
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Still waiting for the rescue plan results
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The stock market is in the state closely resembling panic although the financial rescue plan was approved by the US Senate on Wednesday. The earlier version of the plan was rejected on Monday. In comparison the new version added tax breaks and higher limit for insured bank deposits. According to some the rescue plan does not have the potential to solve the problem entirely but it will at least start the process. Both Republicans and Democrats worked together on the bailout. "In the years that I've been here, I can't recall a single time where - in this close proximity to an election - both sides have risen above the temptation to engage in partisan game playing, if you will, to address an issue of great magnitude," said Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell to the reporters. The earlier rejection of the bill highly disturbed the global markets causing the international sell off but US officials claim the rescue plan is the right remedy for the financial system. Neel Kashkari, the former Goldman Sachs executive, was appointed with looking after the program. It will of course take some time for it to achieve the required effect. "It's going to take awhile to restore confidence in the financial system. But one thing people can be certain of is that the bill I signed is a big step toward solving this problem," said President Bush in San Antonio, Texas. However, not many seem to be convinced by this also regarding the difficulties on the European and Asian markets. Everything was being sold off, not only financial sector. The financial institutions are falling down like dead flies in the United States, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual just to mention few. "I think what's needed is a global rate cut. But even that I don't think would solve the basic problem, which is that everybody's just scared of loaning money to anybody else," said David Wyss, chief economist for Standard and Poors in New York.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Fed lays out details for bank loans
by Radka Konkolova

Economy is a system, that’s certainly clear. I think it is very complicated but on the other hand logically going system. But everyone has his own opinion. Even in the history there have been many approaches to economy as a whole and partially. Some economists have claimed government should not lead or help to lead economy because it works alone and when there is some crisis, consequently it helps to recover economy. Yes, it is true, because where there is depression or a slump, when the situation can’t be worse economy is going to start to recover and its next expansion. In the time of crisis the inefficiency is pulled out of the market.

World, especially financial and economic world has been hit by crisis. I think everybody knows almost every part of the world has got some troubles with finances. The most stricken is the economy of the United States. It is because North part of America’s continent is the very place where this situation has started.

Of course this very slump is not something what happened immediately although it could seem so. It started one or two years ago. The reason why the whole world has to face this crisis can be American banking and financial system. The United States are liberal enough and they don’t have as strict rules as Europe has got. I mean mainly providing of mortgages and loans. Here, in Europe is much more difficult to acquire a loan and applicant has to have some documents which declare his or her financial situation, family status, reliability, the high of his or her incomes and capability to repay borrowed money. In the United States the conditions to achieve a loan are more benevolent. It means many people got money from some financial institution but later they couldn’t pay them back. And this caused many problems because there have been quite many such people. A citizen of the United Stated can even bankrupt. It is something very strange in my opinion, because when they announced bankruptcy, they have to pay only the half of the amount they owe to state or bank. And in my opinion such amounts have made quite high deficit. And this money is really missing in the economy now.

Last time many Stock exchanges are decreasing and some of the biggest and oldest banks have bankrupted. So FED and the government of the US have met and been discussing this situation with effort to find the best solution of it. Finally they decided to assure a huge financial syringe. To help ease credit stresses, the FED announced Monday it will provide as much as $900 billion in cash loans to banks. Most of the loans are for 28-days and 84-days. Some are shorter — 13-day and 17-day loans.

I am so curious how it will seem in few weeks or months because in my opinion, this slump will be stronger and also other parts of the world will be hit. And certainly it will be worse than it is now…

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by Radka Konkolova
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Paulson's choice
by Claudia Sonea

The government's $700 billion bailout program is already stirring controversies beyond the one of being or not just to save the banks from the tax payers’ money. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has chosen an interim head of the project until the elections are over and the Senate can decide who will be the permanent one. Yet, his election seemed subjective and was harshly criticized by some people
Neel Kashkari, Steve Shafran, Dan Jester and Ken Wilson worked for Goldman Sachs, his former firm. They all worked together with Anthony Ryan, David Nason and Bob Hoyt to come up with solutions to the economic crisis considered to be the worst one in decades. The critics say that people handling the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and 1990s would have been a more suitable choice. Mainly, Kashkari, former vice president of Goldman's San Francisco office, is not considered to be a proper interim head, although he is the main responsible for the success of the HOPE Now program launched in October 2007 by the Treasury in order to obtain more-affordable mortgages from the private mortgage companies. Bush administration uses that program as an example of private sector forces confronting successful with the slump in housing.
Besides all the studies, Kashkari has the success obtained with TRW Inc. creating technology for NASA space science missions, while at Treasury helped with Hope Now and has the title of assistant Treasury secretary for international affairs. As an interim he will lead the Office of Financial Stability. His election shows the administration is taking seriously the matter and is trying to implement quickly the measures of the bailout program. Also, the Federal Reserve took measures to dress up some of the issues raised by the crisis. Stay connected for more!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Despite All Intentions Markets remain irrational.
by Milota Sidorova

Past weekend was rich of international urgent meetings. International Monetary Fund and World Bank’s leaders encountered in Washinghton to declare they are about to help any country regardless its economical development. One might notice kind of humanitarian accent in the event, moreover after extremely irrational market week signing Dow Jones falling more than 18 percent, FTSE’s drop of 20 percent and the most desperate Japan index Nikkei falling 25 percent of its value. General Treasury Henry Paulson has warned IMF of ‘inward-looking policies’ when financial measures were limiting flow of goods, services and capital, literally anything that might prolonged crisis.

Generally announced G7 or the 7 rich nations meeting has proposed several outputs or let’s just say another plan. Question remains what a man is going to do with so many plans and whether such amount of intension doesn’t miss targets. G7 insisted on unfreezing credit movement, governmental stakes in banks such as increasing deposit insurance. The plan has been criticized being much too abstract, lacking the time for action.

Euro Zone leaders met in Paris this weekend to discuss coordinated plan for 15 member countries. Despite British pound limit, French president Nicolas Sarkozy invited also Gordon Brown to participate on the meeting. They all decided to guarantee temporarily refinancing bank’s credit troubles all over the countries using Euro. Sarkozy was expecting the plan should pass through the zone by the end of 2009 and underlined it wasn’t a gift for national banks. More details for ‘European’ rescue plan should be proposed on Wednesday.

However, when considered in general, the markets seem to be still out of control, emotionally freaked despite of numerous unprecedented governmental actions. Britain has passed the biggest bailout and now investigates how much will the main four English banks need.
Despite of serious financial problems that could send Lloyds, Royal Bank of Scotland, RBS and HBOS underwater, the banks are still fighting for their own independency and pride, what in fact makes me smile.
British delegation visited Iceland last weekend to seek for their capital return. This small country in the middle of nowhere has totaled bank debt of 50 billion pounds. With a population of 300,000 and general income of 10 billion pounds this is may be a horror not only for Icelandic people but also for British connecting with the banks.
It seems even synchronized rate cut of several world banks didn’t help at all. Michael Feroli, an economist with JP Morgan expects rising pressures on Fed and following 0.75 percentage point rate cut by December.

