oko za amerikanskite biznismeni. Kineskata ekonomija vo momentot treta najgolema vo svetot osiguruva rastečki BDP, dodeka drugite prodolžuvaat da opagjaat ili da se držat na nultata točka. Spored nekoi eksperti, ako napredne so vakvo tempo do krajot na godinata, bi možela da stane vtorata najgolema ekonomija, isklučuvajkji ja Japonija. I togaš kje ostane samo eden za dostignuvanje. Eden koj vekje beše kineski pozajmuvač. Političkata i ekonomska a! tmosfera vo Soedinetite Državi e pod pritisok – zgolemuvanjeto na kineskite izvozi gi ograničuvaat amerikanskite proizvoditeli i nivniot profit opagja. Pritisokot e tolku silen što amerikanskite političari ne razmisluvaat dva pati dali da go alarmiraat Megjunarodniot monetaren fond za povtorno da gi razgleda sankciite protiv Kina. Nekoi senatori duri sakaat pretsedatelot Obama da ja nareče Kina „devizen manipulator“. Dobro, tolku mnogu vikanje za da se pokrijat greškite. Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi mora da sfatat edna rabota, iako da se bide na vrvot denes e kučeto vo ovaa vrska. Kina vekje ja ima mokjta da ja uništi amerikanskata avtomobilska industrija, konfekciskata, industrijata za mebel i elektronikata. Prodolžuvanjeto na amerikanskite političari so pritisok i strategijata so vikanje, samo gi pravi da izgledat panično. Vo Kina se pojavi druga taktika za pravenje biznis. Vrskata so poslab p! artner izgleda kako Kina da pravi biznis. SAD možebi nask! oro da s e soočat so ova odnesuvanje. Štom Kina kje odluči da ja zgolemi valutata, toa kje bide poradi dobroto na svojot sopstven biznis, ne samo poradi obvrskata kon nekoj drug. Ne za SAD, ne za MMF, ne za EU...Nekoi analitičari velat, dokolku juanot se izednači so dolarot vo istovremeno, bi možel da ja uništi amerikanskata ekonomija. No, toa nema da se sluči sega – kineskite pretstavnici gi krijat svoite nameri zad poplakite na svoitee izvoznici. Što se odnesuva do izvoznicite – osnovno e da se održi kineskiot narod da raboti za malku pari, da proizveduva raboti za drugiot svet so ekstremno tempo so najmali investicii vo stranski kompanii. Evtina rabotna raka e celta broj eden za kompaniite. Zasega, Kina ne može da go zapre ova masovno proizvodstvo, zašto može da ja uništi nejzinata ekonomija. Taka, vo ovoj moment, možebi ima povik za „fer“ biznis, no bi možel da bide od mala ! korist, dokolku Kina ja zadrži pozicijata na silen igrač vo igrata.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at th! e tip of your fingers.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Greece still cries for European help
by Zivka Deleva

Stuck in deep problems, Greece is fed up with promises and undefined answers by it’s European queen. The country is in big debts and has no clue how to handle it. It started implementing some austere reforms, but the truth is, you need money to succeed that. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou yesterday bagged for help on the last meeting with the European Parliament’s special committee on the economic, financial and social crisis (CRIS). "We are not looking for a scapegoat nor asking for help to live from the wealth of others but what we do need is strong political support to make all these reforms and to make sure we will not have to pay more than is necess! ary. We need more Europe rather than less Europe" - Papandreou said. The whole truth is that Greece still needs money! Not some moral support! The thing is Greeks politicians want to be able “to borrow at rates which are normal". Greece was one of the worst hit European countries in the huge global recession. Drown in strikes, protests and all kinds of social mergence, Greece is a danger for the whole world, meaning whether it is possible for this state to provoke another economic crisis. Europe first wants to see the results from Greeks reforms, than to help more. Greece is trying to save the common European currency. But, that same Europe must be patient and must wait for the results. Papandreou also thinks that EU should do more revision on Greeks work, not only to punish the country. Greek even tried to put an ultimatum to the Organization and warned her that it is planning to get closer to the International Monetary Fund if the Union doesn’t show some real! compassion. This kinds of problems show how the European Uni! on doesn ’t really do much for its members. At least what Europe could do is put in place a “system of conditional assistance”, said one professor concerning the topics.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chinese Independence Stressing American Politicians.
by Milota Sidorova

The situation with low Chinese yuan has many angles and perspectives.China that has been keeping its currency in extremely low level just to boost its exporters is a spike in the eye of American businessmen. Chinese economy, currently the third largest in the world assures growing GDP while others keep falling or on the point of zero. According some experts if it boosted in this pace by the end of the year it could become the second largest economy, kicking out Japan.And there will be only one to catch. The one who has already been Chinese borrower. Political and economical atmosphere in United States in under pressure – increasing Chinese exports are limiting America! n producers and their profit is decreasing.The pressure is so strong that U.S. politicians don't hesitate to alarm International Monetary Fund to rethink sanctions against China. Senators even want president Obama to sign China a “currency manipulator”.Well, too much shouting to cover the mistakes. There's one thing to realize that United States, although being on the top today is a dog in this relationship. China has already had a power to destroy American automobile industry, clothing, furniture and electronic industry. If American politicians keep on the pressure and shouting strategy it only makes them looking panic-struck. There's been another tactics of making business in Chine. The relationship with weaker partner looks like China makes business, it is not dealing anything. United States may soon face this attitude. Once China decides to push up the currency, it will be because of good of its own business, not because of the obligation of anyone else. Not! United States, not IMF, not EU... Some analysts say, if yuan ! equalled dollar in the same moment, it could ruin American economy. But that is not going to happen now – Chinese representatives hide their intentions beneath complaints of theirs exporters. As for exporters – it is essential to keep Chinese people working for small money, produce things for the outer world in extreme pace with the smallest investments of foreign companies. Cheap labor is the target no. 1 of business companies. So far, China can't stop this mass production, because it could ruin its economy. So right now, there may be a cry for “fair”business, but it could be of a little use, if China maintains the position of stronger player in the game.

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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Fed to Keep Low Interest Rates
by Milota Sidorova

American Federal reserve has announced it was extending the period of zero and near zero loan rates. The decision came based on facts it was a necessity although the job market was getting firm (at least was doing somehow better than in January 2010), the housing sector was weakening and generally the economy needed the push. This was not a real news last days.Well, for observer it is a really interesting watch to see FED leading into crisis with no warning, no forecast. During past 24 months it lowered rates, but it was only profiting business for banks – if the average bank company manage to get the money for 0.25 percent and then borrow for 8 percent to the custome! r, one see it couldn't go wrong. The profit is assured from the beginning.This time, even more than before the crisis banks are controlling the debt of American people. They encourage them to make mortgages, although the real-estate prices are falling, increasing number of properties are obliged to execution. The banking policy is encouraging public to take loans and spend more – so far, Americans showed some portion of caution for consumer spending. The major association hangs with increasing unemployment and dumb atmosphere. But in general frame, the picture hasn't changed – as soon as Job Department reports better numbers, the markets are rising and investors are making money. Banks are one of this kind. Fed announced it prolonged the period also because of rising consumer spending.Analysts forecast Fed would raise the federal funds before the end of this year. It is meeting in November and the increase to 0.5 percent is highly expected to be approved there.
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by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Americký Fed opätovne predĺži výhodné bankové pôžičky.
by Milota Sidorova

Americká centrálna banka včera ohlásila, že predĺži dobu “extrémne” nízkych úrokov z pôžičiek na neurčito. Pôžičky v súčasnosti poskytuje bankám druhej úrovne bezúročne alebo s úrokom do 0.25 percenta. Fed správu odvôvodnil potrebou predĺženia výhodných bankových produktov v čase, kedy sa pracovný market posilňuje (nuž je na tom o niečo lepšie ako v januári tohto roku), trh s realitami stále čelí prepadu a ekonomika celkovo “potrebuje oživťi#! 7;”.Táto rétorika nie je ničím novým.Pre nestranného pozorovateľa je pozorovanie centrálnej banky skutočným zážitkom – nielenže nestráca, ale počas krízy prežíva rozkvet. Napriek nízkym výnosom za pôžičky, ich bola schopná nabaliť oveľa viac ako pred krízou – áno, hovoríme o kontrolovaní dlhu občanov.Banka druhej úrovne, ktorá získa peniaze od Fedu za takpovediac žiadny úrok, ich poskytuje nadol s úrokom minimálne 8 percent – ako túto bankérsku úľavu pociťuje občan?Ako vždy, ide o psychológiu trhu – je veľmi zaujímavé spätne premietnuť Fed, ktorý do krízy vhupol bez žiadneho varovania alebo predpovede. Je to povážlivé pri inštitúcii, ktorej vyhláseni! a priamo a v drvivej miere ovplyvňujú obchodovanie n! a burz&# 225;ch. Spomaľovačmi masových hypoték a pôžičiek, tak povediac amerického životného štýlu života na dlh sa stala nezamestnanosť a znižovanie platov. Logicky prišlo k dočasnému poklesu spotrebiteľských indexov. Ale iba nachvíľu – už počas týchto Vianoc boli Američania schopní utratiť na akciový tovar o niekoľko desiatok percent viac, než predpovedali analytici.Americký úrad práce zverejnil dáta o stave nezamestnanosti v krajine. Čísla sa pohli smerom dolu, čo okamžite vyvolalo odozvu trhu, nakupovalo sa a profitovalo. Čo viac by investorom (banky sú tiež z tohto druhu ) stačilo? Ako dlhodobý je proces znižovania nezamestnanosti? Aké pracovné pozície sa vytvárajú? Toto včetko trh dnes nezaujíma.Dôležit! 3; je, že kríza odchádza – treba to občnovi patrične pripomenúť. Občan musí konzumovať a roztáčať peniaze. Že je to len polopravda, dnes nikoho nezaujíma.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pomôžeme, ale ešte nevieme ako...
by Barbora Misakova