American political scene is on fire. While presidential candidates reinforce personal attacks on each other, Congress seems to lose a connection with the reality. Markets demand for first steps from promised ‘$700 billion rescue plan‘. Except of approving $12,2 billion acquisition of troubled Wachovia Corp by Wells Fargo&Co, there’s been nothing more to hear about.
Still Top Democrats insits that the lawmakers will meet to outline ‘second economic plan‘ after November 4. This plan should be finally aimed to ease middle class as they did with financial sector. Democratic Representative Barney Frank mentioned extra $150 billion to extend jobless benefits, foodstamps and financing construction projects such as rebuilding bridges and roads. I’m wondering how much of it will really become true.
As for the U.S. situation remains bleak. Consumer spending, two third fuel engine of economic activities fell 0.6 percent last month. Markets are dropping despite of 3.75 percent point rate cut in past 13 months. Their national debt is the largest in the history. Unemployment is expected to reach 8.5 percent by the end of 2008 and the nominal U.S. economic growth is the weakest since 1954.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Economy crisis is a jackstraw
by Barbora Misakova

This whole situation in economy is a bit funny. I don’t want this blog to sounds like an irony of today’s crisis, all I want is to look at the situation from different point of view. Everyone is watching situation in economy with wrinkles and gloomy view. And even thought I understand it, I still think that it is not the only way of looking at it. I can’t clearly remember how this all started, but all of us know that it looks (from the beginning to the end) like dominoes. One thing falls and then lot of others after it. Everyone is trying to stop this disaster, but it’s a pity that unsuccessfully. Everyone would like to be a hero, who would improve the situation in the U.S. or European markets. But economy crisis is a jackstraw and people are more afraid of that word more than of its after-effects. The truth is, that economy crisis is a global jackstraw standing on the world’s field with corn. It doesn’t matter where you live, in which bank you have hidden your money – it can catch you anywhere. Of course Europe is scared as well, but I can hardly say if European politicians worry about money of their voters or about their own overcrowded bank accounts! Probably the Sunday’s event should have given us an answer, but to be honest I don’t know if it brought any.

European Union united this Sunday representatives of all nations in single-currency zone. The aim of this financial crisis summit was to temporarily guarantee future bank debt. Of course, as it usually goes, the aim is one thing, the reality another. The final solution was that it’s up to individual governments how will they proceed. So why did they met at the Elysee Palace in Paris, why all this parade? To be honest, they can sit behind their computers, chat together about two hours, and their solution would be the same. What is more, they could save money and use them for helping national banks! I know, I know, this is crazy and stupid idea and politicians are state representatives who have to make everything publicly. But anyway, coming with a great plan of helping banks by buying preferred shares and vowing to rescue important failing banks which turns into something like: “So we finally agreed that…it’s up to individual government!” is just incredible! I don’t know how about you, but all these meetings and political summits remind me just a game “Let’s look that we are not afraid and we know exactly what to do!”

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by Barbora Misakova
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Analysts Expect Volatile Markets This Week
by Milota Sidorova

Declining Dow Jones and the broad major indexes ended up in red zone numbers on Friday. After an extremely volatile market week, there’s been nothing much to except than the continuing volatility package.
Friday’s panic over Wall Street cost $800 billion subliming in the air, however, the loss wasn’t that huge as in Oct, 10, considered as one of the worst days in the history of trading.
Surely, one would like to say the worst is over, but even the most courageous can’t predict whether the crisis has reached its bottom.
Following indexes, let’s just review the 50 percent drop of S&P 500 between 2000 and 2002. Nevertheless, it has lost it 44 percent past 12 months.
Experts suggest defensive markets this week as well. In fact, they expect several 3Q reports strongly indicating consumers’ spending, good orders and demands.
Visa Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., Colgate Palmolive Co., Kraft Foods and many others are about to predict their yields in upcoming three months.
The big drops are expected. Sony and French carmaker Peugeot Citroen have declared lowering demand and ‘massive’ production cuts. Also Amazon, on-line seller announced this Christmas won’t hit the records.
As for investors, the fuel engine of markets, they remain in low risk and debt limiting position. Due the safety they mostly move to hedge funds or withdraw their cash.

The only one who seems to be doing well these days are the companies with ideal ratings. Anyone else is getting punished.
U.S. economy is inevitably attached to other world’s economies. Among European and Asian traders it’s Russia moving its black horses over capitalistic states.
However due the declining oil prices, Russia gets less and lowers or abandons numbers of sales, drying out the global economy. That is the interesting fact, since the days American consumers had been driving the global growth.

Wall Street passes its fire test these days. One of four job claims comes of this economical universe and drives the talent out of the mainstream. According analysts due experienced financial advisers moving into smaller companies, the stability in this sector reinforces which is a good sign for the economy. Due the skills the harmony finally balances in a positive direction. This may be a good news for the outsiders however former advisers, managers and strategists have to accept almost half salaries outside NYC that is the best paid state for anyone, but the financial people.

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by Milota Sidorova
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edited by Beata Biskova

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Monday, October 27, 2008

by Magdalena Rosova

More and more Americans are "under water" – they owe more on their mortgage then their house is worth.

About one in six American homeowners are in this unpleasant position and nearly 12 million of them owe more than their homes are worth. It was only 6.6 million homeowners at the end of last year.

If these homeowners´ houses go foreclosed, it would cause an oversupply of homes, add to pressure on banks and finally delay a recovery in the housing market.

The crisis affected consumer spending as people cannot maintain the standard of their lifestyles.

The reason why so many people got into trouble is that they had refinanced mortgages to pull out cash while risking their property. Lots of people ended in bankruptcy.

There are for-sale signs everywhere, oversupply of homes for sale caused house prices rapidly declined.

The American government pledged to recapitalize banks and buy debt from financial institutions. But some economists are afraid that crisis can be more costly to the taxpayers that the government.

The government has focused on rescuing banks and not on help for individuals. There is only program called the HOPE NOW that helped a few hundred thousand mortgage restructurings.

Presidential candidates both introduced plans for dealing with the crisis, but no one has appeared to have complete solution. There is no consensus about how best to help homeowners in dept.

Nearly one in three of people who have bought home since 2003, now have negative equity. About half of those who bought house in 2006, are now under water.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

$250 billion injection to the major US banks
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The Bush administration has decided to make another major strategic move and pour about $250 billion directly into the top nine banks in the country. This is expected to encourage the banks to lend to one another again. The market immediately soared hoping that this is the right remedy to the financial catastrophe that brought to their knees both giant financial institutions and small investors alike. "The history of banking crises suggests very strongly that you need heavy government involvement. Half measures don't work," said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at forecasting firm Global Insight. "This is a good thing. It's about time." The similar steps were taken also in Europe where banks are reluctant to lend to each other for the fear of losses. European governments overcoming their differences put together on Monday $2,3 trillion to save the banking system. Six countries that use the euro – Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Austria – and Britain helped to soothe the stock market by their pledges. “The action we are taking today is unprecedented but essential to all of us,” said British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. “We must in an uncertain and unstable world be the rock of stability upon which people can depend.” Now back to the situation in the United States. Another rescue money package will be injected into nine major banks and financial firms. Although the government officials did not give the names of the nine banks news reports are talking about Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. In return the government will receive nonvoting shares of their stock. However, there are concerns that banks not included and also their customers could get quite angry about this. Such a stepped up government intervention worked well in Europe but it may not be so in the US, said Edwin Truman from Peterson Institute for International Economics.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Ekonomskite krizi se nikoj i ništo
by Barbora Misakova

Celata situacija vo ekonomijata e pomalku smešna. Ne sakam ovoj blog da zvuči kako ironija na denešnite krizi, sé što sakam e da poglednam na situacijata od porazlična perspektiva. Site ja gledaat situacijata vo ekonomijata so brčki i zatemneti pogledi. I pokraj toa što go razbiram toa, sé ušte mislam deka toa ne e edinstveniot način na koj može da se gleda. Ne možam jasno da se setam kako sé započna, no site od nas znaat deka izgleda (od početok do kraj) kako domino. Edno nešto paga i potoa sé ostanato. Site se obiduvaat da ja soprat ovaa katastrofa, no žalosno e zatoa što ne e uspešno. Sekoj saka da bide heroj, koj ke ja podobri situacijata vo SAD ili na Evropskite pazari. No ekonomskite krizi se nikoj i ništo i lugeto se poveke isplašeni od toj zbor otkolku od efektite koi ke dojdat potoa. Vistinata e, deka ekonomiskite krizi se svetsko stapče koe stoi samo na edno svetsko pole so pčenka. Ne e važno kade živeete, vo koja banka vi bile skrieni parite - može da ve stigne nasekade. Se razbira Evropa e isplašena isto taka, no teško može da se reče za evropskite političari deka se zagriženi za parite na nivnite glasači ili za nivnite prenatrupani bankarski smetki! Verojatno nedelniot nastan trebaše da go dade odgovorot, no da bideme iskreni ne znam dali donese nekoj.