Keď grécky ministerský predseda George Papandreou pred niekoľkými dňami smeroval do USA, aby sa stretol s americkým prezidentom Barackom Obamom, bol plný očakávaní, že obchodníci a špekulanti zodpovední za hospodársku krízu budú potrestaní. Minimálne však očakával, že americká vláda príjme proti nim tvrdé opatrenia. Ako správny diplomat však nezabudol zdôrazniť, že Grécko neprišlo žiadať o peniaze či inú finančnú pomoc, ale len o férový prístup. Otázka ! prečo Papandreou nehľadal pomoc u spolubratov v Európskej únii zostala nezodpovedaná, no pravdou je, že krátko po jeho návšteve Spojených štátov Amerických sa do riešenia problému pustila aj samotná alma mater. Ako sa tak zdá, Európa sa snaží zachrániť svoju čiernu ovcu sama. Ministri financií eurozóny sa zhodli že je potrebné podať Grécku pomocnú ruku , ako to však chcú urobiť nie je doposiaľ celkom jasné, nakoľko ich vyhlásenie zostáva veľmi skromné čo sa podrobností týka. Po stretnutí v Brusseli a štyroch hodinách vzájomných jednaní sa ministri financií 16 európskych krajín dohodli, že pomôžu Grécku, ale len ak to bude nevyhnutné. Ako povedal Luxemburský predseda Jean-Claude Juncker: &#! 8222;Objasnili sme si postupy, ktoré nám umožni! a koordi novane zasiahnuť.“ Ministri financií síce plánujú pomôcť Grécku pri utesňovaní finančných trhlín, no pravdou zostáva, že akékoľvek záruky na pôžičku sú vylúčené. Konečné rozhodnutie má však padnúť až budúci týždeň, kedy sa v Brusseli stretne všetkých 27 lídrov Európskej únie. Dá sa však už teraz tvrdiť, že vyhlásenie Gréckeho predsedu o hľadaní inej ako finančnej pomoci je to, na čo muži z Brusselu spoliehajú najviac. Ako povedal Juncker, ministri si totiž „nemyslia, že by finančná pomoc bola nevyhnutná.“

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by Barbora Misakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Criticism of German trade surplus
by Barbora Misakova

Topic of how to save and stabilize Greece has become the most discussed in the eurozone these days. And even though everyone is talking about it, no specific solution is known so far. But French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde announced her government is studying options to help Greece ease its debt crisis. As she said on Sunday, Greece may soon announce new steps to cut its budget deficit. And while the words of other European ministers resemble all those well known political promises with no real action, to believe in words of Europe’s finance minister of the year should be easier. Her dynamic action on regulation led France’s economy to become the most res! ilient economy in the industrial world which was according to Financial Times “always well balanced, reliant neither on exports nor on an over-inflated housing market.” The Financial Times said “the French government’s swift fiscal action was also important in averting an even deeper recession.” All these superlatives give her words even bigger value. In an interview to the Financial Times she questioned Germany’s trade surpluses as sustainable model for its neighbors in the Eurozone. As she declared herself, Germany has done good job in the last 10 years, but she hardly believes “it is a sustainable model for the long term and for the whole of the group.” Better convergence is needed, she added. Legarde also said the priority for the euro area was not to build up European monetary fund, but to ensure Greece sticks to its promised austerity measures. This is what should be done first and maybe then the time for “a bit o! f creativity and innovation” will come.

related s! tory (sgx16767):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

The aid will not be necessary
by Barbora Misakova

When the Greece’s Prime Minister George Papandreou went to the United States to meet U.S. President Barack Obama, he believed that traders and speculators would be punished or they would be at least cracked down by the U.S. government. He didn’t forget to stress he is not asking for money or bailout, but just fair help. The question asking why he didn’t look for help in the European Union stayed unanswered. But maybe this question forced the European Union to save its black sheep without assistance of USA. Will be EU the Greece’s saver then? It is hard to say actually. Eurozone finance ministers agreed to help Greece in its battle to control its fina! nces, but their announcement remains distinctly short on detail. After a meeting in Brussels and four hours of talks, the finance ministers of the 16 euro-zone countries said they would help Greece if it is necessary. As said Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker: “We have clarified the modalities that will allow us to take coordinated action.” Financial ministers rather planed to plug Greece’s gaps to help it to control its finances, but the truth is they had ruled out any loan guarantees. The final decision to step in would have to be taken by the 27 national leaders of the European Union and they will meet next week in Brussels. But now is the statement done by Greek’s Prime Minister about not asking for bailout what men from Brussels rely on the most. Ministers “still don’t think [the aid] will be necessary.” Juncker said.

related story (sgx16764):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Brojot na amerikanskite milioneri porasnal za 16 procenti vo 2009 godina
by Magdalena Rosova