Evropskata unija vo nedelata gi obedini pretstavnicite na site nacii vo evro zonata. Celta na ovoj samit za finansiskite krizi beše privremeno da se garantira idniot dolg na bankite. Se razbira kako što obično se slučuva, celta e edna rabota, realnosta druga. Konečnoto rešenie e deka individualnite vladi ke treba da rešat što ponatamu. Pa togaš zošto se sretnaa vo Elisejskata palata vo Pariz, zošto cela taa parada? Da bidam iskrena tie može da si sedat pozadi svoite kompjuteri, da razgovaraat zaedno okolu dva časa i nivnoto rešenie ke bide istoto. Ušte poveke, tie može da zaštedat pari i da gi iskoristat istite da im pomognat na nacionalnite banki! Znam, znam, ova e luda i glupava ideja i političarite se državni pretstavnici koi treba sé da napravat javno. No kako i da e, da se smisli plan da im se pomogne na bankite so otkupuvanje na preferiranite akcii i da se izjavi deka spasuvanjeto na propadnatite banki se svrtuva vo nešto kako: "Konečno se soglasivme deka... individualnite vladi treba da go rešat problemot!" e ednostavno neverojatno! Ne znam za vas, no site ovie sostanoci i politički samiti me potsekaat na igra "Da se nadevame deka nema da se isplašime i deka ke znaeme točno što da napravime!"

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by Barbora Misakova
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rescue Plan Details Unveiled
by Milota Sidorova

American government has unveiled more details from long time desired rescue plan package. Just before opening markets that stood up great great optimism on Monday, president Bush announced the first $125 were on the way to cash boxes of nine biggest banks of the U.S.
They will receive amount up to $25 billion each even if they have survived the crunch without significant damages.
First in the line was Bank of New York Mellow that has already asked to sell the Treasury $3 billion share. Just like with the rest of the cases with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, troubled Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Wells Fargo&Co and State Street Corp, the government is going to purchase a stake within the companies.

It’s not a surprise that Americans don’t like the private sector partially owned and limited by the state, so the administration had to come up with compromise. The stakes the government is going to buy will not be an object of vote either election, but they will give them a priority in getting paid back if company doesn’t success and fails. Banks will also have to accept limitations on executive compensation.

If everything goes well, taxpayers will be free to purchase government share and have share on future earnings either a chance to purchase them back for much higher price.
State Treasury Secretary Paulson urged to inject even healthy companies to remove ‘stigma’ away from the forehead of American economy.
Government shares will cash 5 percent annual dividend and will rise up to 9 percent after 5 years – this step should prevent the companies relying on federal help for a very long time.

Yet, we have spoken just of few healthy financial colosses. By the end of 2008 second $125 billion should reach accounts of smaller American banks. There should be also amount of $100 billion to cover bad assets and resident package of $350 billion presumably spent upon discretion of the next president.

Despite a long term run and lots of expectations, the plan hasn’t boosted investors’ confidence and the markets were falling slightly yesterday. Dow Jones dropped 77 points after rocketing 936 point increase. LIBOR or bank-to-bank lending index has been slowing slightly on Tuesday signing the banks still prevent them from unprecedented loans.

Along with a plan, there came two major updates as well. First of all it was a launch of an insurance fund temporarily guaranteeing new issues of bank debts or literally – full protection for the money in case of bankruptcy. FDIC also promised unlimited deposit insurance for non-interest bearing accounts used by business to cover payrolls and other expenses.
The final of the last federal steps to boost the economy should come on 27 Oct buying vast amounts of short-term debt.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: 250 bilioni dolari inekcija za golemite amerikanski banki
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Administracijata na Buš reši da napravi drug golem strateški čekor i da isturi direktno okolu 250 bilioni dolari vo devette najgolemi banki vo zemjata. Ova se očekuva da gi ohrabri da pozajmuvaat edna na druga povtorno. Pazarot vednaš se podobri nadevajki se deka ova e vistinskiot lek za finansiskata katastrofa koja gi donese na kolena dvete gigantski finansiski institucii i malite slični investitori. "Istorijata na bankarskite krizi predlaga mnogu silno deka treba da ima golema vladina vmešanosta. Polovina od merkite ne funkcioniraat," izjavi Nariman Behraveš, glaven ekonomist vo firmata za prognozi Global Insight. "Ova e dobra rabota. Vreme e." Sličnite čekori bea prezemeni i vo Evropa kade bankite sé ušte se sposobni da si pozajmuvaat pari bez da se plašat deka ke izgubat. Evropskite vladi gi nadminuvaat svoite razliki sostavuvajki plan vreden 2.3 trilioni dolari za da go spasat bankarskiot sistem. Šest državi koi go koristat evroto - Germanija, Francija, Holandija Španija, Portugalija, Avstrija i Britanija pomognaa da se sredi pazarot na akcii. "Akcijata za koja zboruvame denes e neprocenliva no važna za site nas," izjavi britanskiot premier Gordon Braun. "Morame vo nesiguren i nestabilen svet da bideme karpata na stabilnost na koja lugeto ke može da se potprat." Sega da se vratime na situacijata vo Amerika. Drug del od parite od planot za spasuvanje ke bide injektiran vo devet golemi banki i finansiski firmi. I pokraj toa što vladinite pretstavnici ne gi objavija iminjata na bankite novinarite zboruvaat za Bankata na Amerika, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley i Goldman Sachs. Vo zamena vladata ke dobie akcii bez pravo na glasanje. Kako i da e, postoi zagriženost deka bankite koi ne se vklučeni vo ovoj del i nivnite klienti može da se nalutat mnogu poradi ova. Vakvata vladina intervencija raboteše dobro vo Evropa, no nema da bide taka dobra vo SAD, izjavi Edvin Truman od Peterson institutot za megunarodna ekonomija.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: U.S. facing a deep recession
by Martina Janeckova

The U. S. has not experienced a deep recession in more than a quarter century- enough time for many people to forget what one feels like. Paul Ashworth, senior U. S. economist at Capital Economics in Toronto said that “In thinking about recessions, people will naturally think back to the last couple in the early 1990s and in 2001, but what they should be looking back at is further.” They should remember the 1970s recession, which was driven by oil crisis and lasted for a year and a half. Nearly 2.2 million people lost their jobs that time. In the 1980s the economy struggled with inflation and a transition from a manufacturing economy to one based on services and there was huge anxiety among Americans. The 1990s recession was connected with the preparations for the Gulf War, which increased the price of oil, but it lasted only 8 months. The last recession, linked to collapse of the tech stock bubble and terrorist attacks of 2001, lasted just 8 months. Economists think that current recession will be more severe than the last two ones. Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve Chairman said “I think we almost inevitably face a considerable recession.” The Fed’s current chairman, Ben Bernanke delivered a more measured, but similarly grave assessment to economists, saying the recent financial turmoil “may well lengthen the period of weak economic performance and further increase the risks to growth.” Economists predict an increase in the number of people who lose their jobs. The jobless rate is currently at 6.1 percent and some analysts believe it could rise to 8 percent, which hasn’t happened since 1984.
by Martina Janeckova
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Otkrieni detalite od planot za spasuvanje
by Milota Sidorova