Brojot na milionerite vo Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi porasnal za 16 procenti vo 2009 godina, iako vo 2008 godina brojot opadna za 27 procenti. Vo četvrtokot, „Spektrem Grup“ objavi izveštaj koj pokaža deka 7.8 milioni sopstvenici na kukja vo SAD imale million dolari ili povekje vo investicionen capital vo 2009 godina. Izveštajot ne broeše kolkav capital bil investiran vo primarnoto živeenje na stopanite. Spored izveštajot, brojot na milionerite skoknal za 1.1 milion od prethodnata godina. Vo 2007 godina, brojot stigma do rekordni 9.2 milioni, no poradi krizata vo 2008 godina, padnal na najniskoto nivo od 2003 navamu. ! Pretsedatelot na “Spektrem Grup”, Dzordz Valper veli deka rastot na milionerskata populacija e pozitiven znak deka ekonomijata na državata e na dobar pat da se oporavi. Brojot na ultramilionerite so kapital vreden povekje od 5 milioni amerikanski dolari, porasnal minatata godina na 980.000, a isto taka i populacijata na sopstvenici na kukji vredni 500.000 dolari ili povekje, porasna za 12 procenti do 12.7 milioni. Srednata vozrast na amerikanskite milioneri e 62 godini i ultramilionerite bea na sredna vozrast od 67 godini. Povekjeto od milionerite se na vozrast od 51 do 64, so prosečna vozrast od 58. Povekje od četvrtina od ultramilionerite izjavija deka rabotat kako postari korporaciski izvršni direktori. Najčestoto zanimanje od listata napravena po slučaen izbor beše menadzer. Izveštajot na “Spektrem Grup” beše baziran na izborot na nekolku iljadnici amerikanski milioneri. Istražuvanjeto be#! 3;e organizirano vo 2009 godina i vkluči 1089 domakjinska! tva i 52 3 domakinstva so neto bogatstvo od 5 milioni do 25 milioni amerikanski dolari.

related story (sgx16761):
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France doesn’t like German’s thrifty and discipline
by Zivka Deleva

Who’s to blame Germans for dominating Europe? Who’s to blame if this country teaches its people to be hardworking, disciplined, thrifty and live simple? These principals of the German nation have been key characteristics for the previous century and this one, off course. We shell put aside the giant mass seduction that national- socialists together with the Third Reich have done. Today, this country is one of the leading in Europe, in industry, culture, sports, etc. Germans policies conduct European policies. So, who doesn’t like that, that’s completely his problem. French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde ventured to criticize exactly that –! ; why didn’t German politicians convince its people to spend more, thinking of the big amount of the trade surpluses that the country has? By her opinion, the state has to boost internal demand, so the other Euro zone countries could solve their fiscal problems. "Clearly Germany has done an awfully good job in the last 10 years or so, improving competitiveness, putting very high pressure on its labor costs. I’m not sure it is a sustainable model for the long term and for the whole of the group. Clearly we need better convergence." – she said. Lagarde mentions “common destiny”. "You can't ask one player, as big as it is, to pull the whole group. But clearly there needs to be a sense of common destiny that we have together with our partners." – she’s precise. Concerning her German’s colleague Wolfgang Schaeuble proposition for constitution od European Monetary Fund, she thinks that that is not so necessary as the “adopti! on of some ‘soft laws’ that should strengthen fisc! al disci pline among member states”.Germany is well known as one of the biggest exporters. No matter how much one is frustrated, one thing is for sure, we should all learn from Germans culture, no matter if you are a EU-member, or you are very much willing to become one!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Carlos Slim - the man who buys when everybody's selling
by Zivka Deleva

Bill Gates slipped from the Forbes billionaires first place yesterday. After 13 years, there’s a new hero on the top of the business world. His rival on the list is Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim Helu who bitted Gates for “only” half a billion! Coming from the third place.70-year old owner of Latin America’s biggest mobile phone operator “America Movil” is known as fearless to economic crises. When everyone is afraid to make big steps, he just grabs the chances and makes more money. That way, he had reached amazing 53.5 billion dollars! In only one year, Slim’s fortune increased 18.5 billion dollars. For the first time in 16 years, a n! on American is on the top of the list. Last month he merged three of his telecommunications companies to form a regional giant and now covers 250 million customers in 18 countries. He studied to be a civil engineer. He learned the business skills from his father, who was a Lebanese immigrant, but tough his children to save money since early age. Slowly he passes his business to his children. Not as Gates, but still he has donated 10 billion dollars in health, education, justice and sports projects in Latin America. For two years, Slim’s biggest rival was American investor Warren Buffett. That’s why today, he’s known as “Warren Buffett of Latin America”. "When you live for others' opinions, you are dead. I don't want to live thinking about how I'll be remembered" – sais Helu. On the question who Carlos Slim Helu is someone has written a very precise definition: “he is the man who’s buying up stakes in valuble companies shile ! there is blood in the streets”! He learned that lesson f! rom his father, who on the other side, learned during the early 20th century revolution in Mexico. This man definitely is an inspiring person for everyone who wants to learn business skills and lifestyle. The billionaire number this year has increased since last, for 18, and it is 1011, worldwide!
by Zivka Deleva
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

Inflácia v Číne dosiahla 16-mesačné maximum
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Inflácia v Číne dosiala vo februári 16 mesačné maximum, podľa Centrálneho štatistického úradu v Pekingu vzrástli i spotrebiteľské ceny. Ceny spotrebného tovaru vzrástli o 2,7 percent, čo je viac než odhadovaných 2,5 percent. Za prvé dva mesiace roku 2010 stúpla produkcia o 20,7 percent, čo je najväčší nárast za viac než 5 rokov. Čínska vláda teda v súčasnosti čelí výzve ako podporiť ekonomický rast a zároveň zabrániť ´prehriatiu´ ekonomiky, a pri tom vš! ;etkom zachovať výšku úrokových sadzieb. „Všetky tieto opatrenia týkajúce sa regulovaných pôžičiek a zvyšovania úrokových sadzieb sú tu na to, aby stlmili pristátie,“ hovorí ekonóm Tao Wang. „Ak ľudia od Číny očakávajú 9 až 10 percentný nárast hrubého domáceho produktu, potom nejaké to zvýšenie úrokových sadzieb nemôže takéto vyhliadky nijako zmeniť.“ Potom, čo bol finančný systém zaplavený peniazmi určenými na prekonanie svetovej ekonomickej krízy, čínsky premiér plánuje celoročne udržiavať infláciu okolo troch percent. Podľa odborníkov by sa inflácia v marci mohla upraviť a to zároveň s nepriaznivým počasím, ktoré vo február! i spôsobilo nárast cien potravín o 6,2 percent ! v porovn aní s predošlým rokom. Ceny potravín sú v Číne dosť háklivou témou, keďže chudobnejšie vrstvy obyvateľstva dávajú na jedlo viac než 40 percent zo svojich zárobkov. „Rezolútnejšie kontrolné opatrenia než tie, ktoré boli doteraz zavedené by mohli predísť nadbytočnej ekonomickej aktivite,“ tvrdia Song Yu a Helen Qiao z hongkongskej pobočky Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Otázka inflácie je v Číne takisto úzko spojená s politikou, keďže Komunistická strana postavila svoju moc na ekonomickom prospechu a ziskoch. „Očakáva sa, e v nasledujúcich mesiacoch inflácia ešte stúpne predtým nepribližne v polovici roku dosiahne svoj vrchol,“ hovorí Jing Ulrich z JP Morgan. Inflácia sa dotkla i čínskeho trhu s nehnuteľnosťam! i, v približne 70 mestách ceny stúpli o 10,7 percent.

related story (sgx16737):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited globa! l calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projec! ts deplo ying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

China´s inflation reaches 16 months high
by Zuzana Zelenakova

China´s inflation reached 16-months high in February and according to the National Bureau of Statistics consumer prices have risen as well. Consumer prices have risen 2.7 percent as compared to the 2.5 percent estimated by economists survey by Bloomberg News. Production has gone up 20.7 percent so far in 2010, which is the biggest jump in about 5 years. The Chinese government is currently facing a challenge of balancing efforts to boost growth while preventing overheating. And all that without raising interest rates. "All these measures about lending controls and rate hikes are to engineer a soft landing," said UBS economist Tao Wang. "If people are expecting 9 to 10! percent GDP growth from China, then a rate hike or two won't change that prospect at all." Chinese premier Wen Jiabao plans to hold inflation around 3 percent for the rest of the year after the financial markets have been overwhelmed by money aimed at overcoming the global recession. Experts say inflation might improve in March together with snowy and stormy weather that has caused 6.2 percent rise in food prices in February as compared to the previous year. Food prices are quite a delicate topic in China as lower classes of population spend more than 40 percent of their earnings on food. “More decisive policy tightening measures than those implemented so far are needed to prevent the economy from overheating,” said Song Yu and Helen Qiao, Hong Kong-based economists with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. the inflation issue is also closely linked to Chinese politics as the Communist Party based its power on economic gains. "Inflation is expected to trend higher in the n! ext several months before peaking around midyear," said Jing U! lrich, J P Morgan's chairwoman for China equities. Inflation rise in February touched also real estate market in China with costs jumping 10.7 percent in many cities.

related story (sgx16731):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily! talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

European answer to the International Monetary Fund?
by Zivka Deleva

Worried about how to survive the economic crash that’s been provoked, lots of members of European Union started to think of a good way to help each other. European policymakers now examine the idea for constituting European answer to the International Monetary Fund. The aim is to urge help-receiving countries to make commitments that are going to guarantee that all the rescue fund is not in vain. The idea for a new Fond came from German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. European politicians didn’t stay nonchalant on this issue, and different opinions could be heard these past few days. German politicians are spotty. Chancellor Merkel thinks that the idea is! “good and interesting”, but categorical that this new fond would only work if the spendthrift countries get punishments for their bad monetary attitude. “Without changing the [EU] treaty, it cannot be done. We would need a treaty change. If the European Union is to be capable of taking action, it will run into such questions. The EU treaty will not be the end of history. Then we would be in a static system. I don't want that I want Europe to respond to new situations." - said Merkel for Foreign Associated Press. Unlike her, Central Bank Chief’s Axel Weber finds this new fund “unhelpful”. According to French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde, this fund shouldn’t be a short-term priority for the Union. European Commission is still doubtful on this question, thinking that it is going to be very important to find the right form – this either is going to be only a financial instrument or it is going to be a new institutional! body. The biggest worm it seems for the Union is Greece. It ! is the m ost financially endangered country, which cried for help from her Euro-friends. Prime Minister Papandreou even had the courage to threaten EU that if it doesn’t help, Greece would turn to the IMF. Greeks debts are expected to top 290 billion euro this year, with a budget deficit of 12.7% od GDP, which is more than four times the EU limit.
by Zivka Deleva
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