Amerikanskata vlada otkri poveke detali od dolgo posakuvaniot paket so planot za spasuvanje. Samo nekolku momenti pred otvoranjeto na pazarite vo ponedelnikot, pretsedatelot Buš gi najavi prvite 125 bilioni dolari koi s e na pat da bidat iskeširani na devette najgolemi banki vo SAD. Tie ke dobijat suma od 25 bilioni dolari duri i ako go preživeale kreditniot krah bez nekoi poznačitelni šteti. Prva vo linijata e Bankata na Nju Jork Mellow koja veke pobara da mu prodade na Ministerstvoto za finansii akcii vo vrednost od 3 bilioni dolari. Isto kako i ostanatite slučai so Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chace, Bank of America, problematičnata Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Wells Fargo Co i State Street Cor, vladata ke otkupi delovi od kompaniite.

Ne e iznenaduvanje toa što amerikancite ne sakaat privatniot sektor delumno da bide poseduvan i limitiran od strana na državata, pa taka administracijata moraše da smisli kompromis. Delovite koi vladata ke gi otkupi nema da bidat predmet na glasanje ili izbor, no tie ke im dadat priroritet vo otplakanje ako kompanijata ne uspee ili propadne. Bankite isto taka mora da gi prifatat ograničuvanjata na izvršnata kompenzacija.

Ako sé odi dobro, danočnite obvrznici ke bidat slobodni da go otkupat vladiniot del i da imaat del od idnata zarabotuvačka ili da gi otkupat nazad za mnogu povisoka cena. Državniot minister za finansii Polson saka da se pomognat duri i zdravi kompanii za da se otstrani "stigmata" od amerikanskata ekonomija.
Vladinite akcii ke keširaat 5% godišna dividenda koja ke porasne do 9% posle 5 godini - ovoj čekor ke gi spreči kompaniite da se potpiraat na federalnata pomoš mnogu dolgo vreme.

Dosega zboruvavme za samo nekolku zdravi finansiski dzinovi. Do krajot na 2008 godina vtoriot del od 125 bilioni dolari treba da stigne do smetkite na pomalite amerikanski banki. Treba da ima suma od 100 bilioni dolari da se pokrijat lošite imoti i paket od 350 bilioni dolari koi se predviduva deka ke se potrošat so diskrecija od sledniot pretsedatel.

I pokraj dolgoto traenje i mnogute očekuvanja, planot ne ja pottikna doverbata kaj investitorite i včera na pazarite beše zabeležan mal pad. Dow Jones se namali za 77 poeni otkako raketno se izviši za 936 poeni. LIBOR ili pozajmuvanjeto od banka na banka go zabavi svoeto dviženje vo vtornikot potpišuvajki deka bankite sé ušte se sprečuvaat od neproceneti zaemi.

Zaedno so planot, imaše dve novini isto taka. Najprvo imaše lansiranje na fond za osiguruvanje koj garantira novi prašanja od dolgovite na bankite ili bukvalno - celosna zaštita na parite vo slučaj na bankrot. FDIC isto taka veti neograničen depozit za nekamatnite smetki koi gi koristat biznisite da gi pokrijat plakanjata ili drugi trošoci. Finalniot od poslednite federalni čekori da se podobri ekonomijata treba da se sluči na 27mi oktomvri kupuvajki ogromna suma od kratkoročen dolg.

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edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: SAD se soočuva so dlaboka recesija
by Martina Janeckova

SAD nema iskuseno dlaboka recesija vo poveke od četvrt vek - dovolno vreme za mnogu luge da zaboravat kakvo e čuvstvoto. Pol Ašvort, postar amerikanski ekonomist vo Kapital Ekonomiks vo Toronto izjavi deka "Koga mislime na recesii, lugeto normalno ke se vratat kon poslednite nekolku godini od devedesetite i vo 2001 godina, no ona što treba da go napravat e da poglednat mnogu ponazad." Tie treba da ja zapametat recesijata od 1970ta godina, koja beše predvodena od naftenata kriza vo traenje od godina i pol. Skoro 2.2 milioni luge gi izgubija svoite rabotni mesta vo toa vreme. Vo osumdesetite ekonomijata se boreše so inflacija i tranzicija so proizvodnata ekonomija koja e bazirana na uslugi i imaše golema nervoza pomegu amerikancite. Recesijata vo devedesetite beše povrzana so podgotovskite za Vojnata vo Zalivot, koja ja zgolemi cenata na naftata, no traeše samo 8 meseci. Poslednata recesija, povrzana so kolapsot na tehnološkiot meur i terorističkite napadi od 2001godina, traeše samo 8 meseci. Ekonomistite mislat deka momentalnata recesija ke bide mnogu poseriozna od poslednite dve. Pol Volker, poranešen pretsedavač so Federalnite rezervi izjavi: "Mislam deka skoro neizbežno e da se soočime so recesija." Momenatalniot pretsedavač na Federalnite rezervi, Ben Bernank dade poumerena, no slična procenka na ekonomistite, velejki deka finansiskite krahovi "može da se prolongiraat na period od slabi ekonomski performansi i ponatamu da go zgolemat rizikot za rast." Ekonomistite predviduvaat deka pogolem broj na luge ke gi izgubat svoite rabotni mesta. Stapkata na nevrabotenost momentalno e 6.1% i nekoi analitičari veruvaat deka može da porasne do 8%, što nema se slučeno od 1984 godina.
by Martina Janeckova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Fed helps to US economy to revive
by Beata Novomeska

There are big problems in the US ecomomic situation. There is the worst state from the year 2003. Fed started to buy up short-term debts to help some companies. The situation is not good but there is belie fit will be better. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York started to lend Money to non-financial companies and buys up mounds of commercial paper. Before, the Fed loaned Money only to banks, but now i tis neccessary to lend to other companies because as said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke “the outlook for economic growth worsened.”
He thinks that period of weak economic performance will lengthen because of the heightened financial turmoil. The Fed will convene Oct. 28 again. The manifestations of the economic crises we can see at Wall Street, too. The Dow Jones industrials lost 508 points, more than 5 per cent, the lowest since Sept. 30, 2003. On this situation, the President Bush reacted, too. He said that it is necessary to have a faith and economy will recover over time. He would want something to do but it didn’t function because he doesn’t have an influence on it. People have to wait and there are some arrangements which function.
The contagion has spread overseas. British government has the problems, too. British government was poised to announce a rescue package for the banking system there.
The Treasury Department will provide money to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to support new program, the Fed said. The Fed said it stopped buying the short-term debt on April 30 but it is possible that the program will be extended.
So we can hope that it will help the US economic and it will be better over time.