Inflácia v Číne dosiahla 16-mesačné maximum
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Inflácia v Číne dosiala vo februári 16 mesačné maximum, podľa Centrálneho štatistického úradu v Pekingu vzrástli i spotrebiteľské ceny. Ceny spotrebného tovaru vzrástli o 2,7 percent, čo je viac než odhadovaných 2,5 percent. Za prvé dva mesiace roku 2010 stúpla produkcia o 20,7 percent, čo je najväčší nárast za viac než 5 rokov. Čínska vláda teda v súčasnosti čelí výzve ako podporiť ekonomický rast a zároveň zabrániť ´prehriatiu´ ekonomiky, a pri tom vš! ;etkom zachovať výšku úrokových sadzieb. „Všetky tieto opatrenia týkajúce sa regulovaných pôžičiek a zvyšovania úrokových sadzieb sú tu na to, aby stlmili pristátie,“ hovorí ekonóm Tao Wang. „Ak ľudia od Číny očakávajú 9 až 10 percentný nárast hrubého domáceho produktu, potom nejaké to zvýšenie úrokových sadzieb nemôže takéto vyhliadky nijako zmeniť.“ Potom, čo bol finančný systém zaplavený peniazmi určenými na prekonanie svetovej ekonomickej krízy, čínsky premiér plánuje celoročne udržiavať infláciu okolo troch percent. Podľa odborníkov by sa inflácia v marci mohla upraviť a to zároveň s nepriaznivým počasím, ktoré vo február! i spôsobilo nárast cien potravín o 6,2 percent ! v porovn aní s predošlým rokom. Ceny potravín sú v Číne dosť háklivou témou, keďže chudobnejšie vrstvy obyvateľstva dávajú na jedlo viac než 40 percent zo svojich zárobkov. „Rezolútnejšie kontrolné opatrenia než tie, ktoré boli doteraz zavedené by mohli predísť nadbytočnej ekonomickej aktivite,“ tvrdia Song Yu a Helen Qiao z hongkongskej pobočky Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Otázka inflácie je v Číne takisto úzko spojená s politikou, keďže Komunistická strana postavila svoju moc na ekonomickom prospechu a ziskoch. „Očakáva sa, e v nasledujúcich mesiacoch inflácia ešte stúpne predtým nepribližne v polovici roku dosiahne svoj vrchol,“ hovorí Jing Ulrich z JP Morgan. Inflácia sa dotkla i čínskeho trhu s nehnuteľnosťam! i, v približne 70 mestách ceny stúpli o 10,7 percent.

related story (sgx16737):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for SigEx Ventures (

SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited globa! l calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projec! ts deplo ying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Will European Monetary Fund come into existence?
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Continuing financial crisis in Greece prompted plans for the creation of a European Monetary Fund over the weekend. Such a loan-providing fund would strengthen relations within eurozone consisting of sixteen members. According to the EU´s economic and monetary affairs commissioner Olli Rehn "The commission is ready to propose a European instrument like this that would have the support of eurozone members." Currently, the EU is capable of providing loans to non-eurozone countries that are in need, but not the sixteen countries within the zone. Plans for the creation of such an institution were first introduced by German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble, who said that! the European Monetary Fund is to have authority equal to the Washington-based International Monetary Fund. "We're not planning an institution that would compete with the IMF, but for the internal stability of the eurozone, we need an institution that has the experience and power of the IMF," he explained. Greece that is currently falling to its knees under the weight of €300 billion national debt has been an impulse behind the idea for establishing the institution, however, it is unlikely that the European Monetary Fund will be ready in time to help Greece. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has already gained support from France, although the details are not known yet. "France is by the side of Greece in the most resolute fashion," said French President Nicolas Sarkozy. "The euro is our currency. It implies solidarity. There can be no doubt on the expression of this solidarity." In Germany, however, Mr. Papandreou did not get what he hoped for. Chancellor Angela! Merkel did not introduce a concrete proposal that Greece need! s for pr eventing investors from being discouraged by a possibility of default. Mr. Papandreou has also presented the issue to the US President Barrack Obama. "We have found a positive response from President Obama which means this issue will be on the agenda in the next G20 meeting," said Greek Prime Minister after the meeting in White House.

related story (sgx16719):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Icelander refused a repayment deal. What's next?
by Magdalena Rosova

93.2 percent of Icelander's voters rejected a repayment deal on Saturday. The repayment plan to compensate the British and Dutch for billions of euros of losses after the collapse of Icesave bank accounts did not find any support among Icelanders. In 2007 Iceland was the fifth-richest country per capita in the world and today it is facing the threat of financial ruin. From 2006 Icelandic bank Landsbanki operated in the UK and later also in Netherlands where it offered its Icesave bank accounts. The bank was strongly hit by the economic crisis and had to announce its bankruptcy. The Great Britain and the Netherlands forced Reykjavik to promise to pay back the money they ! had to pay to their citizens who owned Icesave accounts. Icelandic government approved the plan in December, but President Ólafur Ragnar Grimssn refused to sign the proposal saying the terms were unfair to people of Iceland. This way the issue went to referendum. The plan proposed a repayment of total 3.8 billion euros. The repayment was planned to be completed in 2024. It was the firs referendum held in Iceland. The referendum was about the terms of the payback, people did not decide about whether Iceland would pay the money back or not. Iceland has to pay at least some of the losses. Iceland, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands now have to continue in negotiations to find agreement acceptable for everyone. But the original financial agreement was even higher and Icelanders naturally did not want to pay for the collapse of a private bank. In the referendum people refused the proposal to express their opposition to the principle of repayment, others wanted! to simply punish the government. Britain and Netherlands bot! h stated that the referendum was primarily a domestic matter and they were prepared to restart negotiations.

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Number of US millionaires up 16 percent in 2009
by Magdalena Rosova

The number of millionaires in the United States rose 16 percent in 2009, although in 2008 the number slumped by 27 percent. On Tuesday Spectrem Group released a report which showed 7.8 million householders in US had a million dollars or even more in investable assets in 2009. The report did not count capital invested in householders' primary residence. According to the report the number of millionaires jumped by 1.1 million from the previous year. In 2007 the number hit record of 9.2 million but because of the crisis in 2008 it fell to its lowest point since 2003. The president of Spectrem Group George Walper says the growth in the millionaire population is positive s! ign that economy of the country is on its way to recovery. The number of ultra-millionaires with assets worth more than 5 million American dollars climbed last year to 980,000 and also population of householders with houses worth of 500,000 dollars or more grew by 12 percent to 12.7 million. Average age of US millionaires is 62 years and the ultra-millionaires were on average 67 years old. Most of the millionaires were aged 51 to 64, with an average age of 58. More than quarter of the ultra-millionaires stated that they work as a senior corporate executives. The most common occupation listed by the random millionaires was manager. The report of Spectre group was based on the poll of few thousands American millionaires. The poll run in 2009 included 1089 millionaire households and 523 households with a net worth of $US5 million to $US25 million.

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Islanďania odmietoli dohodu o splatení dlhu. Čo bude ďalej?
by Magdalena Rosova

93.2 percenta obyvateľov Islandu odmietlo v referende dohodu o splatení dlhu. Dohoda, ktorej cieľom je vyplatenie kompenzácií Anglicku a Holandsku za miliardové straty islandskej banky Icesave nenašla medzi Islanďanmi žiadnu podporu. V roku 2007 bol Island piatou najbohatšou krajinou sveta, avšak dnes čelí hrozbe totálneho finančného zruinovania. Islandská banka Landsbanki prišla na anglický trh v roku 2006, neskôr prešla aj do Holandska a ponúkala výhodné účty „Icesave.“ Banku však silne postihla finančná krí! za a vyhlásia bankrot. Anglicko a Holandsko žiadajú Reykjavík o odškodnenie za to, že museli vyplatiť svojich občanov, ktorí vlastnili takzvané „Icesave“ účty. Islandská vláda súhlasila s plánom odškodnenia obom krajinám už v decembri, avšak prezident Ólafur Ragnar Grimssn odmietol dohodu podpísať tvrdiac, že jej podmienky sú nespravodlivé voči obyvateľom Islandu. Po prezidentovom odmietnutí sa celá záležitosť dostala do referenda. Plán navrhoval vyplatenie finančnej čiastky vo výška 3,8 miliardy eur. Island by odškodné krajinám platil až do roku 2024. V referende obyvatelia nerozhodovali o tom, či krajina zaplatí škody alebo nie. Island určite musí zaplatiť aspoň časť škôd. Islanďania v r! eferende hlasovali o podmienkach vyplatenia odškodné! ho. I 53;lo o prvé referendum v histórii Islandu. Island, Veľká Británia a Holandsko sa teraz musia vrátiť k rokovaniam a nájsť uspokojivú dohodu pre všetky strany. Odmietnutie dohody je prekvapením vzhľadom na to, že pôvodný návrh bol oveľa nevýhodnejší. Ale Islanďania prirodzene odmietajú zaplatiť za bankrot súkromnej banky. V referende obyvatelia odmietli návrh, aby vyjadrili svoj nesúhlas s vyplácaním odškodného alebo aby jednoducho potrestali vládu. Veľká Británia a Holandsko sa vyjadrili o referende ako o domácej záležitosti Islandu a sú pripravení vrátiť sa za okrúhly stôl.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Grécko hľadá pomoc
by Barbora Misakova

Ak sa neviete dočkať pomoci zo strany materskej únie, potom ste nútení túto pomoc hľadať inde. A Spojené štáty americké sú zväčša tým najlepším miestom, kde začať. Grécky ministerský predseda George Papandreou je už trošku zúfalý, a tak sa rozhodol urgovať hlavné ekonomické mocnosti, aby prijali tvrdé opatrenia voči trhovým špekulantom. Papandreou totiž verí, že sú to práve títo špekulanti a bankári, kto stojí za súčasnou finančnou krízou a st! rašnou situáciou, do ktorej sa Grécko dostalo. Nakoľko je presvedčený, že títo špekulanti môžu spustiť ďalšiu globálnu finančnú krízu, prišiel v pondelok do USA, aby tak naliehal na skupinu 20 národov. Žiada od nich, aby proti týmto špekulantom rázne zakročili. Ak bude Grécko nestále čeliť zvyšujúcim sa tarifám pôžičiek, ktoré sú oveľa vyššie ako tie účtované iným krajinám, Grécko sa pod takýmto silným tlakom dlhov čoskoro zrúti. Ako Papandreou povedal: „Ak budeme pokračovať vo výpožičkách s vysokými tarifami ... povedzme dvakrát tak vysokými ako (má) napríklad Nemecko, bude to v rámci spoločnej meny neudržateľné.“ Ako je vidieť, Gr&! #233;cko je vo veľkých problémoch. Jeho pô! ži& #269;ky za posledné mesiace prudko stúpli a vláda si musela utiahnuť opasky. Zdá sa však, že to nestačí. Potrebná je aj ďalšia pomoc, čo psychicky neprospieva ani Grécku, ani Európskej Únii. Ako však Papandreou zdôraznil hneď v prvý deň svojej štvordňovej návštevy USA, Grécko nežiada o peniaze ani o inú finančnú výpomoc. Ako sám povedal: „chceme byť rovnocennými partnermi nakoľko sme prijali opatrenia ... aby sme dostali to, čo dostávajú aj ostatní, a teda normálne pôžičkové tarify.“ George Papandreou sa má s americkým prezidentom Barackom Obamom stretnúť dnes.