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by Beata Novomeska
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: European crisis
by Claudia Sonea

The economic crisis has stretched all the way from US to Europe, but that is old news. It is, however, different and in the same time alarming that the European Union is questioned as being or not reliable. Up to now the measures were left to be taken at independently by each country, nonetheless the economists pointed out that if it will not action as a nucleus, the integrity and the trust will be lost and very hard to regain afterwards.
As you may very well know the bloc’s unity is threatened by division due to difference of opinion in the matter of sending or not military force in Afghanistan, the making of a common constitution, the fact that not all the countries use euro as currency and that there is not a free pass to travel in all the countries members. If they won’t act as a unity in the matter of the economic crisis, it will just be another failure in the consolidation of the union.
Tuesday in Luxembourg EU finance ministers got together and agreed to raise the minimum bank deposit guarantee to 50000 euros (half of what France requested). Also unilateral decisions were taken by Germany, Iceland, Denmark and Ireland. Czech Finance Minister Miroslav Kalousek opposes the 100 percent guarantees, but that only unveils his ex-communist mentality reticent to government intervention. Britain and Germany created rescue packages showing once more that the powerful stick together.
For any common people like myself, there is a single question troubling our ordinary life: What is the purpose of EU? Nothing has been done to create a union, but rather to satisfy the necessities of some countries. If they won’t leave their nationality beside and see that we are all people, the union has no chance. Take example from the cosmopolites or even USA, if you want to make it through.

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by Claudia Sonea
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Criza Europeana
by Claudia Sonea

Criza economica s-a intins din SUA si pana in Europa, dar asta e deja cunoscut. Este totusi o chestiune diferita si alarmanta faptul ca Uniunea Europeana este in balans daca e sau nu de incredere. Pana acum masurile au fost luate independent de fiecare stat membru in parte, totusi economistii au aratat ca daca nu actioneaza ca un nucleu foarte curand, isi va pierde integritatea si increderea si vor fi greu de recuperat mai tarziu.
Dupa cum stiti unitatea blocului este amenintata de diviziune datorita diferentelor de opinie pe tema trimiterii sau nu a trupelor in Afganistan, crearea unei constitutii comune, faptul ca nu toate tarile au ca moneda nationala euro si nu exista libera trecere in toate tarile member. Daca nu vor actiona acum ca o unitate in problema crizei, nu va fi decat un alt esec in consolidarea uniunii.
Marti la Luxembourg ministrii de finante ai UE s-au intalnit si s-au pus de accord sa ridice garantia bancara minima la 50000 de euro (jumatate din ceea ce Franta isi dorea). De asemenea au fost luate unele decizii unilaterale de catre Germania, Islanda, Danemarca si Irlanda. Ministrul Ceh de Finante Miroslav Kalousek s-a opus garantiei de 100 la suta, dar asta dovedeste ca inca pastreaza reminiscente ale comunismului reticent la interventie guvernamentale.
Intrebarea care nu lasa pe muritorii de rand sa doarma linistiti este: Care e scopul uniunii? Nu s-a facut nimic pentru a crea o ceva comun si pare mai degraba a urmari interesele comune ale unor tari. Daca nu uita de identitatea nationala si nu se gandesc ca de fapt suntem toti oamenii, nu se va face nimic. Ar trebui luat exemplul cosmopolitiilor si al SUA.

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by Claudia Sonea
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Sé ušte čekame na rezlutatite od planot za spasuvanje
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Pazarot na akcii e vo slična sostojba na panika i pokraj toa što finansiskiot plan za spasuvanje beše odobren od amerikanskiot senat vo sredata. Poranešnata verzija na planot beše odbiena vo ponedelnikot. Vo sporedba so novata verzija dodadenite danočni olesnuvanja i povisok limit za osiguranite bankarski depoziti. Spored nekoi planot za spasuvanje go nema potencijalot da go reši problemot celosno, no vo krajna linija ke go započne procesot. I dvete partii, i Republikanskata i Demokratskata rabotea zaedno na planot. "Vo site ovie godini vo koi sum tuka - ne možam da si spomnam nitu na eden pat - koga tolku blisku do izborite - i dvete strani se dignaa nad iskušenieto da organiziraat zaednička partija, i ako sakat da mu se obratat na edno prašanje od tolkavo značenje i golemina," izjavi liderot na senatot Mič MekKonel za novinarite. Poranešnoto odbivanje na dokumentot mnogu gi voznemiri svetskite pazari predizvikuvajki megunarodna prodažba no vlastite vo SAD tvrdat deka planot za spasuvanje e vistinskiot lek za finansiskiot sistem. Nil kaškari, poranešniot izvršen direktor na Goldman Sachs, beše naznačen za odgovoren da se griži za programata. Se razbira deka ke treba da pomine poveke vreme da se postignat baranite efekti. "Ke treba da pomine nekoe vreme za da se povrati doberbata vo finansiskiot sistem. No edno nešto e sigurno, deka dokumentot koj go potpišav e golem čekor kon rešavanje na ovoj problem," izjavi pretsedatelot Buš vo San Antonio, Teksas. Kako i da e, se čini deka mnogumina ne se ubedeni vo ova, posebno ogleduvajki se i na poteškotiite na Evropskiot i Aziskiot pazar. Sé beše prodadeno, ne samo finansiskiot sektor. Finansiskite institucii propagaat kako mrtvi dosieja vo SAD, Bear Stearns, Liman Brothers, Vašington Mutual samo kolku da gi spomeneme nekoi. "Mislam deka ona što e potrebno e globalno namaluvanje na stapkite. No i da ne mislam deka toa ke go reši ovoj osnoven problem, što e ona od što site se isplašeni e da pozajmuvaat pari nekomu," izjavi Dejvid Vajs, glaven ekonomist za standard i siromaštija vo Nju Jork.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Oko na Aziskiot pazar...
by Milota Sidorova

Finansiskite krizi verojatno go podpalija celiot svet verojatno ne ostavajki nitu edna država da ne bide pod vlijanie na ekonomskiot pad. Rešenija se potrebni no kako i da e planot za spasuvanje se čini deka ne gi zadovoluva investitorite, koi se povlekuvaat od golemi biznisi.

Vikendov beše važen poradi toa što se "dokažuvaše amerikanskiot plan za spasuvanje." Pa taka ovie denovi beše vo Belgija, Germanija i Rusija. No kako odi vo Azija? Kako što predloži Blumberg televizijata zagubite ne se tolku golemi na ovoj kontinent i akciite go pominaa šokot. Kako i da e, japonskite samoubijci može da go obvinat negativnoto raspoloženie vo državata. Dobro, japonskata Nikkei go prodlaboči svojot 5 godišen minimum, zatvorajki go so 5% pad vo ponedelnikot. Južna Koreja vo poslednite dena iskusi najgolem pad vo poslednite 7 godini.

Nekoj može deka se pojavi "svetlo nadež" posle včerašnoto spasuvanje koe dojde od Avstralija. Bankata za rezervi donese celosen prekin na procentualnoto namaluvanje na stapkite, vsušnost najgolemoto posle 1992 godina koe gi nadmina očekuvanjata na polu-procentualniot maksimum.
Ovoj velikodušen akt ja napumpa aziskata ekonomija samo vo nekolku časa, i pokraj toa što Bankata na Japonija im oddolea na poniskite kamatni stapki.
MSCI Indeksot Azija - Pacifik porasna za 1.5%, Avstraliskiot graničen indeks SandP/ASX 200 sledeše so 1.7% porast. Glavnite pottiknuvači vo Južna Koreja, Singapur i Tajvan site spoeni, možebi vlijaea na svetskata prodažba vo ponedelnikot. Hong Kong beše zatvoren poradi nacionalen praznik. Japoncite otkrija okolu 3% zaguba od ponedelničkata nervozna izvedba.