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Stocks drop after six weeks
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Six week period during which stocks remained high ended on Tuesday. Investors took a break from chasing risky assets. Also commodity markets have experienced a downturn, oil prices dropped 0.5 percent after keeping highs for eight weeks. Such a development was a result of US crude inventories numbers rising. "We may be close to a short-term peak right now," said Yutaka Miura, a senior technical analyst at Mizuho Securities in Tokyo. The Nikkei stock average remained the same after reaching its six-week maximum. "Given a lack of reasons to really push the Nikkei higher and the fact that it rose over 200 points yesterday, this is a good level for a bit of profit-taking." In! general, investors remain cautious even though global economy recovery is starting to show off. The dollar went up 0.2 percent against other currencies. The Australian dollar, investors´ favorite when it comes to riskier currencies, went up just 1.3 percent. Safer ones like the yean and gold gained more, yen 3.1 percent and gold 2.5 percent. "The market seems to be in the mood to take a breather at the moment with little appetite for the choppiness and volatility witnessed over the past week. Another sparse data calendar implies little fundamental impulse for currencies today," said Credit Agricole to its clients in a statement. As far as euro is concerned, worries about Greek fiscal crisis still persist and the currency went down to $ 1.3616. Monday, Greek president George Papandreou asked for help and support one again. He would like to see the United States imposing stricter rules on hedge funds and currency traders. "Unprincipled speculators are making billions e! very day by betting on a Greek default," said President Papand! reau dur ing a Monday meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington.

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Greece is looking for help
by Barbora Misakova

If you cannot wait for the help from your parental union, then you have to look for it somewhere else. And the United States are the best place to go. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is a bit desperate and so he decided to urge major economic powers to crack down on market speculators. He believes that speculators and bankers are responsible for the financial crisis and terrible situation Greece got into. As he is convinced that these speculators could trigger another global financial crisis, he came on Monday to USA to urge the Group of 20 nations to crack down on them. If Greece is still facing the borrowing rates far higher than those charged to other nations, thi! s country will collapse under the weight of debts very soon. As Papandreou said: “If we continue to borrow at very high rates … twice, for example, the rates of Germany, that would be unsustainable within a common currency.” Greece is in big trouble. Its borrowing costs have skyrocketed in recent months and government had to take tough measures to tighten its budget. What is worse, looking for some other help was necessary. But Papandreou stressed on the first day of a four=day U. S. visit that Greece is not asking for money or bailouts. As he said: “we want to be equal partners as we’ve taken these measures … to be able to get what others also can get, which is basically normal rates of borrowing.” The Greek Prime Minister will meet U. S. President Barack Obama today.

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SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oil prices above $82
by Magdalena Rosova

Oil prices jumped above 82 dollars on Friday after the market got positive US jobs data. The prices in New York grew 1.65 dollars from Thursday and in London the prices for the crude were up 1.79 dollars for a barrel. On Friday US government surprised by figures that are better then most economist expected. The economists forecast 67,000 job losses and 9.8 percent unemployment rate. The report showed that 36,000 people lost their jobs in the United States in February and the unemployment rate was 9.7 percent. The positive report set the markets in motion. US payroll is a key economic announcement and a sign of economic recovery. Even though many people lost jobs, it! was still less then market had expected. United States, the biggest energy consuming nation in the world, strongly influences the oil prices. Therefore the report boosted oil prices. Oil prices rose also thanks to news saying that China will maintain its economic stimulus package. The news drove gains across the Asian markets and many hope that the boost of oil demand will follow. The head of Libya's National Oil Company suggest that oil market in the world was oversupplied and therefore OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries - would not change its production quotas. The next meeting of OPEC's members is planned on March 17 and will take place in Vienna. Shukri Ghanem from Libya does not expect a change in OPEC production quotas saying that there was an excess of supply in the market. Ghanem added that OPEC needed to respect the existing quotas before it decided to increase or cut the production. OPEC pumps about 40 percent of the worlds crude oil, wh! ich means 24.84 million barrels a day. At its last meeting in ! Angola o n December 22, decided not to change its production.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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SigEx Ventures's matrix of properties are quickly becoming leaders in digital telebroadcasting, free content delivery allowing people to easily talk, view, upload and share through free online TV broadcasting, free unlimited global calls, video blogs and SMS. SigEx Ventures invests in projects deploying "free" to add-on royalty revenue models