A što se odnesuva do Amerika, Do Dzouns padna pod 10 000 za prv pat od početokot na oktomvri 2004 godina i evropskiot FTSEurofirst 300 se namali za 7.8%. Zelenite hartii bea pojaki od jenot čija vrednost vsušnost opagaše. Cenite na zlatoto se dignaa na 863,50 dolari za edna unca.

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Financial crisis threatens retirement plans of the Americans
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Most of the working population of the United States of America sees their future retirement plans gradually disappear before their eyes. The financial crisis hit hard also the retirement savings accounts and funds, which reportedly lost about $2 trillion in the past year and something. About 10 percent was lost in the past three months. According to Peter Orsagh, the head of the Congressional Budget Office, many workers will be forced to delay their retirement because the value of their retirement savings has declined. For example Denise Edwards, aged 62, knows that she will have to work at least another ten years selling condominiums as she does. "We just have to work for as long as possible. And we're going to have to count on our (two) daughters," said Mrs. Edwards who lives in Washington. "Unlike Wall Street executives, America's families don't have a golden parachute to fall back on," said Republican George Miller, the chairman at the House Education and Labor Committee. "It's clear that their retirement security may be one of the greatest casualties of this financial crisis." When it comes to the investors in the market their investments fell almost 24 percent as compared to the situation one year ago, but the worse thing is that there is strong conviction that it won´t get better any soon. Well for many Americans the solution is to hold the line longer than they expected. Some of them even retired but were forced to find a job again. Also there is fear among the experts that people will react inadequately to the bad news and start pulling money out of their accounts. But such a move could only make their losses bigger. According to Jerry Bramlett, the head of BenefitStreet Inc., a retirement savings plan administration company, one of the ways for people is “consider less volatile investments”.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Decizia lui Paulson
by Claudia Sonea

Planul Guvernului de salvare de 700 de miliarde de dolari deja declanseaza controverse dincolo de aceea a justetii sale, de a folosii banii platitorilor de taxe pentru a salva banciile. Secretarul Trezoreriei Henry Paulson a ales un sef interimar pentru proiect pana cand alegerile prezidentiale sunt gata si Senatul poata sa aleaga unul permanent. Totusi, alegerea sa pare subiectiva si a fost aspru criticata de unii oameni.
Neel Kashkari, Steve Shafran, Dan Jester si Ken Wilson au lucrat pentru Goldman Sachs, fosta sa companie. Toti au lucrat impreuna cu Anthony Ryan, David Nason si Bob Hoyt in mod febril pentru a creea solutii la criza economica considerata a fi dintre cele mai rele din ultimele decade. Criticii spun ca ar fi fost mai potrivit sa aleaga dintre oamenii care s-au ocupat de criza imprumuturilor si economiilor de la sfarsitul aniilor 1980 si inceputul aniilor 1990. In principal, Kashkari, fostul vice presedinte al sediului Goldman din San Francisco, nu e considerat a fi cea mai buna alegere pentru sef interimar, chiar daca datorita lui a avut success proiectul HOPE Now lansat in Octombrie 2007 de Trezorerie pentru a obtine ipoteci mai profitabile de la companiile private care le-au emis. Administratia Bush a folosit proiectul ca etalon al succesului pe care il pot obtine companiile private in incercarea de a face fata crizei imobiliare.
Pe langa multitudinea studiilor, Kashkari se bucura si de succesul pe care l-a obtinut cu TRW Inc. in crearea tehnologiei pentru misiunile spatiale NASA, in vreme ce la Trezorerie a ajutat cu Hope Now si are titlul de asistent de secretar al Trezoreriei pentru afaceri externe. Ca interimar el va conduce Biroul Stabilitatii Financiare. Alegerea sa dovedeste promptitudinea administratiei de a implementa programul de salvare. Chiar si Rezervele Federale au luat masuri. Stati conectati

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Finanzauskünfte: Paulsons Wahl
by Claudia Sonea

Das Rettungsprogramm der Regierung mit der Geldspritze von 700 Milliarden Dollar ruft bereits Widersprüche hervor. Die wichtigste Frage ist, ob es in der Wirklichkeit umgesetzt werden sollte oder nicht, nur um die Banken vor dem Geld der Steuerzahler zu retten. Finanzminister Henry Paulson entschied sich für ein einen vorläufigen Leiter des Projekts, bis die Wahlen vorbei sind und der Senat entscheiden kann, wer auf Dauer angestellt wird. Seine Wahl scheint aber subjektiv zu sein und wurde von einigen Leuten stark kritisiert.
Neal Kashkari, Steve Shafran, Dan Jester und Ken Wilson arbeiteten für Goldman Sachs, ihre ehemalige Firma. Sie alle arbeiteten zusammen mit Anthony Ryan, David Nason und Bob Hoyt, um zu einer Lösung der Wirtschaftskrise zu kommen, die als die schlimmste der letzten Jahrzehnten betrachtet wird. Kritiker sagen, sich an die Menschen zu konzentrieren, die sich um die Spar- und Kreditenkrise von den späten 80-er und 90-er Jahren kümmern, wäre eine geeignetere Wahl. Vor allem wird Kashkari, ehemaliger Vizepräsident von der Goldmans Filiale in San Francisco, nicht als ein richtiger Zwischenzeitvorstand betrachtet, obwohl er größten Teils für den Erfolg des Programm HOPE NOW verantwortlich ist, das im Oktober 2007 vom Finanzministerium mit dem Ziel gegründet wurde, günstigere Hypotheken von privaten Hypothekenunternehmen zu bekommen. Die Verwaltung von Bush verwendet das Programm als ein Beispiel von einer erfolgreichen Auseinandersetzung der Stärken des Privatsektors mit dem Rückgang auf dem Wohnungsmarkt.
Abgesehen von all den Studien, Kashkari gewann den Erfolg mit TRW Inc., die Technologien für wissenschaftliche Missionen der NASA im Weltraum entwickelte. Außerdem kümmerte er sich um das Hope Now im Finanzministerium und trägt den Titel des stellvertretenden Finanzminister für internationale Angelegenheiten. Als vorläufiger Leiter wird er das Büro für Finanzielle Stabilität führen. Seine Ernennung zeigt, dass die Verwaltung die Angelegenheit ernst nimmt und sich bemüht, die Maßnahmen des Rettungsprogramms schnell einzuführen. Auch die zentrale Notenbank arbeitet Maßnahmen aus, um einige mit der Krise zusammenhängende Probleme auf die Reihe zu kriegen. Für mehr Informationen bleiben Sie dran!

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Contrôle du secteur financier
by kristina leskova

Le plan de renflouement a été avec succès admis par des représentants et George Bush. Le gouvernement a fourni 700 milliards de dollars pour acheter de mauvais capitaux des banques et d'autres établissements. Ceci devrait aider à se récupérer de la crise financière. Ce plan a été soutenu par 263 représentants et 171 étaient contre. L'anémie a mis en danger également l'économie européenne. Personne ne connaît l'ampleur de risque qui démeure dans la crise. S'il va à continuer il pourrait menacer la production et les services. La crise d'hypothèque aux Etats-Unis dure plus d'un an, mais il n'y a que quelques semaines ce qu'elle a causé des dommages sérieux. Certaines des plus grandes banques américaines se sont ruinées comme Lehman Brothers et Washington Mutual. La plus grande compagnie d'assurance AIG a reçue du gouvernement 85 milliards de dollars et ceci a sauvé AIG avant une faillite. D'autres banques ont été nationalisées. Le plan de renflouement compte avec un relâchement de l'argent successif, 250 milliards de dollars devraient être employées immédiatement. Les revenus des directeurs financiers sont limités et la haute compensation de l'argent est interdite. Une des raisons de la crise financière est l'insolvabilité de payer l'hypothèque. Le plan de renflouement devrait permettre au gens d'arranger des profits commodes. Il reste la question ce qui se produira avec Fannie Mae et Freddie Mac. Ces géants d'hypothèque ont été rattrapés par gouvernement après des pertes énormes. Le gouvernement veut soutenir le marché du logement mais une autre chose est d'assurer le bénéfice maximum d'actionnaire. Comment le plan va à évoluer dépend du candidat qui gagnera les élections - soit McCain soit Obama. Mais il n'importe pas qui gagnera, une chose est sûr, le secteur financier sera plus contrôlé.

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Financials, CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom

Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Kontrola na finansiskiot sektor
by kristina leskova

Planot za spasuvanje beše uspešno donesen od strana na administracijata na Dzordz Buš, kako i od samiot nego.Vladata obezbedi 700 bilioni dolari da se otkupat dolgovite od bankite i drugite institucii. Ova treba da pomogne da se potkrepne finansiskata kriza. Ovoj plan beše poddržan od strana na 263 pretstavnici i 171 bea protiv. Depresijata isto taka ja zagrozi i evorpskata ekonomija. Nikoj ne znae kolkav e rizikot koj visi vo ovaa kriza. Ako prodolži može da se zakani i na proizvodstvoto i uslugite. Hipotekarnite krizi vo Amerika traat poveke od edna godina, no sam pred nekolku nedeli predizvikaa seriozni šteti. Nekoi od najgolemite banki bankrotiraa kako Liman Brakata i Wašington Mutual. Najgolemata osiguritelna kompanija dobi od vladata 85 milioni dolari i tie go spasija AIG od bankrot. Drugi banki bea nacionalizirani. Planot za spasuvanje planira da otpuška pari vo sekvenci, od koi 250 bilioni dolari treba da bidat pušteni vednaš. Prihodite na finansiskite menadzeri se ograničeni i visoka kompenzacija na pari e zabraneta. Edna od pričinite za finansiskite krizi e nesposobnosta da se isplatat hipotekite. Planot za spasuvanje treba da gi osposobi lugeto da obezbedat pogodni plakanja.
Sé uÅ¡te stoi otvoreno praÅ¡anjeto Å¡to ke se sluči so Fannie Mae i Freddie Mac. Ovie hipotekarni giganti bea prezemeni od vladata po ogromnite zagubi. Vladata saka da go poddrži i pazarot so nedvižnosti no druga rabota e da se obezbedi i maksimalen profit na akcionerite. Kako ke prodolži planot zavisi od toa koj ke pobedi na izborite - MekKein i Obama. No ne e bitno koj ke pobedi, edno e sigurno, finansiskata industrija ke bide poveke pod kontrola.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Credit Crisis – Volume 1
by Milota Sidorova

Wall Street remains the old hysterical man. Well for an ordinary watcher, there’s a reason to be. Dow Jones has torn the record. In five merchant days it has declined from 14,163.53 below 10,000 finishing at 9,497.11. Literally it’s been more than 500 points in a single day and 875 points in 48 hours. Well, except of dementia panic, one of the key decline generators was surely 3Q financial report of Bank of America, Corp., declared as one of the survivors and giant monopoly in crunching economy just 24 hours ago. In fact, they reported loss of 68 percent with the immediate response of 26 percent stock decline down to $23.77 per share on Tuesday. The second, however more a rumour kind of information shaked the investors calling for more explicit FED’s steps. Japanese Mitsubitshi UFJ Financial Group was probably thinking of pulling out of a deal that would assure it almost 24.9 percent share at Morgan Stanley, actually one of the ‘real survivors’ on American market.

As for light crude, it has been steeping $2.25 settling at $90.06 per barrel on New York Mercantile Exchange yesterday.
As for FED, it has proposed detail manual on $900 billion amount on short term loans. Banks will be free to get a federal loan via auctions. FED has also declared the timeschedule. Ben Bernanke also showed us emotional package suggesting the economy was slowing considerably and credit markets were deteriorating rapidly. Thanks for letting us know, Mr.Bernanke.
Surely it would be better to focus more on the real problem. As for Wall Street, more than 2800 stocks dropped compared to fewer than 400 advancing. The European markets have been volatile and as far as one know they are expected to remain volatile next months. The main Iceland bank Icesave has frozen whole bank operations leaving its clients without barely access to their money. Japan Nikkei closed on 3.03 percent drop.
There’s been some good news coming from Australia last days. Reserve Banks of Australia has cut of full percentage rate pumping up the majority of Asian markets. Though, we still don’t know whether FED gets inspire to follow the strategy. Japan has already dropped this idea.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Iceland on the edge of collapse
by Martina Janeckova

Iceland is on the verge of becoming the first “national bankruptcy” of the global financial crisis. Although it is a small country, Iceland has impressive international reach because of an outsized banking sector investing hugely over the European continent. One of Iceland’s biggest companies, retailing investment group Baugur, owns or has stakes in many European retailing companies including the famous toy store Hamley’s. But now the Iceland’s financial system is collapsing and the country’s top four banks hold foreign liabilities of more than $100 billion. Government has already nationalized the Landsbanki bank under the emergency laws enacted to deal with the crisis. The share trading of Kaupthing, Iceland’s largest bank was suspended last week. The national currency, krona, is falling and on Tuesday Oct. 7 the Central Bank of Iceland fixed the exchange rate of the currency at a level equal to 131 krona against the euro. Last year, Iceland won the U.N.'s "best country to live in" poll, with its residents considered to be the most contented in the world. Now the café’s are half-empty, real estate agents have nothing to do and retailers report few sales. Retiree Helga Jonsdottir said “I’m really starting to get worried now. Everything is bad news. I don’t know what’s happening.” Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde criticized the lack of Europe-wide response to the crisis, saying Iceland had been forced to adopt an “every-country-for-itself” mentality. He admitted that Iceland’s financial reputation was likely to suffer from both the crisis and the response despite strong fundamentals such as the fishing industry and clean and renewable energy sources. He added that the banks had been “victims of external circumstances.”
by Martina Janeckova
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Fed i pomaga na amerikanskata ekonomija da zaživee povtorno
by Beata Novomeska

Ima golemi problemi vo amerikanskata ekonomska situacija. Najlošata sostojba e zabeležana od 2003 godina. Fed započnaa da gi otkupuvaat kratkoročnite dolgovi od nekoi kompanii. Situacijata ne e dobra, no postoi veruvanje deka ke bide podobra. Bankata za federalni rezervi od Nju Jork započna da zajmi pari na nefinansiski kompanii i da kupuva golemi količini od hartija. Pred toa, Fed im pozajmuvaa pari samo na bankite, no sega e potrebno da pozajmuvaat na drugi kompanii zatoa što kako što izjavi pretsedavačot na federalnite rezervi Ben Bernank "Izgledite za ekonomski rastež se vlošija."
Toj misli deka periodot od slabi ekonomski performansi ke se prolongira poradi povišeniot finansiski metež. Fed ke započne na 28 oktomvri povtorno. Manifestaciite od ekonomskite krizi možeme da gi vidime i na Wall Street isto taka. Dow Jones industrijalcite izgubija 508 poeni, poveke od 5%, najmaliot od 30ti septemvri 2003 godina. Pretsedatelot Buš isto taka reagiraše. Toj reče deka potrebno e da se ima vera i ekonomijata ke se podobri so tekot na vremeto. Toj bi sakal da napravi nešto no nema da funkcionira, zatoa što toj nema nikakvo vlijanie na toa. Lugeto mora da čekaat i ke ima nekoi dogovori koi ke funkcioniraat.
Zarazata se raširi i preku okeanot. Britanskata vlada gi ima problemite isto taka. Britanskata vlada beše prinudena da objavi plan za spasuvanje za bankarskite sistemi tamu.
Oddelot za finansii ke obezbedi pari vo Federalnata banka za rezervi vo Nju Jork da ja poddržat novata programa, izjavi Fed. Tie izjavija deka prekinale da kupuvaat kratkotrajni dolgovi na 30 april no možno e deka programata ke bide prodolžena.
Zatoa može da se nadevame deka ke i pomogne na amerikanskata ekonomija i deka ke bide podobro so tekot na vremeto.

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by Beata Novomeska
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translated by Zivka Deleva

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Island na rabot na kolaps
by Martina Janeckova

Island e na rabot da se sooči so prviot "nacionalen bankrot" od svetskata finansiska kriza. I pokraj toa što e mala država, Island ima impresiven megunaroden doseg poradi pregolemiot bankarski sektor koj na golemo investira na Evropskiot kontinent. Edna od najgolemite kompanii vo Island, investicionata grupa Bogu,poseduva ili ima udel vo mnogu evropski slični ili isti kompanii kako i samata vklučuvajki ja i poznatata prodavnica za igrački Hamli. No sega islandskiot finansiski sistem kolabira i najgolemite četiri banki vo državata imaat odgovornost sprema stranski banki poveke od 100 bilioni dolari. Vladata veke ja nacionaliziraše Landsbanki bankata vo soglasnost so zakonite doneseni so cel da se spravat so krizite. Centartot za trguvanje so akcii Kopting, najgolemata banka vo Island beše suspendirana minatata nedela. Nacionalnata valuta, krona, paga a vo vtornikot na sedmi oktomvri Centralnata banka na Island ja utvrdi stapkata na razmena na valutata na ednakvo nivo na 131 krona nasproti evroto. Minatata godina, Island pobedi vo anketata sprovedena vo SAD kako "najdobrata država da se živee vo nea", so nejzinite žiteli kako najzadovolni vo svetot. Sega kafeteriite se polu prazni, agentite za nedvižnini nemaat što da rabotat i preprodavačite zabeležale sé pomala i pomala prodažba. Penzionerkata Helga Jonsdotir izjavi: "Navistina počnuvam da se zagrižuvam sega. Sé e loša vest. Ne znam što se slučuva." Premierot Gir H. Haard go kritikuvaše maliot odgovor na Evropa kon krizata, velejki deka Island e prinuden da usvoi edna "sekoja država sama za sebe" mentalitetot. Toj prizna deka finansiskata reputacija na Island ke pretrpela kako i od krizata kako i od odgovorot i pokraj silnite fundametalnosti kako što e ribarskata industrija i čistite i obnovlivi energetski izvori. Toj dodade deka bankite se "žrtvi na nadvorešni uslovi."
by Martina Janeckova
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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Evropski krizi
by Claudia Sonea

Ekonomskata kriza se proširi od SAD vo Evropa, no toa se stari vesti. Kako i da e, različno e no vo isto vreme alarmantno zatoa što Evropslata unija e stavena vo prašalnici za postoenje ili neodgovornost. Dosega merkite bea prezemani nezavisno od strana na samite državi, no ne pomalku ekonomisite ukažaa deka ako akcijata ne e nuklearna, integritetot i doverbata ke bidat izgubeni i ke bide mnogu teško da se povratat nazad.
Kako što možete da znaete mnogu dobro edinstveniot blok e pod zakana so podelba na dve poradi razlikata vo mislenjata vo smisol na prakanje na voeni ili civilni sili vo Afganistan, kreiranjeto na zaednički ustav, faktot deka ne site državi go koristat evroto kako valuta i deka nema sloboden premin vo site državi členki. Ako ne deluvaat edinstveno vo smisol na ekonomskite krizi, toa ke bide samo ušte edna greška vo konsolidiranjeto na unijata.
Vo vtornikot vo Luksemburg ministrite za finansii na EU se sobraa i se soglasija da go zgolemat minimalniot bankarski depozit na 50000 evra (polovina od toa što Francija go baraše). Isto taka unilateralni odluki bea doneseni od strana na Germaniija, Island, Danska i Irska. Češkiot minister za finansii Miroslav Kalousek se sprotivstavuva na 100% garancii, no toa samo go otkriva negoviot ekskomunistički mentalitet odbiven na vladinata intervencija.Velika Britanija i Germanija kreiraa planovi za spasuvanje pokažuvajki ušte ednaš deka moknite se držat zaedno.
Za bilo koj običen čovek kako mene, ima edno ednostavno prašanje koe gi mači našite obični životi: Koja e celta na EU? Ništo ne e napraveno da se kreira unijata, tuku da se zadovolat potrebite na nekoi državi. Ako tie ne ja ostavat nivnata nacionalnost nastrana i vidat deka site nie sme samo luge, unijata nema nikakva šansa. Zemete primer od kosmopolitite ili duri od SAD, ako sakate da preživeete.

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Chris Cantell Discusses Financials: Finansiskata kriza se zakanuva na planot za penzioniranje na amerikancite
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Pogolemiot del od rabotnata populacija vo SAD gleda kako nivnite idni planovi za penzioniranje postepeno isčeznuvaat pred nivnite oči. Finansiskata kriza gi pogodi silno penzionerskite štedni smetki i fondovi, koi kako što beše objaveno izgubile okolu 2 trilioni dolari vo minatata godina i nešto. Okolu 10% bile izgubeni vo poslednite tri meseci. Spored Piter Orsah, glavniot na Kongresionalnata Budzetarksa kancelarija, mnogu rabotnici ke bidat prisileni da gi odložat svoite penzioniranja poradi toa što vrednosta na nivnite penzionerski zaštedi se namalila. Na primer Denis Edvards, na vozrast od 62 godini, znae deka taa ke treba da raboti ušte najmalku 10 godini prodavajki stanovi kako i dosega. "Ednostavno mora da rabotime kolku što e možno podolgo. I ke mora da smetame na našite (dve) kerki," izjavi g-ga Edvards koja živee vo Vašington. "Za razlika od izvršnite lica na Wall Street, amerikanskite familii nemaat zlaten padobran na koj možat da se potprat," izjavi republikanecot Dzordz Miler, pretsedavačot vo Komitetot za Obrazovanie i Rabota. "Jasno e deka nivnata penzionerska sigurnost može da bide edna od najgolemite nevolji na ovaa finansiska kriza." Koga stanuva zbor za investiciite na pazarot nivnite investicii padnaa skoro za 24% sporedeno so situacijata od minatata godina, no najlošata rabota e deka im silni ubeduvanja deka nema stane podobro naskoro. Za mnogu amerikanci rešenieto e da se drži linijata podolga otkolku što očekuvaa. Nekoi od niv se penzioniraa no bea prinudeni da najdat rabota povtorno. Isto taka postoi strav pomegu ekspertite deka lugeto ke reagiraat nesoodvetno na lošite vesti i ke počnat da povlekuvaat pari od nivnite smetki. No takov čekor može da dovede do ušte pogolemi zagubi. Spored Dzeri Bramlet, glavniot na BenefitStreet Inc. planot za penzioniranje e eden od načinite za lugeto da "planiraat na pomalku riskantni investicii."

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Financials, CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom